Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2178: High Witch City

Chapter 2178 Sea Witch City

From these aliens, some simple information about the war-fighting continent was obtained. Shi Feng and Jian Tong moved in shape and flew north.

The black figure gradually disappeared into the sight of the aliens. After completely disappearing, the warrior of the rock demon tribe, on the face of the black rock beast, grinned suddenly, revealing an evil smile, smiling:

"Human race, you threatened me and waited, everything, this general told you truthfully, except for the sea witch! Then, it's not a weak race!"

"Oh, if the Sea Witch is weak, how can it exist in the center of our eight races! If we break out at the border, how could we enter the ancient battlefield of this day if we were not afraid of this Sea Witch!"

Dongyue Divine Land, according to legend, there is a very mysterious rare race called the Haiwu tribe!

Not only mysterious, but rumors are also very powerful, but in general, they live an indisputable life and rarely have any disputes with other races.

The races of Dongyue Dizhou know that this race is not easy to provoke, there have been racial provocations, and even suffered a big loss, but now, there is no race in Dongyue Dizhou to provoke him.

It is said that this ethnic group lived in the sea in ancient times, but before endless years, due to some changes, they migrated from the sea to Dongyue Shenzhou.

The warrior of the Rock Demon happened to know something about the migration of the Haiwu tribe by accident. It is said that before the endless years, a large number of human races appeared in the sea where the sea tribe lived.

These people may have any resentment against this sea witch clan, but what kind of resentment or whether there is any resentment is not clear to him.

And he knew that after the people entered the sea, they would kill the sea witches at the first sight. Regardless of whether they were young or old, or women and children, as long as they were sea witches, those who were strong would kill them mercilessly.

Those races are very strong, so powerful as those mysterious sea witch races, no "human" can stop them.

On that day, blood reddened the surface of the sea, and a sea witch corpse floated densely on the sea.

However, there were also some Sea Witch clan who did not know what secret law or secret passage they had adopted. They survived that massacre and eventually sneaked into Dongyue Shenzhou.

Then countless years passed, and those sea witches multiplied and took root in Dongyue Divine Land. Since then, Dongyue Divine land has added this race. Later, this sea witch tribe in Dongyue Divine Land with their powerful talents and strength. Gradually became famous, making people dare not underestimate.

At that time, there were still human races in Dongyue Divine Land. It is said that the reason why the human races were expelled from Dongyue Divine Land by the people was a conspiracy of the sea witch tribe.

Although the endless years have passed, the hatred between the sea witch and the human race has never been forgotten. For the sea witch, this is a deep sea of ​​blood that can never be forgotten.


When Shi Feng and Jian Tong left the ancient battlefield on this day from the space altar, night had already fallen.

Then, they continued to fly north. Soon after, an ancient big city appeared in their sight.

From that ancient big city, Shi Feng felt an extremely strong water energy vitality. It seems that there is a large water gathering array in this city.

This city must be the Sea Witch City!

Then, their bodies swooped down and rushed towards the ancient city. Soon after, they fell into the gate of the city.

Although it is late at night, the gates of the Haiwu tribe are still open, and there are not a few aliens coming and going in the city, which is very lively.

Here, Shi Feng saw the Rock Demon and the Leigu, and even some strange races that she had never seen before, but there were no human races.

When Shi Feng entered Haiwu City, all kinds of strange eyes looked at him.

It is too rare to see human races in Dongyue Shenzhou, especially this sea witch city.

Facing those strange eyes, Shi Feng didn't bother to pay attention and walked all the way to the city.

According to Nayan Demon Clan, there is also a large space teleportation array in Sea Witch City, but in the southwest direction, when Shi Feng went to the southwest direction, the power of the soul had swept out, scanning the alien city.

The structure of this ancient city is very different from the human city that has been seen before. It has an inexplicable exotic feeling.

In this city, all races are gathered here. The city is very lively, and there are many people selling goods like human dealers. The things used in the exchange are also Yuanshi.

Yuanshi is a stone of pure vitality, so it is universal in any world and various races.

As a human race, Shi Feng is the focus of attention everywhere in Haiwu City.

Before a shop, on a plaque, a twisted line of text reflected in Shi Feng's eyes. From this twisted text, Shi Feng quickly understood. These four characters are exactly "sea witch shops" !!

Later, Shi Feng entered the sea witch shop with Jian Tong, but when he was about to enter, he was stopped by a chubby, green, and strangely strange alien.

However, the alien spoke kindly, and said to Shi Feng: "This tribe, you still don't want to enter us, you still don't embarrass us."

"Huh? Difficult? Why do you say that?" Shi Feng frowned when she heard the words of this alien, she asked puzzledly.

The alien looked carefully to the left and right and said to Shi Feng, "This is the Sea Witch City, the land of the Sea Witch! The Sea Witch is the one that hates you most.

If you have n’t been discovered by the Sea Witches, leave the Sea Witch City as soon as possible. As for my shop, you still do n’t need to enter. "

Then, this chubby alien shook his hand at Shi Feng, pretending to be impatient, and said to Shi Feng: "Hurry up, we are here, we do not welcome you!"

As he said these words, he secretly replied to Shi Feng: "Please, please go! Let's go!"

I have to say that although this is an alien, it really does become a "human"!

Much like the savvy businessmen of Terran!

Hearing his words, Shi Feng's brows grew deeper and deeper, but he did not embarrass the alien and quit the shop.

However, although she withdrew, Shi Feng said to Jian Tong: "Go into this shop and see if there is a map of the God War Continent I need."

"Okay, dear!" Jian Tong responded, and walked directly to this sea witch shop following his figure.

At this time, Shi Feng also found that when walking in this sea witch city, all kinds of strange eyes looked at themselves, and all the aliens consciously avoided themselves and kept a distance from themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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