Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1538: Can't say anything wrong

Chapter 1538: No More Mistakes

The underground palace of the Emperor Tianlan Emperor's Palace continued to exclaim.

These bursts of exclamation all came from Shi Feng's right hand becoming a sword finger, making a slight stroke on the ground in front of his feet.

Shi Feng left his martial arts sword intention, but there was his martial arts perception in the sword intention!

Shi Feng still looked up, staring coldly at the four old antiques on the golden dragon pillar. The sword pointed at the sword mark on the ground, and said coldly, "Ben Shao traded you for this martial art sword. Can the Arashi ’s martial arts tower? "

After hearing Shi Feng's words, four old antiques with old faces showing excitement and excitement, realized that they were in a state of malady, and gradually recovered calmness and seriousness.

"Ah!" At that moment, the old antique that was too old to sigh again and again, the old face like the bark of the old face was embarrassed again, saying:

"The Budo Sky Tower was left by my Emperor Gaozu of the Tianlan Empire. It stands to reason ..."

When this old antique talked about this, Shi Feng immediately spoke again, interrupting his continued words. Shi Feng said, "If it doesn't work, let's forget it!"

Speaking of this time, Shi Feng immediately splayed with five fingers on her right hand, and touched the sword mark on the ground in front of her feet.

"Do not!"


"Oh no!"


At this moment, the old faces of the four old antiques changed again and again, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something extremely reluctant and terrifying.

And that martial arts sword mark was finally wiped off under the light touch of Shi Feng.




For a time, the four old antiques were a little speechless.

At this moment, when the other three old antiques looked at that oldest antique, there was some gloom in their eyes.

Because of him, that martial art sword mark was erased in this way.

At this time, the oldest old antique was a little embarrassed in his face. Although he still said that this martial arts tower was left by Gaozu, he next said:

Since the martial arts tower is very useful for the horses, the horses are now a family ...

The words behind him were deliberately exchanged with the martial arts tower and that sword mark, but who knows that this evil evil character is so impatient, before he finished speaking, he wiped that martial sword mark.

The martial arts tower, although it was left by Gaozu, is very important to their Lan family. They can use this martial arts tower to continuously cultivate the Lanjia Tianjiao for generations.

But in fact, the Budo Tower is useless for their four old antiques!

Many years ago, they had already entered the Budo Sky Tower, and they failed to challenge in the Budo Sky Tower and were no longer eligible for re-entry.

But the martial arts sword meaning just now is completely different. As long as they continue to sense the martial arts sword meaning, I believe that it won't be long before they can break through the realm that has not been able to break through for many years!

At their age, if they can no longer break through the later realm, then Shou Yuan will have to wait for his death.

Especially the old antique that is too old to live for so long, he is more clear in his heart, if in a few years if he can no longer enter the realm of Emperor Wu, then he obediently lie in the coffin.

And if he can enter the realm of Emperor Wudi, he will be flying into the sky, and Shou Yuan will be extended!

The power of Emperor Wudi is even more powerful since his nightmare!

For many nights, he dreamed that he had successfully stepped into Wudi's realm and woke up with a smile. After waking up, he sighed with regret, it was just a dream.


The martial arts tower and the martial arts sword mark, the most important, the martial arts tower can cultivate genius, and this martial arts sword not only can cultivate genius, but it can cultivate a true peerless power!

Can cultivate the strongest in the world of peerless Emperor Wudi!

"Kheke! Keke! Kekeke!" At this time, the oldest old antique had an embarrassing look on his old face and a light cough.

At this time, Shi Feng no longer cares about the four old antiques on the Jinlong pillar, but instead turns to look at Lan Ling and Lan Guang, calmly saying, "Let's go!"


Hearing Shi Feng's words, Lang Ye and Lan Guang both hesitated for a while, then looked at the four old antiques on the golden dragon pillar.

For the Qianqiu industry of their Lan family, they naturally think that for the sake of that martial arts sword, the martial arts tower can be completely abandoned.

Looking at Lan Ling and Lan Guang, Shi Feng sneered, but her brows frowned again, and she asked them puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

"Horse, please stay." At this time, under the eyes of resentment, the oldest old antique was finally thick-skinned and then spoke again.

No way, who made him agree directly and unhappyly, and what Gaozu emperor was pulled out. On top of his old face, he was still in distress, completely self-sustaining!

Hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng looked up again, still frowning, and said impatiently: "Old man, what happened to you?"

"I ..." The old antique wanted to say something more, but immediately saw the impatient look on Shi Feng's face getting more and more, and then he hurried to speak again, saying, "Horse horse, I am willing to use the martial arts tower to change Your martial arts sword! "

After saying this, the old antique breathed a sigh of relief.

The other people of the Lan family who were present also slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

This old thing, there are no other things to say, but just to say what you want to say.

But immediately following, the six people of the Lan family present were still and calm, holding their breath and gazing at the evil spirit.

At this moment, their hearts suddenly felt a sense of tension, especially the four old antiques, their heartbeats accelerated a bit.

The meaning of that martial arts sword is not only about their future combat power, but also their life span!

The longer a person lives, the more he wants to continue living.

"Oh!" At this moment, when he heard the words of the old antique, Shi Feng said "Oh" indifferently.

At this moment, Shi Feng seemed very calm, and he didn't panic and slowly spoke, saying, "Although the Budo Tower is a bit important for Ben Shao, but this is something passed down by your ancestors. Ben Shao thought. After that, it is not good to exchange such a precious thing with such a broken sword mark. Ben Shao's conscience is a little disturbed. "

"No, no!" Four old antiques quickly shook their heads at the words of Shi Feng.

In the end, the oldest old antique opened his mouth, and his old face was full of flattering smiles, saying, "I'll be very happy to exchange!"

Just after the old antique voice fell, the other three old antiques nodded quickly and said, "Well, there is nothing wrong! We are also very happy to exchange."

(End of this chapter)

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