Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1097: Prince of flame

Chapter 1097: Flame God

Strange to say, since the four giant snakes destroyed the fire giant, this world of fire monsters seems to have disappeared strangely.

Several people from Shi Feng have explored in this world of flames for just three hours.

In these three hours, let alone Shi Feng's deliberately searched monster of Samsung Demigod, even a mob never encountered it again.

The power of Shi Feng's soul spreading in all directions could not sense a flame monster.

"What the **** is going on here? There were monsters everywhere, but at this moment they were all gone!" Shi Feng murmured in doubt.

"It's weird indeed!" The Heipaoren followed at the same time.

Seeing what she looked like at the moment, her eyes hidden in the black hat seemed to be patrolling, and she was feeling in all directions.

At this moment, this place of flames had suddenly become extremely quiet, and it was a little unusually quiet, which made people panic.

"When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Let's be careful and be prepared to deal with the dangerous danger that may come at any time!" Shi Feng said, telling the black robe man and the fire.

"Yeah!" Heipaoren nodded at the same time as Huo Yu, and answered.

At this moment, even the fiery desire of the Samsung Demigod Realm is dignified.

Even if it is a powerful monster, if you can see it, you can still let people know how to do it, and you have a heart to deal with it.

However, this kind of unknown danger that cannot be seen or touched, and may appear suddenly at any time, is the most difficult to guard against, and it can be said that it is invincible.

All the dense flame monsters disappeared for a while, it was really weird.

It was as if a huge mouth opened invisible and devoured all those flame monsters.

The four-headed serpent, with stone maple, black robes, and craving, continued to swiftly shuttle in this world of flames.

For a while, a few people who were alert to Shi Feng did not speak again. In this hot world, the atmosphere felt extremely depressed.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a strange scream like a frog suddenly sounded from a distance in front of several people in Shi Feng.

But this sound sounded like the unknown mysterious creature making a painful sound!

"Let's go and see!" Shi Feng said.

Just as Shi Feng's words fell, he followed, and the huge snake body of the four snakes under him flashed rapidly, moving in the void faster than before.



"Lord of Flames, I will bring my son back to the land of my god. Will you stop me?"

In a land of equally flaming flames, in the void, a giant frog covered with gold scales and glittering like a mountain was suspended like a hill.

And on the back of the golden giant frog stood a gleaming silver figure, sounding a strong rage of middle-aged men.

In front of the golden giant frog and the silver figure, there is a crack about three feet long in the air, like a slender glass crack.

A cold-faced man wearing a fierce flame armor and holding a flaming sword, stood in front of the crack, exuding an extremely powerful and hot breath.

The momentum billowed, like the flame of war!

If Shi Feng were here, he would surely recognize that the man standing proudly on the giant golden frog was the girl of the python dragon family, Xiaomi!

At this moment, Xiaomi was still covered with silver scales all over his body, ignoring the man in front of him who was called the Lord of Flames.

"Go!" After hearing Xiaomi's words, the Flame Lord sang a cold drink, and the flames of the flames in his hands flared, facing the millet and the golden giant frog in front, a sword suddenly chopped down.

The fierce raging sea of ​​fire was chopped out by the flame god, swept in the void, swept towards the golden giant frog and millet.

"Okay, Lord of Flames! This enemy has already been written down! The day when my Protoss army enters your low-level continent, this God will definitely come to you to settle accounts!"

In the face of the raging sea of ​​fire, Xiaomi's face was fierce, and he still uttered the voice of the middle-aged man, yelling loudly.

And at this moment, the golden giant frog under her shone with extremely strong golden light, opened her mouth wide, and spewed a majestic golden ocean wave, rushing towards the flame that swept up.

"This! It's so powerful!" And in the distant void, a huge figure flickered, and a four-headed serpent arrived, suddenly stunned in the void.

On the four-headed serpent, Shi Feng, Heipaoren, and fire looked at the battlefield ahead, and looked at the blazing flames and golden waves, exclaiming involuntarily.

Although the **** of fire is also the power of cultivating flames, and the blazing flames erupted when attacked, the flames erupted by him as the Samsung God are not comparable to the power of a sword cut by the flame god.

Comparing him with Hong Tao by using water drops!

Under the flames of the Flame Lord's sword, several people in Shifeng would not have any doubt. If a Martian jumped over, all three of them and the four-headed snake under them could be instantly killed.

This flame prince can be said to be the most powerful creature Shi Feng has ever seen in his life. The sword he chopped is the strongest blow that Shi Feng has ever seen!

"What ... what level of power is this? Is this power the true power of the legend?"

Staring at the raging flames, Shi Feng exclaimed in shock.

Soon, the raging flames rushed forward, and the same fierce golden waves crashed into them.

Although the golden giant frog also exuded a powerful momentum, but compared to that flame lord, it was still far behind.

The raging flames immediately swallowed the golden wave of fire, and continued to sweep towards the golden giant frog.

At this time, Shi Feng found the petite figure standing proudly on the golden giant frog and exclaimed again: "It turned out to be her!"

Apparently, Shi Feng recognized that person was Xiaomi, a python dragon girl.

Just when Shi Feng's exclaimed sound just sounded, the fire beside him immediately issued an exclaiming exactly like Shi Feng: "It turned out to be him!"

"Huh? Who do you know?" After hearing the fiery exclaim, Shi Feng turned curious and turned to ask him.

But then, Shi Feng remembered that Huoyu had told himself before. He had seen a powerful man wearing a flame armor at the entrance of this second floor.

"It must be that person!" Shi Feng turned back to look at the Lord of the Flames and murmured softly.

"The person I met at the entrance a few days ago is this person!" Huoyu said.

However, when Huoyu saw this Huoyujun this time, his face was full of hatred!

It's him! It's all this guy! If he hadn't scared himself away at the entrance of the cave, how could he have been where he is now!

Maybe I already have several flame **** stones now!

The raging flames swallowed the golden giant wave, and in a short time came to the front of the golden giant frog and that millet. Such a powerful flame, even if it drowned the frog alone!

(End of this chapter)

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