Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1070: Silver scales covering the whole body

Chapter 1070: Silver Scales Covering the Whole Body

"Ah!" The roaring violent, like a beast, resounded through the entire Python Dragon tribe.

An extremely strong breath, like a strong wind, swept across the entire Manglong tribe.

Among the python dragons, a man ran out of the stone house in panic. That breath has changed the face of any one of the python dragons.

In the void, a white figure flickered, and it was the python chief of the python dragon clan with long snow-colored hair.

The mandarin duck stood proudly in the void, bowed its head slightly, and stared in the direction of the roar and the strong north direction, with a solemn look.

"It's really in the edge area, it's so strong! There, what kind of monster has attacked my Manacosaurus tribe?" Boa whispered softly.

At that moment, the roar that rang through the entire python dragon family was not a human voice at all, like the roar of a wild beast. I did not expect that this was actually issued by a "human".

Immediately afterwards, among the python dragon tribe, dense and dense figures also shot from the ground into the void, "Clan leader, what kind of monster is it? How strong!"

"Our python dragons, how can we attract such powerful monsters!"

"No matter what monster it is! Now that we have entered our python dragon territory, we must go over to see it, drive this monster out, and return our python dragon family to peace."

One by one, the python dragon warriors said, saying.

The python head of the python dragon tribe, his face is still an extremely dignified color, his gaze is still staring to the north, and then he speaks in a loud voice and yells, "Every python dragon tribe warrior comes with his patriarch to see.

Just as the python patriarch cries, the crowd yells in unison: "Yes!"

Immediately afterwards, a famous python dragon warrior in the void followed the patriarch python and hurried to the north.

The crowd here quickly broke into the north, and in the north direction, a warrior of the python dragon family burst into the air.

These flying people are all Manglong people living in the north direction, and one of them is the three leaders of Manglong people, Manggang!

"Do you guys know, what is it that violates my python dragon clan?" When they saw them, the pythons burst into a hollow body and asked them suddenly.

The pythons stopped, and other python dragon warriors also stopped.

"I don't know!"

"do not know!"

"I don't know, Lord Patriarch!" Replied one by one.

At this moment, the python dragon triad leader Gang just said, saying, "Master, clan, the breath is so strong, we dare not approach!"

After listening to Manggang's words, Mangbo nodded slightly. Boa just said the same thing, even the breath is extremely daunting, not to mention that they have not reached the state of demigod at all.

If that monster shoots, I am afraid that killing them is like killing ants.

"You are all behind me, go!" Mana yelled once again at the warriors of the Mana Dragons, and all the Mana Dragons continued to break north.


In the territory of the Manacaus, the tallest and largest stone tower that resembles a giant, a faint black shadow slowly emerges, condensing into a body covered in a black robe.

This figure of the black robe is precisely in this great wasteland, the evil mountain witch tribe that made all kinds of tribes dread the wind and fear-the messenger of the black robe.

As soon as the Heipao appeared, she followed, and beside her was a flashing figure, which was exactly the stone maple that had come out of the python's house.

Looking to the north with the Heipao people, Shi Feng asked her, "What happened over there?"

He had just come out of the secret room and had no idea what was happening in this area of ​​python dragon clan at the moment, and it was because of him.

"Not quite sure!" The man in black robe responded softly with the voice of the old hoarse old man.

Then, the man in black robe said again, "In that direction, a powerful breath suddenly swept away. Perhaps there was a powerful and mysterious beast suddenly awakened."

"Let's go and see too." Shi Feng said again, and said to the Heipao people.

"Yeah!" Heipaoren nodded, followed her figure, and like a black mist, gradually disappeared into the void.

Shi Feng's figure flickered, and flickered towards the north.


"Oh!" Xiaomi with a twisted face in the stone house still screamed like a beast.

In this stone house, the most powerful and suffocating breath was the most. The patriarch's daughter, Shan Shan, was replaced by her entire body, slumped on the ground not far away. , Looking with horror at Xiaomi, not far away, which is completely different from the past.

This woman, who was originally a lowly woman in her eyes, did not expect to be angry at the moment, but it was so horrible.

Immediately after, Mi Shan saw with more horror that Xiaomi's eyes suddenly flashed two strange silver rays. Immediately, a dense layer of silvery white scales grew from Xiaomi's face, and then Spreading rapidly towards her neck.

The roaring like a beast had stopped at this moment, but the once-moderate and kind-hearted python dragon tribe girl suddenly changed dramatically at this moment. The big changes are so cold-faced, like a divine inviolability.

"I found it, my son! My son was left in this world!" Just then, Xiaomi said to himself. But at this moment her voice turned out to be a full-bodied middle-aged man's voice.

This form is like being given away by someone.

Then, Xiaomi's face slowly lowered, shining with two silver-eyed eyes, glaring at the slumped sloppy ground, and coldly speaking, "It is your humble creature, how dare you want me Life! "

Xiaomi spoke and said the voice of the middle-aged man who was full of vitality. When he said it, the right hand, also covered with silver scales, pointed at Wu Shan.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Shan only felt that her body had been shrouded by an invisible and powerful force, as if the entire person was firmly held by an invisible large hand.

"Uh!" A painful yell, exhaled from Lu Shan's mouth.

"Dead!" Xiaomi sighed coldly, and his right hand suddenly shook.

"Ah!" A scream of painful yelling, shouted from Lu Shan's mouth, she already felt that the invisible big hand holding her tender body, had already squeezed hard, to crush her whole bones.

But at this time, a burst of anger rang out loudly: "Who the **** are you! How dare you be so mad at the Manglong family and dare to hurt my mangling daughter."

When the sound of rage rang, Wu Shan felt that his body suddenly became completely light, and the powerful force that almost crushed himself disappeared.

Later, a beautiful figure flickered beside Lu Shan's body, and a powerful white figure appeared. It was her father, the mandarin python of the python dragon tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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