Kakuzu said coldly:"If you want to know how old I am, it's simple, just bring me the money. I'll tell you everything you want to know!"

"Hey hey! Hidan said dissatisfied:"Isn't all the money we made already with you?"!"

"This is not yours!"Kakuzu curled his lips and continued walking in the forest.

The Kingdom of Rain.

Lightning and thunder, and light rain.

Inside the tower.

Nagato looked shocked and said:"This man is the legendary first Hokage of Konoha....The person who is as famous as Uchiha Madara? Xiaonan

's face was also full of disbelief, and she said:"His power is too exaggerated!" The name of the God of Ninja is really not false...but……"

Konan frowned and looked at Nagato. She asked slowly:"Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are lifelong enemies. To be able to be enemies with someone like the First Hokage, Uchiha Madara should be very strong." Is it an exaggeration?"

Nagato nodded and said:"Of course, with Senju Hashirama's fighting power in the video, if he is not also strong enough, how could he be worthy of being his old enemy."

Uzumaki Nagato always thought that I am very strong.

However, under the education of several recent videos.

He is no longer so arrogant.

After all, there are some forces that even he cannot resist.

Even a junior who is just starting out in the future can take him down.

What can he be too proud of!

Konan frowned and said:"But, I think that although Madara is very mysterious, he doesn't seem to be as scary as Senju Hashirama in the video."

Nagato's eyes flashed and he said slowly:"This guy always wears a mask. He has never shown his true face. Whether he is Madara or not, we can only judge from his words, but no matter whether he is Madara or not, we just need to cooperate with him." The masked man came to them a long time ago.

Later, this guy also continued to communicate and cooperate with them as Uchiha Madara.

Uzumaki Nagato and Konan actually didn't have any doubts.

Although Uchiha Madara should have died a long time ago, after all, he was such a long time ago.

However, according to legend, this guy is extremely powerful, so there may be some way to maintain his lifespan.

From Nagato's point of view, in order to realize his dream, it doesn't matter even if he cooperates with such a dangerous person.

Uchiha Madara did help a lot in helping the Akatsuki organization recruit powerful members. only.

Today's video suddenly exposed Senju Hashirama's strength.

Anyone who can compete with Senju Hashirama will definitely not be a 063 weakling!

Although Uchiha Madara, who always wears a mask, is also very powerful, he often appears and disappears.

But it should not reach the outrageous level of Senju Hashirama.

Although Nagato had never actually fought against the masked man, he had done some simple testing.

The masked man is not weak, but he is definitely not powerful enough to crush him.

Comparing this level with Senju Hashirama in the video, one has to question his Uchiha Madara.

"Then let's go next……"

Nagato waved his hand and said,"Whether he is Uchiha Madara or not, it has nothing to do with us. We just have to do what we have to do."

Konan nodded and said,"I understand."

Because Senju Hashirama of great strength.

The entire ninja world caused an uproar.

In the past, everyone knew that Senju Hashirama was the God of Ninja.

But the imagination of the God of Ninja must be understood at the basic level of a ninja.

But after seeing the video, he killed Kyuubi with one move.

Everyone already understands.

This is actually the literal meaning!

Just think of him as a god and that’s it!

This is the real God!

Six Paths Payne was just like a toy in front of him!

Inside Konoha Village.

Because of the shock brought by the power of the first generation Mudun.

It even made a lot more people say good things about Danzo.

"Haha, although Danzo is ruthless, but sometimes when doing things, it has to be said that there is indeed a beginning and an end. Without him, we really may not have another Wooden ninja."

"Alas, this person mainly doesn't treat us as human beings, but I don't deny that he did make some contributions to Konoha in some places."

"I don’t know how Hokage-sama will deal with Danzo later. Previously, I thought he must be punished severely, and it would be best to kill him, but now that I think about it, forget it, as long as he doesn’t have the opportunity to do such bad things again in the future."

"The video hasn't finished playing yet, I'm afraid this guy will do something unnatural later, so let's take a look first."

Listening to the numerous discussions,

Shimura Danzo's expression was sometimes happy, sometimes depressed, and sometimes frustrated. It was like a roller coaster, going up and down, and he was at a loss.

Whenever a villager said something good about him, he thought about it very much. Loud approval!

That’s right! I have made a lot of contributions too! You can’t just look at my mistakes!

But before he could agree, someone immediately helped him refute and said some bad things.


Danzo sighed in his heart.Does my life of serving Konoha really have to end today?! From now on... I can only hide in the depths of the clan and survive quietly...

Sarutobi Hiruzen As soon as I saw this old classmate like this, I knew what he was thinking again.

However, the matter was over.

He could not continue to help Danzo cover up his guilt.

Of course, in the final analysis, the biggest crime Danzo had committed so far was The serious crime was just trying to assassinate the Hokage.

But more than ten years have passed since this incident.

Danzo has already given an explanation, and the villagers, like himself, reluctantly accepted his explanation.

It is this kind of Under the circumstances, everyone now hates Danzo greatly.

After all, apart from this incident and other evil deeds, the villagers of Konoha can only say that his character is poor, but what he did was indeed for Konoha..

The villagers of Konoha don't have many accusations against him.

That so-called"necessary sacrifice" happened to be mentioned by future Danzo. It has nothing to do with current Danzo.

Naturally, it cannot be blamed on him.

"If that's all, I should be able to calm everyone's anger just by removing Danzo from his position later."Sarutobi Hiruzen thought secretly.

Even in the future, Danzo may have a chance to come back.

Of course, that is definitely none of his business.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has decided to resign directly later. , give up the Hokage's position.

He was still thinking when he suddenly heard the excited voices of the villagers.

"Everyone, look! coming! coming! New video is coming!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo both raised their heads.

In an instant, the entire ninja world, from the powerful atmosphere of discussing the first Hokage, focused their attention on the video again!

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Danzo's evil deeds are not over yet! How much evil has this guy done?"

"After this video is played, will Shimura Danzo still be able to survive in Konoha? Hahaha, so funny"

"I don’t know how many more there are! Really looking forward to it."

Amid heated discussions in the ninja world.

New video footage appeared

【What is going to be played next is the final evil of Danzo in this video review!】

"Ultimate evil?!"Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes lit up.

Is it finally the last one?!

He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what it was, he just hoped that this video inventory could be ended quickly.

Otherwise, so many Konoha villagers would , gathered in this place to watch the video.

The pressure on him was really too much.

It was very troublesome!

"Finally evil? So fast?"

"Oops, what a pity, I wanted to watch more videos"

"Danzo, are these the few evil things you have done? He finally became evil so quickly. Is this only the fifth one?"

"I feel like I am too lazy to count the videos?"

"What do you think will be the ultimate evil?! The finale should be a highlight, right?"

Shimura Danzo twitched the corner of his mouth and took a deep breath in his heart.

If it weren't for him that he really had no room to speak now, otherwise, he must make these guys who tease him look good.

Has he finally become the ultimate evil......

What could it be? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Danzo Shimura frowned and thought, all the things he did were for the good of Konoha! How could he have done anything evil! This Dog videos are all about rhythm!

My reputation has become so bad.

I hope the last video can help me clean up my position and help me keep my position as the boss!


Under the spotlight of everyone.

A new The video title appears above the marquee

【5. Uchiha genocide incident! 】


It seems like a dark wind is blowing through the ninja world.

Looking at this title, countless people felt a chill down their spines.

"U... Uchiha genocide?"Someone's mouth froze and he said blankly.

"What does it mean? Is the Uchiha genocide incident also related to Shimura Danzo?"

"I heard that the Uchiha clan seemed to have been killed by that person named Uchiha Itachi, right?! In the first video, wasn't this why Uchiha Sasuke went to seek revenge on his brother?"

"What's the deal with Danzo Shimura here?"

For a while, because of a question! []

The entire ninja world once again caused an uproar!

The Uchiha clan!

This is one of the most famous top clans in the entire ninja world in the past few decades!

The family's blood inheritance limited Sharingan Eye.

The powerful abilities he possesses are beyond the reach of countless ninjas who are not from the Uchiha clan. He was suddenly exterminated many years ago!

It was a huge shock at that time!

Countless people are speculating why such a huge family can Just destroy it if you can say it?

However, because Konoha itself is very secretive about this matter, there are not many details of the incident disclosed.

Most people only know that there is a traitor of the Uchiha clan in Konoha. Shinobi.

Uchiha Itachi single-handedly killed all the ninjas of the Uchiha clan.

Although this incident sounded extremely outrageous, because there was no other explanation at all.

As time went by, everyone accepted it.

This This title suddenly appeared on the video.

Is Danzo still related to the Uchiha genocide?!

Strong curiosity broke out all over the ninja world.

They stared at the video sky.

They didn’t want to miss a minute or a second!

It is indeed the finale. Videos of evil deeds!

Sure enough, they are available!

But at this moment, in Konoha Village, the villagers were stunned for a while.

They stared at the title that appeared in the video, and for a moment, they looked at each other, and they didn't know how to speak.

Uchi The Uchiha clan is in Konoha Village.

There is no doubt that it is very famous.

In the past, they, who were in charge of the Konoha Guards, would appear in the lives of Konoha villagers almost every day.

Because the Uchiha clan's character was always very... Extreme, strict, and strict...

Many Konoha villagers have been taught a lesson by them in the process of enforcing the law.

Naturally, they don't have much favorable impressions of the Uchiha clan.

But after all, this is the top quality of Konoha. A big clan!

Since the death of the first and second generation Hokages, the Senju clan has become low-key. The Uchiha clan is undoubtedly the largest clan in Konoha, and even the largest clan in the ninja world.

Even if many villagers are dissatisfied with them, then I didn't dare to say anything.

What's more, people are rigid.

But the Uchiha clan is responsible for the work of the security team, and they have done a really good job.

At least every time there is a conflict between someone on the road, waiting for the Uchiha security team people After coming over, the two people who had a conflict quickly reconciled without any persuasion from the Uchiha people...

Therefore, most of the Konoha villagers, in the past, had an attitude of fear and admiration for the Uchiha clan.

And after the Uchiha clan was exterminated, this attitude became more compassionate.

It was really pitiful.

A large family was actually killed by a traitor...

No matter how arrogant and domineering the Uchiha clan was, it was useless. A member of Ye.

The villagers still recognize this.

"Why... why does the Uchiha genocide incident appear in Danzo's evil deeds statistics!"Finally, someone asked in disbelief

"Could it be that there is another hidden reason behind the Uchiha genocide?! Could Danzo be causing trouble here again?!"

"Not to mention that it was the Uchiha clan that was destroyed by Danzo in the end?"

"This should be impossible! Oh my god, no matter how bad Danzo is, he can't kill his companions! That is our Konoha family!"

"Uchiha Itachi is the murderer of the Uchiha genocide, right? Why on earth is Danzo involved!"

Many questions spread throughout Konoha in an instant.

The Uchiha genocide incident is definitely one of the most important events in Konoha in the past ten years.

At this time, it was actually counted among Danzo's evil deeds, and he was immediately This caused various speculations among the villagers.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked ugly.

He never expected that the last evil thing would be the Uchiha genocide incident! The Uchiha clan was pushed to a dead end and eventually led to their demise. , he also has a big responsibility in it...

I don’t know what will be played in this video.

Contrary to Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Shimura Danzo has a face of excitement and no fear.


A group of Uchiha Crazy! Those guys who tried to launch a coup, don’t they deserve to die?!

The role he played in it should be a huge achievement! You actually said that I was doing evil things?!

You video of a dog is really unfair!

You slander me everywhere! Ah!

He's not afraid that people will watch this kind of video.

The Uchiha clan is such an evil family! In Danzo's view, not only was he right to help Konoha destroy him, but he was doing something right!.

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