Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 7 The rich family cannot be insulted

North of Konoha Village, the land of the Sarutobi clan.

"Those who break the rules of the ninja world are called trash, but those who don't know how to value their companions are not even as good as trash...?"

The Third Hokage, who was approaching his fifties and noticed that his physical condition was beginning to decline, took a nap on a wicker chair in the courtyard to rest his mind after the meal, recalling what Asuma had just said at the dinner table.

"Obito Uchiha." The Third Hokage recalled: "Oh, he is clamoring to be Hokage, he looks like the child of the Uchiha clan... He would think so... which is good."

"This is the true will of fire. If it were me, I would definitely give him full marks. What a pity, if Sakumo could hear these words..."

"With such a companion, Kakashi should be able to cheer up, Sakumo's spirit in the sky..."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and the Third Hokage, who was lying on the wicker chair, gradually seemed to fall asleep.

However, at one second, he straightened up as if sleepwalking, stood up with squinting eyes, walked to the firewood pile in the corner of the yard, tinkered for a long time, took out a tobacco bag, and knocked on it.

Go back to the wicker chair and light the fire...

"Dad! You secretly smoke again!"

The Third Hokage was startled, as if he had been awakened from sleep. He looked blankly at the tobacco pouch in his hand, and then looked at Asuma who came out of the corner with an angry look on his face, and muttered:

"I don't know why I've been sleepwalking lately..."

Asuma rolled his eyes, stepped forward and snatched away the Third Hokage's tobacco pouch, "I confiscated it and hid it in the pile of firewood. It really belongs to you."

How many times have I told you that smoking is harmful to your health, so don’t smoke! do not smoke! "

"Yes, yes." The Third Hokage had a scornful expression on his face, being controlled by his younger son.

I can't live this day.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"There is indeed a risk in adding more."

He was wearing it in front of a thick tree, twisting his hips and kicking it sideways, one kick after another, for half an hour to relieve the pain and itching.

"Just increase your physical skills little by little. If you add three points at a time, your strength will grow too much."

His physical strength has increased to 19.94, which is more than three points longer. He can clearly feel that his muscles have become a bit tighter, and at the same time it brings an uncontrollable itching feeling.

He was a little lucky that he didn't directly increase the attribute points in physical strength, otherwise he would have exploded from 16 to 26 directly.

"If your physical strength is less than 50, you absolutely cannot add it directly... No, 100 is safer."

"Ah, it's so itchy!"

Zheng Dai lamented that this felt a bit like a seafood allergy in his previous life, with red rashes all over his body... Fortunately, his increasingly sensitive and powerful movements gave him some comfort.

But because his punches and kicks were getting faster and more powerful, blood marks gradually appeared on his fists and feet, but he still couldn't completely relieve the itching.

How about... hugging the tree?


Just rub it in and do nothing else...

Usually no one comes here, right?

Never mind. Never mind. Zhengdai closed his fist, stretched out his arms, and hugged the tree.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "I found you, Zhengdai."

Um? Bang!

The trembling person was leaning against the tree with his face on his face. He was a little confused after the collision. He slid stiffly to the ground. There was a mark in the middle of his forehead, but a strange smile appeared on his face.

Now, the itch is relieved!

Hinata Hideki's eyes were twitching wildly, and he felt a chill in his heart. This guy laughed so disgustingly that he calmed down and said, "Why didn't you go to the practice field to find me?"

My hair is messed up. Masaidai, who was paralyzed on the ground, slowly got up, took out a kunai, combed his hair, parted it in the middle, and replied: "I was pestered by Uchiha Obito when school was over."

"So you tricked him into going to the practice range?"

"...Hmm." Is that idiot Obito really going?

Hinata Hideki looked at Zhengdai, who was disheveled and had bruises and bruises on his body, but was still combing his hair. He frowned slightly and said, "Why did you send the wrong answer to Uchiha Obito?"

Sure enough, it was because of this incident. Zhengdai thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Because... you are unhappy with him?"


"This..." Zhengdai hesitated. What he said about following Hinata's footsteps and teaching Uchiha a lesson was too shameful, and he couldn't say it at all.

Fortunately, it goes without saying that Hinata Hideki can figure it out, right? Do you want to praise me?

Hinata Hideki did think in the direction of Masadai's thoughts, but he didn't mean to praise Masadai.

"You seem to have forgotten one thing."


"You are just a commoner, you must remember your identity clearly! A rich family must not be insulted!" Hyuga Hideki said with a lesson.

? ? ?

It was a little messy when I was wearing it. After I straightened it out, I found that it was still very messy. A member of the Hyuga clan is trying to teach me a lesson for teasing someone from the Uchiha clan. The reason is because of my civilian status?

Aren't there great conflicts between the two families? Shouldn't he be more happy when a commoner teases Obito?

"Family ninja, civilian ninja..." Zhengdai was thoughtful, looking at Hideki Hinata with a serious face, he felt a little enlightened: "The class gap may be much wider than shown in the comics." So in some fan fiction, it is said that if the civilian protagonist has sex with the Uchiha clan, he can gain the friendship of the Hyuga clan, they are all lying to me! ’

You should be more careful, luckily it's Obito. started to itch again.

Zhengdai said quickly: "I understand, have you eaten? Come home and eat."

Hurry up, I want to rub against the tree!

Is this perfunctory? Hinata Hideki snorted softly: "It seems that you don't understand at all. We have nine major clans in Konoha since the village was founded, and now there are more than thirty ninja clans. The existence of the ninja clan means to the village..."

Zhengdai scratched his arm.

"Although talented civilian ninjas have occasionally appeared in recent years, the ones who supported the village and made us the winners in the two ninja wars were still Hinata, including us..."

Zheng Dai scratched his legs.

"Just civilians, no matter what the reason or position, UU Reading cannot bully..."

Zhengdai scratched his butt.

Hinata Hideki: ╰_╯

"Civilians, correct your attitude!"

"Uh..." Seeing Hinata Hideki chattering endlessly, Zheng Dai said with a headache: "If a commoner bullies a family ninja, will he be hostile to all ninjas?"

Hinata Hideki nodded: "Most of them."

"If the scene in the classroom spreads, won't Konoha not be able to tolerate me?"

Zheng Dai scratched his chest.

"It's not that serious. You should be glad that we are still students in the Ninja School. In the eyes of our elders, we are at an age where we can act recklessly. But since your family is protected by our Hyuga, I have the responsibility to discipline you and let you know what to do. Do……"

"Students of the Ninja School, are they allowed to misbehave?"

Hinata Hideki frowned: "It is very impolite to interrupt others."

"Ah, I'm sorry. Well, I have one last question. The students of the Ninja School... let's take Obito for example. If I bully him, will he go back to his elders to help teach me a lesson?"

"Are you insulting the dignity of the rich clan?" Hinata Hideki's forehead veins twitched, as if he rolled his eyes, "It is a shame for the elders to help when there is a dispute between Ninja classmates. No Ninja clan will tolerate such a thing in the clan. Cowardly ninja!"

Just as he was putting it on himself to complete a pirouette, his eyes brightened slightly, several thoughts flashed through his mind, and he suddenly had an immature idea.

'Hyuga Hideki is only an average student in the class, and he is not very strong in practical classes. He is only good or even average in kunai throwing and other things. I am good at three subjects and can probably beat him, right? There is a ready-made opponent to try on, and by the way... Hehehehe! ’

"Hideki-kun, if I beat you up, you won't go home and complain, right?"


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