Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 64 Root 2 Contact

When Zhengdai moved almost out of the woods, the person hiding in the dark finally couldn't bear it anymore.

A kun shot towards Zhengdai!

He was running his hand over the ninja tool bag, took out the kunai, picked it up, and blocked the kunai. His eyes were locked on the guy who was several dozen meters away and kept using trees to cover his body and rushed towards him.

Sure enough, it was a boy about the same height as him, wearing black clothes and covering his face. His face could not be seen, but he could roughly judge that his age should be eleven or twelve years old.

Zhengdai flicked his wrist, and the kunai shot out, but the opponent deftly dodged it. After a few leaps, he arrived four or five meters in front of Zhengdai and waved his hands violently.

Dozens of tiny needles were fired at him!

Puff puff puff puff puff! Zheng Dai Huashui, who was trapped like a hornet's nest, disappeared and appeared on the other side, quickly forming a seal with his hands: 'Water Escape - Water Cannonball! ’

The big waves hit him, and the masked boy twisted his body dexterously and jumped out. One side of his body was hit by the waves, and he spun and fell. At the same time, he waved his arms and shot two more kunai towards Zhengdai.

"Not strong."

Zhengdai felt certain in his heart and easily blocked the kunai with his hand, but he did not let go of his vigilance.

To put it more broadly, he is now a well-known figure in Konoha's ninja circle. No matter who wants to kill him, they must at least send an elite chuunin or even a jounin.

Although the guy in front of him was very threatening in the previous stealth assassination, when faced head-on, his strength was mediocre, and he might not even be as good as Asma.

If something goes wrong, there must be a backup plan!

Sure enough, just as Zheng Dai was about to step forward and inflict severe wounds on the masked boy, he felt a pinprick-like sensation on his back again. His eyes narrowed slightly, "There's another one!"

He turned around and moved sideways, hitting the attacker's wrist hard with his right fist, catching it with his left fist, twisting his body, leaping and kicking, and kicked the attacker's chest with a bang, kicking him away.

Immediately, Zhengdai retreated quickly, avoiding the thrust of the masked boy who flew towards him. He took out a kunai and exchanged blows with it several times. Due to his strength advantage, he knocked out the opponent's kunai!

He is wearing a writhe and kicking!


The masked boy crossed his arms to defend himself and slid out, feeling that his face was empty. When he regained consciousness, he realized that the black cloth of the mask had reached Zheng Dai's hands.

Zhengdai glanced at the ordinary face of the masked boy and turned his eyes: "It looks a little familiar. Have you seen it somewhere?"

He looked at another person in the same dress. Judging from his height and body shape, he should be about the same age as the boy whose face he revealed, and his strength was also similar.

Is there a third person? Thoughts flashed across his mind, and the two people on the other side looked at each other, drew arcs from both sides and rushed toward Zheng Dai, with a very high synchronization rate.

"Bang..." He spat softly, and the hands he was wearing turned into residual images, doing three seals in one second.

‘Water escape-water rush wave! ’

A huge column of water spewed out of his mouth, surging like a small waterfall, covering the two people who were responding to the attack a few meters apart.

The speed of the two did not slow down, and one of them also formed the seal: 'Wind Escape - Great Breakthrough! ’

He blew out a whirlwind, cutting a gap in the middle of the small waterfall. The two of them walked through it, one to the left and one to the right, concentrating, and two kunai pierced Zhengdai!

Bang! Bang!

Zhengdai reached out with both hands, clasped their wrists at the same time, and applied force to the middle, causing their hands to collide heavily, and the kunai fell from their hands.

The two of them moved in sync, one stretched out his left foot and the other stretched out his right foot, and kicked the two fallen kunai, causing them to shoot upwards and stab Masadai.

Zheng put it on and leaned back to avoid the kunai. At the same time, he pulled the two bodies forward, while he used the force to roll over and twisted their arms.

The two of them writhed, and with their free hand they took out another kunai and stabbed it at Zheng Dai again.

Zhengdai let go, put his hands on the ground, raised his feet and spun around, kicked their arms away, and then kicked them in the chest.

There were two bangs and the two of them stepped back.

As soon as Zhengdai stood up, the two men attacked him aggressively again.

"Damn it, the cooperation is pretty good." He was wearing annoyance, forming the Yin seal with one hand, and the water that was writing the story at home turned into water and disappeared.

Then he quickly formed seals.

‘Water Escape – the art of water body transformation! ’ The two were putting it on and separated the two attackers!

The strength of the water avatar was only one-tenth of that of Zheng Dai. In just a few strokes, he was stabbed into water by the unmasked boy Ichikunai. However, after delaying this little time, Zhengdai hit the other person so hard that the door was wide open, and kicked him hard on the side of the face!

Bang! The mask fluttered, and the attacker flipped and flew out. Zhengdai saw another slightly familiar face.

The unmasked boy took advantage of the moment when Dai's feet landed, and rushed over quickly, stabbing with kunai.

Shodai used a backhand elbow to knock his arm away, and the kunai passed him by. The other hand held a kunai and pressed it against the opponent's neck, trying to restrain him.

However, at this moment, the unmasked boy suddenly leaned forward and bumped forward. With a pop, the kunai he was wearing pierced his shoulder, and blood spurted out!

Just as Dai was stunned, he saw a face with a rather ferocious expression coming towards him!


Their foreheads touched, and the two of them fell back at the same time. Zheng Dai felt slightly dizzy, but the sense of crisis in his heart made him quickly wake up and move sideways.


A slight tingling sensation came, and Zheng Dai knew that his waist was probably scratched, but he ignored it and angrily raised his hand and hammered hard with all his strength!


The guy who was kicked hard on one side of the face by him was hit hard on the other side of the face by him. He fell to the ground with a thud. Smoke and dust rose up. His eyes rolled up and he was completely unconscious.

On the opposite side, the unmasked boy was covering the bleeding wound on his shoulder with a weak expression. UU Reading It was obvious that he no longer had much fighting power.

Zheng Dai wiped the wound on his waist and raised his hand to see a few wisps of bright red. He exhaled softly and silently added a little more physical skills to try his previous idea to see if adding more physical skills could speed up the healing of the wound.

The vigilance in his heart has not yet dropped. The strength of these two people is comparable to the three people from Suna Ninja Village who came to take the exam, except Ye Cang.

But the sense of crisis they bring to Zhengdai is currently second only to Luo Sha!

Mainly due to the exquisite coordination, the fierce momentum and the simple and neat killing techniques.

If you were still throwing pots casually before, you can be sure that you are wearing them now. These two people are definitely genuine people and have undergone special training!

He thought for a while, reached into his ninja bag, took out a kunai, bent down and stabbed the unconscious attacker's neck hard!


His wrist was firmly clasped by a big hand. Zheng Dai narrowed his eyes and turned into water and disappeared.

"Have you made the seal of the water substitute in advance? Did you expect that there would be others there? I really did not misjudge you." A gloomy and deep voice came.

Masadai, who appeared a few meters away, suddenly looked back... This was Danzo's voice!

He actually came in person? !

And the one who just grabbed his wrist was the root ninja of the Aburame clan who had recruited him before!

"Have you guessed my identity?" Danzo said solemnly: "Ryoma, take them for treatment."

"Yes!" Aburame Ryoma took away the two attackers one by one.

"Zhengdai, Ryoma invited you to join the Root before, but Hinata Hizashi interfered. Now, I personally invite you to join the Root. Do you agree?"

Masadai paused for two seconds and said slowly: "Are you Elder Shimura Danzo, right? These two people..."

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