"The child is fine. His injuries are not serious. They are just scratches and bruises. He can rest for half a day."

As Kushina, who had the highest level of medical ninjutsu present, slowly gave out the diagnosis results, the students who were worried about Kakashi were greatly relieved.

Zheng Dai also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and straightened his bangs in confusion. Kakashi is fine, why did Kushina check him for several minutes and scare me and my classmates?

Looking at Kushina, who is still a 17-year-old young girl in front of her, Zhengdai always feels a slight sense of disharmony and smells an inexplicably familiar smell.

When Kushina covered her mouth and yawned, and walked towards the entrance of the venue with a bit of laziness step by step, the smell became stronger.

"It smells like home? No, right?"

After watching Kushina's back disappear, Zhengdai muttered uncertainly, and two medical ninjas ran over carrying a stretcher.

Kakashi was taken away by the medical ninja, but the shallow wound on his body had stopped bleeding automatically. He was not able to enjoy the second medical ninjutsu treatment, and only earned a set of clothes... He did not enjoy it.

After changing into his spare clothes, he retreated to the sidelines, his eyes wandering, thinking in his mind.

Lin, who had just escaped from her worries, walked to the field with a nervous mood.

In the second game, Rin versus Shizune!

"Masadai, you did a great job, and you used conspiracy and tricks to defeat that guy Kakashi." Obito gave a unique compliment, and then whispered: "It's Rin's turn, come on for me to help Rin."

"Come on for you?"

"Lord Fugaku came to see me duel. I cheered for Lin...a little bit...hehe."

"Look at you? Do you think he's still here?"

"Ah?" Obito was stunned, looked towards the northwest stand, was stunned, and murmured with pity on his face: "You are really gone, there must be something going on in the clan. Then you are no longer needed, Zhengdai."

He would also comfort himself, and the other students knew it well. Although they had expected it, after seeing the duel between Masadai and Kakashi, most of the Jonin left, feeling a little disappointed and looking towards Zheng Dai's expression was quite complicated.

I have been in the same class for three years and have been a little transparent for two and a half years. Suddenly, in the last half year or so, I suddenly emerged as a new star. I got perfect scores in all subjects and got the attention of big shots. How could I not be envied?

In addition, during this period of time, Shodai was bullying Kakashi happily in the class, and his popularity was not very good. Only people like Obito and Gai who had no grudges, and familiar people like Kurenai and Asuma, said congratulations.

Hinata Hideki's eyes almost turned red.

Zhengdai didn't care, he was thinking about finding an opportunity to contact Kushina, confirm it, and focus on the attribute column.

Kakashi's correction rate was 100%, and he did not disappoint Zhengdai. Not only did he give him 5 attribute points, but he also gave him a bunch of fresh tips, which was a big gain.

First of all, the world correction degree is 1%, which is easy to understand. Kakashi is an individual, and the world is the whole. But it’s only 1% that Kakashi is completely corrected. There can’t be 100 Kakashi Anko, right?

After all the corrections, wouldn’t I be scorning Kaguya?

You have to dig into it carefully. There are so many of them. Maybe some of your acquaintances need to be corrected, but you haven't noticed it yet. Some people look like this on the surface, but are they actually like that?

Putting aside the world correction prompt, Zhengdai looked at the extra attributes in the last row of the attribute bar.

Real Kakashi (age 31) bonus (not activated)

Physical Strength: 203

Mental Strength: 248

Chakra amount: 165

"This... is a bit powerful."

The 31-year-old Kakashi is the Kakashi of the Fourth War, a Kage level with adequate three-dimensional attributes.

Looking back at myself, my physical strength is 45.83, my mental strength is 30.89, and my chakra volume is 46.39. They are not even 1/4 of his, and my strength is even more different. He can be beaten by him with one hand.

But after all, he was only nine years old, and his strength was only at the top among the chuunin. Of course, he couldn't compare with Kakashi, who could participate in the final battle. When he grew up, he could automatically catch up a lot.

"It's not activated..." Zheng Dai was a little disappointed.

There was no activation method given in the attribute column. Zhengdai guessed that his body could not meet the requirements and could not hold so much power.

If this is the case, this harvest will probably only be viewed as a comparison benchmark of strength for a long time. If you want to accommodate this power, you must at least surpass it yourself, right?

"But why does it also have reality?"

Zheng Daixu narrowed his eyes and his thoughts were churning. This kind of naming always reminded him of certain online game novels he read before traveling through time. The abilities (cheats) that could be brought into reality from virtual games were all real XXX.

"Did I really win the Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

The suspicions that he had long came to mind again, and Zheng Dai's expression changed, "Let's take a look again, look again, find a few people who need to be corrected, and take a look at the situation."

He looked towards the last harvest.

‘Choose 1 out of 3 real skills at full level:

1. XXXXXX Secret - X Year

2. Ninja-XcaiX

3. XXX Secret-XXXX Dance’

“A bunch of big

Look down on me!

The first one is a no-brainer, Konoha's Secret Body Technique - Thousand Years of Killing, I would be a fool to choose it.

The second one, huh? a bit difficult.

"Winner! Lin! Next group, Asuma versus Hideki Hinata, two classmates come forward!"

Teacher Omu's shouting interrupted Zhengdai's train of thought. UU Readingwww.uuukanshu.net He looked up, turned around and said, "Come on, Asuma."

Asuma nodded slightly.

Hinata Hideki: "Hmph!"

Zhengdai: "Asma, beat him hard."

Hinata Hideki: "Hmph!"

Asma smiled helplessly, her father was watching... Huh? He looked at the stands and suddenly said to Zheng Dai, "Dad seems to be calling you, Zheng Dai."

After hearing this, Zhengdai turned his head and found that the Third Hokage was indeed nodding to him to let him go.

His expression moved, and he ran up the stairs on the northeast side of the stand. When he passed by Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Haiichi, who had not yet left, he nodded and saluted, and found that Akimichi Choza seemed to have stopped talking and wanted to say something to him. Say something.

In the end, he didn’t say anything.

Zhengdai felt slightly strange, but without thinking much, he quickly ran to the Third Hokage's side.

"Hokage-sama, are you looking for me?"

The Third Hokage smiled gently: "Two months ago, you asked me what the special reward was for getting perfect marks in all subjects. I didn't expect that you could really get perfect marks in all subjects. You must have studied hard, right?"

"It's not hard, it's not hard. I love studying the most."

The Third Hokage was stunned, shook his head and laughed.

"Well, don't forget your promise."

"Promise?" Zhengdai was stunned for a moment, looked at the Third Hokage with a smile in his eyes, suddenly realized, and said decisively: "Don't worry, I will keep your works by my side and study them carefully."

"Haha." The Third Hokage laughed three times, stopped joking, took out a scroll from his arms, and handed it to Zheng Dai solemnly.

Zheng Dai's eyes lit up, the ninjutsu reward of perfect scores in all subjects? Give me the reward on the spot?


I love you, Hokage-sama.

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