Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 459 The singing group disbands

Dream world.

Early in Konoha 54.

Yunyin Grand Theater.

"Hey! I'm really sorry for the long wait. Your favorite song, Mr. Magical Rabbi, is here!"

Turning 1,234 degrees in the air and stepping onto the stage, Kirabi made his signature gesture with both hands, looked towards the surrounding stands with a smile, and was quickly stunned.

The stands were empty.

Only a couple sitting in the corner with their children looked at him in surprise.

"Only...three people?"

Kirabi's expression was slightly stiff, but he quickly replied: "Hey! Welcome you three, come and support us!"

At this time, the couple pulled their children to stand up with apologetic expressions, bowed and walked out. They whispered to each other: "No wonder there are so few people. We really went to the wrong theater."

"W-Wrong go??!"

Kirabi froze alone on the stage.

Poor, helpless, and a little funny.

The theater next door was packed with people at this time.

"Cat Queen! Cat Queen!"

The shouts are like a mountain and a tsunami!

In the center of the stage, 19-year-old Yukito is in his youthful prime. Wearing a Catwoman costume, he leads a group of kitten girls to dance. She is full of queenly style, and her warm-up dance directly explodes the scene!

As the lead dancer of the 'Zhengdai Singing Group', Yumu Ren is as popular as the lead singer! In the dance troupe, there was another guy who was second only to her in fame, and was affectionately nicknamed by everyone.

"Perfunctory manservant! Perfunctory manservant!"

Behind the group of young catwomen, there is a little green among the flowers. Qing is also wearing a COS suit. He is the butler of the Catwoman Kingdom. He follows them like a walking zombie, and his movements are extremely perfunctory.

But many people just like him.

Top floor private room.

Brazza, who took over the position of the Fourth Raikage a few years ago, shouted anxiously: "Taidai! Medicine! Medicine!"

Dodai hurriedly took out the medicine bottle from his arms, poured out two pills, and handed it to the mouth of the Third Raikage who was out of breath on the sofa nearby.

The Third Raikage, who is over 60 years old, has gray hair. It is inevitable that his strength will decline with age. Compared with the Third Hokage and the Third Tsuchikage, it is the strongest one who has the fastest decline, suffering from various diseases. Frequent.

Exercising an inhuman physique is obviously not without cost.

After swallowing the medicine, the Third Raikage's rapid breathing slowly calmed down. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Lightning light loomed on his body, "That brat... Yukito..."

Braza also had an angry look on his face and said in a low voice: "Father, you'd better go back and rest."

In the past, they got the news through subpoenas, but this time the 'Zhengdai Singing Troupe' came to Yunyin. They went to the scene in person to see what happened to their little girl after being abducted.

But they...can't help it.

At this time, Kirabi pushed the door open and walked in. The three of them looked at each other with sorrowful expressions on their faces.

The warm-up dance lasted about ten minutes. When Yukito left the stage with a group of kitten girls and a big cat boy, the three lead singers made their debut!

The wooden pestle is in the middle, Zhengdai is on the left, and Tian Ji is on the right. Their heights are so harmonious that they can sing a piece of auspicious three treasures with their mouths opened. The enthusiasm that had just dissipated when the wooden figure came off the stage started to burn again.

One by one, the light signs lit up instantly.

‘The sound of nature’!



Among them, the most popular one is "Bao Bao", which is Yaki's nickname. He has gained a lot of fans from his sisters and mothers by virtue of his delicate face that has remained unchanged for several years. He is the most popular among the three.

The second is the sound of nature. Obviously, it is Zheng Dai's name.

The least of them is the witch. Zheng Dai failed to control Tian Ji. During a performance, she "snake-faced spitting letters" and exposed her true identity. Most of the male fans who originally gathered ran away, but the most indispensable thing in the world is "hobby" Unique' people still have supporters.

Holding the microphone, Zheng Dai smiled at the furious Fourth Raikage above and said loudly: "Thank you everyone for your support. I saw a lot of familiar faces. Oh, there are also people who came all the way from the Kingdom of Water. Friend? Thanks, thank you very much!"

"Today is a special day, it is the sixth anniversary of the Zhengdai Singing Group!"

"Oh!" Some viewers who didn't know this suddenly shouted.

Zheng Dai smiled and said, "Here, I have something special to announce. The Zheng Dai Singing Group will be disbanded after today! As compensation, as a thank you, we will sing until dark today!"

The scene fell silent for a moment.


"Did I hear wrong?"


Zhengdai paused for a moment and apologized: "It's mainly due to my personal reasons. My parents are old and they have been pushing me hard recently. I can't perform everywhere anymore. I have to go back to farming and marry a wife!"

There were many ninjas present, and everyone knew that Zhengdai was the legendary god of ninjas. The words about farming aroused waves of low laughter, which slightly relaxed the atmosphere.

Others asked in a low voice: "Hey, are you going home to get a wife? Aren't he and the demon girl a couple? Isn't the baby their son?"

Zheng Dai could only smile helplessly when he heard this. People often misunderstand this. The two people next to me are both old basilisks who are more than a thousand years old.

"Of course, there is another reason." He continued: "In the past six months, everyone who has attended the concert knows that after six consecutive years of singing, my voice can no longer bear it, and I have to rest for a while. I hope everyone Forgive me.

Just because we're disbanded doesn't mean we won't reunite. Maybe in three or two years, I'll suddenly appear and give you a surprise, so stay tuned! "

Although some people doubt that the other two people are fine, how could Zhengdai, the god of ninja, have a bad voice.

But most people slowly accepted it.

On the top floor, Brazza hummed, I believe you, you can break your voice? But it’s good to be disbanded, it’s good to be disbanded…

"Oh, there is another good news. Because the performance time has been extended, the three of us need to rest in the middle, so the Cat Queen Dance Company has choreographed three different dances for everyone this time! Haha, don't you feel that you have earned a lot of money? Remember it later. Give me three times the ticket price."


"No? Security, chase them away! Hey, I didn't let you play music, okay, okay, let me give you your favorite song "Light of the Fireflies" first and then..."

"Three games?" Braza's face darkened, and he suddenly heard rapid breathing coming from behind him.

"Tutai! Medicine! Medicine!"

Happy time is always short-lived.

Because the audience was reluctant to leave, the concert lasted until eight o'clock in the evening before finally ending.

Returning to the backstage, Yumu Ren came up to him with a look of reluctance on his face: "We are really going to disband, Zhengdai?"

"Well, we ninjas can't just sing and dance to the old bar without doing our jobs. Let's spare Qing's old arms and legs." Zhengdai smiled.

Qing looked over faintly.

Zhengdai looked at her with a disinterested look: "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet? Are you addicted to dressing up? Our singing group is disbanded. You don't have to delay your dance. If you want, you can continue dancing. Haha, where is Kisame?"

Yumu Ren pointed sideways: "Inside."

Masadai nodded and entered the back room, where Ryoka was feeding Kisame throat tea with a distressed look on her face.

"Thank you for your hard work, Kisame."

Kisame's shark face is expressionless.

Ryoka complained: "You don't know about Kisame-kun's voice problem, why do you have to sing for so long today? Really."

"Isn't this the end?" Zheng Dai shook his head, took out the scroll from his arms, and slid his fingertips.

‘Psychic art! ’ Samehada suddenly appeared, and Kisame’s face finally flashed with brilliance.

Zhengdai smiled: "I'm very sorry for making your voice mute. It belongs to you."

Kisame's two beady eyes sparkled, and he quickly took over Samehada, finally showing a smile, and said with a slightly hoarse and magnetic voice: "Thank you very much."

The voice is exactly the same as the original dub!

‘Kisame’s correction rate is 81%’

‘Kisame’s correction degree is 90%,

Obtain free attribute points*3’

‘Kisame’s correction degree is 100%,

Obtain free attribute points*5’

'Kisame completely corrected! ’

‘World correction 52%’

‘Reward real Kisame (33 years old) bonus

(Physical strength: 654, Mental strength: 442, Chakra amount: 1095)’

‘Choose one of three rewards for real skills:

1. Big XX of X

2. XX God

3. Move XX and play X’

"Oh, this attribute." Masadai looked at Kisame with a bit of amazement. Overall, Kisame was the one with the strongest basic attributes among the people he modified.

The amount of chakra actually exceeded Kushina by a hair. Of course, this was also due to the fact that Kushina died at the age of 24 and was given the template of Kushina at the age of 24.

And this skill reward...

It seems to have been shipped!

When Kisame saw Masadai's gaze, his excitement subsided a little, and he silently hid Samehada behind his back.

Ryoka asked: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I suddenly had an idea to treat Kisame's throat." Zhengdai shook his head. UU Reading

"Really?!" Liangxiang said in surprise: "That's great, but haven't you been unable to do anything about it?"

"I just thought of it." Masaida stepped forward with a smile, placed his hand on Kisame's throat, released the palm senjutsu, and nourished him with warm power.

Correction rate plummets, 1% per second!

No rule of law? With level 10 Palm Immortal Technique, I can even cure your hoarse voice!

In just one minute, Kisame's correction dropped back to 20%, and Masaida stopped with a smile: "Okay."

Kisame was stunned for a moment and said, "Okay?"

Ryoka's eyes suddenly lit up, Kisame-kun's voice was back to that heavenly voice again! Although there seems to be something strange somewhere, but... just recover!

Kisame was also happy for a moment, but soon realized something was wrong. Masadai in front of him stretched out his hand to him!

"My throat is healed, return the same shark muscle to me."

Kisame's shark face has a strange expression.

The correction rate drops to 0%.

Zhengdai smiled, stepped forward and patted Samehada gently: "Samekin baby, you make your own choice this time. If you follow me, you won't have any chance of fighting. There is no enemy chakra sucker, but here I am. The chakra must be sufficient.

Kisame is also a good master. He is extremely talented in terms of chakra. The key is to follow him and not have to live a life of eating and waiting to die. "

Samehada's head swayed for a moment, and he gently rubbed the back of Masadai's hand.

"Following the two families? Hey, you're just a kid, that's fine too. Anyway, I can channel you at any time."

Zhengdai weighed the psychic scroll.

Kisame quickly clenched his hands into Samehada's muscles.

‘Kisame correction 20%’

Look at your worthless look. Zheng Dai secretly clicked his tongue, walked aside and took off his formal clothes. The singing group has been disbanded. After six years, a major event in music aesthetics in the ninja world has finally been corrected!


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