Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 426: First signs revealed

? "Hizashi...successful."

With a soft murmur, the veins on Hinata Hinata's forehead disappeared, and he didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment.

He and Hizashi have a deep brotherhood. He hopes that Hizashi will succeed in releasing the caged bird without dying from the explosion of the caged bird, but because of his status as the head of the Hyuga clan, he does not want Hizashi to succeed.

Very contradictory.

After a while, Hizashi led more than ten Hyuga branch jounin and knocked on the door of Hyuga Hizashi's house.

Afterwards, many Hyuga clan members who were unaware or knew but did not participate in the upcoming 'constitution operation' were followed, as well as the invisible Masadai.


"Lord Patriarch."

Amidst the calls, Rizu stood up and sighed, "It was probably when I was 15 years old. My father asked me if the top-secret information about the caged bird had been viewed by someone. Was it me?"

"Only my father and I have the authority to review those materials, but you are the only one who has the opportunity to review them. At that time, I guessed what you were thinking, but when faced with father's question, my answer was... 'I checked it'."

Hizashi's face changed slightly, and he swallowed the persuasion he had prepared. The Hyūnin behind him also held their breath slightly.

"Ever since then..."

"At that time, you were not careful enough in your work. I know that you secretly lobbied to win over the uncle from the branch family and worked hard for today. It was not until we were adults that some of your actions escaped my sight. But you secretly win over Zheng Dai. , I still knew it from the beginning.”

"I thought that a subordinate ninja, even a genius like Minato Namikaze, would not have much impact, but...who would have thought that in just three years, he would be called the God of Ninja. From earlier From then on, I knew that as long as he helps you, I can't stop anything, unless I don't hesitate to drag the entire Hinata into destruction!"

Hizashi was silent for a moment, and Masadai, who was hiding, walked to Hizashi's side and showed his body, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hizashi. As an outsider, I shouldn't interfere in the family affairs of the Hyuuga clan, but the clan system of Hizashi , something is indeed wrong.

Without Hizashi-sama, there would still be Hiyori-sama and Hizuki-sama, and conflicts would eventually break out! "

The uninformed Hyuga clan members finally knew what was happening. Some of them looked confused and others became agitated and kept making noises. 35xs

'Born into the Hyuga branch, you should be bound by the clan. This has been the rule of Hinata for thousands of years! ’

‘Hyuga Hizashi, you are being rebellious! ’

There are countless others.

Over the years, everyone who can be won over by Hizashi has been won over. Most of the others are not possible to win over. Naturally, there are many opponents.

Rizu showed some relief and suppressed those voices. "To be honest, the clan has never criticized the branch family members harshly and never treated the branch family members as slaves. Hizashi, have you forgotten that when we were children, our uncles were also taken care of by the branch family members?" Growing up?

Is my father too busy to take care of us? No, this is all to create a bond between the clan family and the branch family members. Although Uncle Qiaozhou died in the Ninja War, as long as I think of his care, I can't do anything to my family members. "

"Isn't it good to keep passing on like this? I have already chosen the person to take care of my children. It's Tokuma, the one you watched grow up!"

Hizashi's face became complicated for a moment, then he became firm again, "What we want is freedom. No one wants to wear shackles that can take away his life, even if the shackles may never be activated!"

"We are willing!" However, as soon as Hizashi finished speaking, there were opponents in the crowd who retorted.

Hizu shook his head slightly, "Is it impossible to reconcile? Then... let's split. From today on, those of the Hyuga clan who do not want to be bound by the caged bird can follow Hizashi, and the rest will continue as before.

The Hyuga clan was split into two! "

Hizashi's eyes widened for a moment, and the jounin behind him became excited.

"Brother! You..."

Hizashi's attitude was firm, "None of us can convince anyone, so let's split. The others will go out first. I have something to say to you alone, Hizashi."

Hizashi's expression changes, splits? How could the Hyuga clan be divided? He turned around and said, "You guys go out first, and I will try to persuade you."

After a while, only Nizashi and Shodai were left in the Hyuuga family. The other Hyuuga clan members were divided into two camps, and they were noisy outside.

Hizashi looked outside and looked at Hizu. Just as he was about to persuade him again, Hizu spoke first.

"There are two things I didn't tell the truth."

"The first thing is that I was able to discover your secret plans back then, and so was my father. He told me that if it really comes to this day, let me... don't be merciful to you and clean up the house directly!"

Rizha was startled and his complexion suddenly changed, but Zhengdai was not too surprised. Danzo knew about this, the Third Hokage knew about it, and Hizu knew about it. If the Hyuga clan leader, Hyuga Munao, didn't notice it at all, that would be really stupid.

"The second thing." Rizu continued, "It's the secret behind my father's assassination. I didn't tell you at the time. My father suddenly left the village with only one guard. I know the reason why."

Hizashi's expression changed again, "Why?"

"Tenseigan!" Hizu said in a deep voice, "He got information about the evolution of the Byakugan, an eye that is superior to the Mangekyō Sharingan, so he went to investigate it himself!"

This time Zhengdai was finally surprised. Information about the reincarnated eye? The death of Hyuga Munao should have been Danzo's handiwork. Did Danzo know about the Tenseigan?

Yes, his goal is the Tenseigan! That will make everything clear!

But how? Have those people on the moon ever come down? No... there is another possibility!

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo? Otsutsuki Hamura?"

"The reincarnation eye...the evolution of the Byakugan?" Hizashi obviously didn't understand at all, "It's like the Sharingan..."

"That's right."

"Then why did father go there in person? He might as well have sent someone to investigate. Aren't he worried that it was a trap?"

"According to the information obtained, the reincarnated eye requires the fusion of many pairs of white eyes." Hizu sighed, "In other needs to be sacrificed for the eyes of countless people in exchange for stronger power!"

Hizashi was shocked, "Could it be that father... just because of an unknown source of information, he has taken the idea of ​​those children in the clan who have not yet printed the caged bird?"

"No, it's you." Rizu shook his head. "He knows that it is probably a trap, but if there is really a synthesis method for the reincarnation, he will let you crack the caged bird."

Rizashi remained silent, understanding Rizoku's meaning.

"I tried to dissuade him, but it was useless." Hizu sighed softly. "I have been very conflicted in the past two years. My father's example tells me that the clan members who control the initiative of the caged bird may really become divided due to certain temptations. Family members are unfavorable.

I believe I won’t, but I can’t guarantee that the next generation, and the next generation after that, won’t.

Especially the existence of the Tsangikan, like a detonating talisman that can detonate at any time, will blow us Hinata to pieces at any time! "

"So brother, you...didn't stop me?"

"Ah, but I don't approve of you either, so... split it, split it into two parts.

The source of the Tenseigan intelligence is still unknown. The person behind the scenes is probably not just Danzo, but someone else is eyeing us! After the split, even if something bad happens, half of them can always be saved! "

Hizashi was silent.

Zheng Dai suddenly said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to Hinata. No matter who is targeting you, I will kill him!"

"The Great Ninja Village takes action and blasts the Great Ninja Village!"

"Xiao Ninja Village takes action and slaughters them directly!"

"Do it yourself and crush him!"

"Lang Ren takes action and goes to Qiongbi and falls to hell. I want to kill him too!"

Daily difference "..."


‘Hyuuga Genocide Incident 70,

Gain free attribute points 4’

Hidashi and Hizashi looked at each other in silence, and the solemn atmosphere just now relaxed a lot. Although it feels a bit strange...but, it's quite reassuring.

It should be considered reassuring...right?

The next morning, the Hokage's office.

Danzo's old face was gloomy, he glanced at Masaida who was blocking the door and looking at him with his arms crossed, and then at the Third Hokage who was sitting behind his desk with a serious look on his face.

"You... Humph! I told you that I don't know, are you still going to torture me?!"

"Elder Danzo, oh, Danzo Jonin, this matter is very important, much more important than you expected. If you don't tell me, you won't be able to get out of this door!"

"Kid, you...?! Hiruzen!"

The Third Hokage closed his eyes and said, "Go ahead."

Danzo's breathing became rapid, so rapid that it seemed like it would be gone in the next second. After a long time, he hummed, "I really don't know. There is only a simple sentence in my record."

"On July 18, 33rd year of Konoha, I learned about the Tenseigan by chance."

"I don't know anything about other things, and I can't recall it at all when I read I might have been under an illusion!"

I thought it would attract questions, but Masadai and the Third Hokage looked at each other solemnly, as if they accepted his words instantly, and their eyes froze.

'The person who takes advantage of me is stronger than I expected. Even this kid... hmph, no matter who he is, no one can take advantage of me without paying the price! ’

"Danzo Jonin, nothing else?"

"I don't even bother lying!"

"Then you can go."

"...Hmph!" Danzo walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

There was silence in the Hokage's office for a moment, and the Third Hokage asked in a deep voice, "What happened to the split of the Hyuga clan? Is the problem serious?"

"It's nothing." Zheng Dai shook his head. "It's just that some members of the branch family are not easy to convince. They are temporarily divided into two parts. They haven't even moved their homes. It's not a real split. Take your time and it will get better."

"That's good."

"Not only has Hinata stabilized, but there are also some unexpected gains." Masadai smiled, "This is the first time that traces of the reincarnation of Otsutsuki Hamura or Otsutsuki Hagoromo have been clearly captured!"

"July 18, Konoha 33... is two months earlier than the date I was born. I need you to check and find out what happened at that time!"

The Third Hokage pondered and nodded, "At that time... the Second Ninja War was in full swing. I remember that Danzo should be in the direction of the Rain Kingdom battlefield, or he had just been replaced by Jiraiya and the other three and went to the Kumogakure battlefield... I Need to look up information.”

"Yeah." Zheng Dai responded, "It shouldn't be that easy to find out. Just find the traces and we'll investigate slowly... I'm not afraid of delaying time!"


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