Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 422 My attitude!

? January 5, Konoha 45, late.

The night before Hinata Hizashi's wedding.

Sarutobi clan land.

"341, 342" Asma was sweating profusely, clenching her teeth and doing push-ups to divert her attention.

Addiction is easy but hard to quit. After more than half a month of pain, his correction finally dropped back to 90.

This was a dangerous line, and he didn't want his addiction to cigarettes to increase again.

"400 bastards are wearing them!" Every 100 times, he scolded him, which became his motivation.

"Why am I such a jerk?" Suddenly a familiar voice echoed in his ears. Asuma was stunned for a moment and fell to the ground.

"Hey, hey? There's no need to give such a big gift."

"I" Asma snorted angrily, got up and looked at Zhengdai who was squatting on the wall carrying a bag, "How dare you come to me? What's in your hand? White Snake Immortal's new version of tobacco?"

"Of course not." Zhengdai jumped down and said: "Some specialties from Tian Country were brought to the Third Generation Master and you. I just returned to the village and gave them to you without even going home. Isn't that interesting?"

Asuma secretly said, "If I believe your nonsense again, I will be a big fool!"

"Sending you specialties, why don't you enter through the main entrance instead of climbing over the wall of our clan? Humph, I'm not afraid that the guards will regard you as someone with evil intentions!"

"Can they find me?"

Hehehe, I secretly followed Tsunade Jiraiya, and even after two days of listening, I was not discovered!

After a pause, he said seriously: "I have something serious to do with your dad this time. It's not convenient for others to find out. Please help call the Hokage over."

Asuma was startled: "Serious business? Looking for my dad? Come to the corner of the practice ground?"

"Hurry up and stop talking nonsense. Be careful as I mix tobacco into rice and toilet paper in your water glass."

Asma: ""

you are vicious.

After a while, the Third Hokage followed Asuma over. After questioning Masadai, under Asuma's gaze, he walked to a dark place and muttered with Masaida.

He couldn't hear it, and could only see the Third Hokage's surprise at first, and then a lewd smile on his face, as he communicated with Masaida who had the same expression.

He felt deeply ashamed.

You are Hokage, dad!

"Yes, yes, they are finally." The Third Hokage sighed in a low voice, "That's good news. You asked Asuma to secretly call me over. I thought something bad had happened."

"It's too early for you to be happy." At this moment, Masadai poured cold water on the Third Hokage. After thinking for a while, he waved his hand and said, "Asuma, go home!"

Asuma was startled, you are wearing this bastard

"Go home and take a shower, Asuma."

The Third Hokage also had a stern face, leaving Asuma helpless and angrily leaving.

Then the Third Hokage said: "Tell me."

Just when Dai Weiqi sensed it and made sure that no one could hear it and no one was observing here, he said: "Tomorrow, the Hyuga branch will launch a rebellion!"

The Third Hokage's eyes suddenly hardened, and wrinkles appeared on his old face. He quickly asked: "Rebellion? Are you trying to break free from the control of the caged bird? They will start tomorrow? Are you sure?"

"You are indeed not ignorant. Yes, it will be tomorrow, after the wedding."

The Third Hokage frowned and said in confusion: "It shouldn't be, it won't be time. How can the Hinata have the confidence to resist now that the Hyuga family is divided? According to my estimation, we should wait until Hizashi's child is born, and then launch the attack before the child is branded as a caged bird. .”

"There is some information that you don't know. The Hizashi-sama has a pair of white eyes in the hands of the Hinata clan leader. He is prepared to take the risk to change his eyes and unlock the caged bird in order to gain an equal opportunity to talk to the Hinzu clan leader."

"Sofu's eyesight?! Hizashi him"

"No, it's not." Masadai shook his head: "The death of the head of the Hyuga clan has nothing to do with Hizashi-sama, I can guarantee that. He also got the eyes inexplicably, I doubt it."

The Third Hokage was silent for a moment and sighed: "Danzo has been taking care of himself recently. In the ANBU's report, he did not make any unnecessary moves."

Zheng Dai nodded slightly, half in disbelief. But now he is not worried about Danzo causing trouble at all. There is a huge difference in strength. If he can't cause trouble, he will seek death if he causes trouble!

The Third Hokage digested the news and asked, "How do you know this?"

"Because I am a participant." Zhengdai said with a smile: "I am the candidate to change Lord Hizashi's eyes. I am also just in case, restraining the Hizu clan leader and preventing him from activating the protection of the caged bird."

The Third Hokage understood: "You are another part of Hizashi's motivation for launching the action, but it seems that you are going to live up to his expectations. But from the perspective of the village, you have done a good job."

"Wait, Hokage-sama." Zhengdai shook his head and interrupted: "Why have I failed to live up to his expectations? I came to you because I just thought it would be inappropriate not to tell you about such a big matter."

The Third Hokage was astonished: "You don't know?"

"Well, I will help Hizashi-sama unlock the caged bird and abolish the Hyuuga clan's family division system!"

The Third Hokage opened his mouth slightly and was silent for a long time before he said seriously: "Zhengdai, do you know what you are talking about? Just in case."

"I have weighed it repeatedly, and there is absolutely no chance! Moreover, the system of dividing the Hyuga clan is indeed deformed and needs to be abolished!"

The Third Hokage paused and said in a deep voice: "The Hyuga Sect's family division system does have its flaws, but it is also a kind of protection! Have you ever thought that if you succeed, Hinata's situation will be even more difficult!

The pupil's blood inheritance, the blood inheritance that can be obtained through transplantation, has always been coveted by others! Without the Caged Bird Curse Seal, the Hyuga tribe would have become the hunting targets of the ninjas in the ninja world! "

"Isn't the Uchiha clan still doing well?"

Zheng Dai retorted: "As long as you are strong enough, are you still afraid that others will covet you?"

"Hinata is not as good as Uchiha, and the Uchiha who activate Sharingan are all ninjas, but the Byakugan can even be used by children!"

"The restriction of the caged bird is part of the reason. Without the caged bird, Hinata will give birth to more and stronger warriors!" Zhengdai said.

The Third Hokage breathed out softly: "It's not that simple, you ugh"

"Aren't you still with me, Hokage-sama?"

Zhengdai smiled and said: "I'm not a decoration, UU Reading Who dares to covet you? It's useless to take your life, I will protect the Hyuga clan!"

Modification degree of the Hyuga genocide incident is 11

Hyuga genocide incident correction degree 20

Huh? Zheng Dai was slightly stunned.

"Are you here to take shelter?"

"Well, I'll do it! Whoever reaches out to Hinata, I will chop it off directly!" Zhengdai said seriously.

Modification degree of Hyuga genocide incident 21

The Hyuga genocide event has a correction factor of 25,

Gain free attribute points 2

Before the Third Hokage could say anything more, he saw Masadai suddenly showing an expression of realization and continued:

"As long as one Hyuga clan member is killed and his eyes are taken away, I will pursue it to the end!"

"The Great Ninja Village takes action and blasts the Great Ninja Village!"

"Xiao Ninja Village takes action and slaughters them directly!"

"Do it yourself and crush him!"

"Lang Ren takes action and goes to Qiongbi and falls to hell. I want to kill him too!"

The Third Hokage:? ? ?

So excited? This attitude is too firm and cannot be persuaded. Forget it, forget it.

The Hyuga genocide incident correction degree is 60,

Gain free attribute points 2

Zheng Dai looked at the barrage in front of him, filled with joy, and secretly sighed to himself how he could figure it out.

I am the strongest in the ninja world!


If I don't let it be destroyed, who can destroy Hinata!

It seems that my expressing my attitude is the best way to correct the genocide of the Hyuga clan!

In today's ninja world, who dares to ignore me? !

Hum, put your hands on your hips for a moment

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