Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 304: Break again


Amidst the sound like a balloon deflating, Kakuzu bowed slightly and shot out a huge number of earth-hate tentacles from his back, forming four black monsters around him.

One of the monsters, a monster with a chubby body and flaming red lips, a fire escape mask monster, shook twice after appearing, then shattered to the ground and died immediately.

There were three left, one of which was a wind-escaping masked monster that was on all fours, had thin wings, and had blue facial patterns.

A thunder mask monster with a tall and wide body, a yellow nose, and a mask that looks like an evil ghost.

The last one is an earth escape mask monster with a plump body and earthy yellow facial patterns.

"Huh? Earth escape mask monster?" Zheng Dai was slightly surprised. Kakuzu is best at earth escape. Shouldn't the earth attribute heart stay in the main body?

In the conflict of attributes, the fire attribute is restrained by the water attribute, and Zhengdai is a water attribute, so Kakuzu was the first to choose the fire attribute for the dead heart. And the water attribute is restrained by the earth attribute, so the main body of Kakuzu should retain the earth attribute, right?

"Are you afraid that my Lake Earth will have water attributes? No, maybe after the battle with Hanzo, I couldn't find a suitable water attribute heart, so I got two earth attributes." Zhengdai paid more attention.

At this time, everyone on the opposite side carefully looked around Ichiban again, confirming that this was not an ambush by Konoha, but only Masadai, who snorted: "Arrogant brat!"

The tentacles swung, and the wind mask monster flapped its thin wings and flew towards Zheng Dai at top speed!

He was never a person who liked nonsense. After a brief moment of surprise and irritation, he quickly calmed down and had a clear goal: to kill Zheng Dai!

"The reaction doesn't look like he knows that I am the warrior Cha Yuan. It seems that the information he got is limited." Zheng Dai breathed a sigh of relief, clenched his fists, and the electric light rose.

Wind Clay, but it also depends on what level of Wind Escape and what level of Thunder Escape it is!

‘Thunder Release-Chainsaw! ’

The three seals were formed instantly, and the thunder and lightning in the palm of the right hand cut and rotated like a chainsaw! As Dai waved his right arm, the chainsaw connected with the wind blade formed by the Wind Mask Monster, causing the wind blade to shatter instantly!

The chainsaw was almost undamaged, and he was about to press it onto the Wind Escape Mask Monster.

However, at this moment, the thunder mask monster not far away suddenly spit out highly concentrated thunder and lightning, which condensed into a sharp spear and pierced straight towards Zhengdai!

‘Thunder Escape-Fake Darkness! ’

His body moved sideways to dodge, and the thunder spear passed by Zheng Dai. At this time, he felt a strange wave coming from the ground under his feet. An earth spear bulged and pierced diagonally from behind!

As he was twisting his body, the electric saw in his hand, which he could no longer hold on, cut into the bulging soil spear, cutting off the sharp tip of the soil spear. He jumped up lightly, borrowed strength from the remaining half of the soil spear, and avoided it. Guo Feng escaped the masked monster's attack and kept the distance.

In the last confrontation with Kakuzu, he only played the role of assisting in sneak attacks, and the main force was Teacher Zhao.

At this time, he had a head-on confrontation with Kakuzu for the first time, and he quickly understood the tricky part of Kakuzu.

A single masked monster is far less powerful than a Kage-level ninja. Zhengdai is confident that he can resolve the battle within ten seconds, but the three of them working together are far more difficult than a single Kage-level ninja.

Based on Kakuzu's combat experience, it is not easy to defeat them one by one.

"There are also four of Kakuzu's main bodies. Fortunately, we have solved a fire escape monster first. Then as long as we destroy another mask monster, it will be a crushing game!

Chakra must always be kept above the safety line. The upper limit is four water breaking waves or two semi-hard whirlpool water blades. It doesn't matter if the low-cost ninjutsu has ten or eight shots. Jutsus such as waterfalls are not strong enough and consume a lot. Don't use it, there is no extra chakra to build in the water conservancy terrain.

As for illusions, the level 5 dark line is not enough to see from both sides, and the masked monster should be able to share the field of vision. The seven-level Four Seasons Flower can be effective, but the effect is not very strong and can be used as a supplement.

You need to stand firmly when releasing the Li Fusuo Suo Su, and it can be easily interrupted by the masked monster's attack.

Then... Shui Duanbo is sent into the soul!

Alas, what a pity, if Baby Samehada is around, I can just use my ultimate to kill him! "

With a silent sigh, Dai was quickly formulating a strategy, when another masked monster rushed over.

Chubby and thick, the earth escape mask monster!

The round body looks a bit like the cartoon that Zhengdai has watched. In Pleasant Goat, the black egg draws circles and curses you. The short and fat arms wave and attack, which is very funny.

But Zheng Dai didn't dare to underestimate him at all, and he was hit with a heavy fist wrapped in lightning, but he was actually knocked back!

The earth-bending mask monster really has the ability to harden Kakuzu's body, tentacles, and punch hard!

The chakra circulates and the lightning becomes more powerful. Zhengdai turns the thunder chakra mode to the limit of level 6, strengthening his own physique to the maximum extent without being negatively affected!

The fists connected again, and the Earth-Escape Mask Monster slid out backwards. Just as he was about to pursue him, another huge cannon formed by a storm struck.

"here we go again."

While Dai Hengni was dodging, he could already guess in his mind that the next attack would be the thunder mask monster's attack.

Sure enough, a bolt of lightning quickly spread towards him from the ground, and the thunder escaped - to the ground!

Electric light flowed under Zheng Dai's feet. The Thunder Release Chakra pattern on his body had a certain ability to resist Thunder Release attacks, but it could not be ignored.

A slight tingling sensation came over him, and Zheng Dai trembled as if he was paralyzed by lightning, and froze in place. However, the Earth-Escape Mask Monster that was chasing him jumped back and gave up the attack.

"Cunning old guy." Zhengdai cursed in a low voice, calmed down the large amount of chakra he had just mobilized, touched the ninja tool bag with his right hand, and drew the six-shot shuriken in an arc, shooting directly into the body!

Judging from his agile movements, there was no sign of him being paralyzed at all.

‘Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu! ’

Raising his hands to form a seal, the number of shurikens divided from 6 to 12, 12 to 24 and then to 48, densely covering Kakuzu!

Kakuzu stood calmly, still distracted and controlling the three masked monsters to attack Zhengdai.


The dense shurikens pierced his body, but Kakuzu suddenly turned into a ball of water, and his figure appeared on the other side.

"The main body really retains the water attribute." Zheng Dai once again fought hard with the earth escape mask monster.

Amidst the crackling sound, Zheng Dai was fighting hand-to-hand with the Earth Escape mask monster, leaving no room for the other two mask monsters to interfere! His body moved sideways and rolled around, using flexible movements to keep his body stuck behind the huge body of the Earth Escape Mask Monster!

At this time, the wind escape mask monster rushed forward and intervened in the battle, but did not attack Zheng Dai. UU Reading ww. Instead, he slammed into the Earth-Escape Mask Monster and crashed into its body!

Another mask quickly appeared on the chest of the earth escape mask monster. The earth and wind merged, not only the thickness of the earth escape, but also the cutting of the wind!

"Four becomes three, opportunity!"

The two fists were connected again, Zheng Dai used the force to retreat, his body turned into mist, split into three parts in an instant, surrounded the wind and earth mask monster, and all punched hard!

‘The Fist of the Three Suns and Moons! ’

"It's this move again." Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, recalling the time in the Land of Waves when his heart was broken by Masadai's Mikazuki Dance.

It’s not the original body! Thoughts whirling around, Kakuzu quickly made a judgment, ignored the heavy blows from the three Masaidai, controlled the wind and earth mask monster, and punched diagonally to an uninhabited place!

When the fist came, Zheng Dai's figure happened to appear there, and he was hit in the chest by a punch!

However, Kakuzu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that the feeling returned was wrong. As expected, the hit Masadai turned into water splashes, and the real Masaida appeared from the other side. He pursed his lips and spit softly, firing a high-pressure fine water column pen. Shoot directly at the Thunder Mask Monster!

Is it the real goal? Kakuzu's body reacted immediately, forming seals and spraying water.

‘Water Escape-Water Formation Wall! ’

He didn't want to use the water formation wall to block the water breaking wave he was wearing. He just wanted to buy some time for the Thunder Mask Monster to escape. However, the high-pressure thin water column actually melted into it after touching the water formation wall!

"Fake attack? The target is still over there!" Kakuzu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he controlled the wind and earth mask monster to retreat.

boom! However, there was a loud boom not far away, and Kakuzu's expression suddenly darkened.

Behind the water formation wall, Zheng Dai, who had activated the seventh-level Thunder Escape Chakra mode, stepped heavily on the Thunder Escape Mask Monster into the ground!

"There are so many distractions. It seems like your brain is not strong enough. Guess...which one is my next target?"

Zheng Dai smiled slightly, moved his toes, and crushed the Thunder Mask Monster to pieces!

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