Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2201 Too far away

Ideals are beautiful, but reality often backfires.

Not long after entering the dark red swamp, Lu Yu knew that his idea had failed.

Although he has not seen what kind of power law is guarding this level, he already knows that the difficulty of this level cannot be low, because he saw dense figures in the swamp. If there are no accidents, these Everyone will be his competitor, and he will never be given the space to perform alone as before.

Sure enough, as Lu Yu continued to approach, these people soon noticed his arrival.

"Hey, this person..."

"Void Saint? With such little strength, you come here to die?"

"No, look at his hands..."

"It's a dragon soul! He actually has a dragon soul!"

These people immediately became excited, with greed clearly showing in their eyes.

Obviously after such a long period of exploration, they not only know the existence of dragon souls, but also know that mastering these dragon souls is the key to breaking the seal of this sealed world.

If a strong man controlled the dragon soul, they might still have some scruples, but Lu Yu's level of cultivation was too low. It was no different from a child walking through a busy city with a large gold ingot. Naturally everyone is hidden.

So, these people immediately gathered around Lu Yu...

Seeing their actions, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

The worst case scenario has arisen... It doesn't matter if he is targeted. Even if the opponent has a large number of people, he can create chaos by surprise and fish in troubled waters, but these people in front of him are obviously in the same group, which is another matter.

You must know that everyone who appears here is far stronger than him. He has no chance to face each other head-on. He can only rely on flexible escape methods to deal with each other.

But even if you can temporarily avoid damage by transforming your body into the sword light, this avoidance is not unlimited. As long as the opponent cooperates properly, it is easy to catch his flaw.

But his body disappeared into the sword light and he avoided the opponent's first wave of attacks.

A sword was drawn out, the figure flashed briefly, and then disappeared.


"This guy has some skills..."

"It's the sword in his hand. There's something weird about that sword!"

"No wonder you can get the dragon soul with this little strength!"

"Do you think you can run away from us like this? You are so naive!"

Sure enough, in front of a real master, this move can only be used once... After Lu Yu bypassed the first wave of everyone's offensive, these people immediately dispersed without much verbal communication, blocking his path from all directions. .

After all, Lu Yu's technique of turning his body into sword light relies on the force field activated on the Galaxy Sword. To others, this is an ever-changing and unpredictable miracle.

But for these truly powerful people, they can tell the size of the force field's coverage at a glance and accurately grasp its boundaries. As long as they see through the changes in the force field on the Galaxy Sword, they can grasp Lu Yu's seven inches. .

To put it simply, these people can accurately predict the landing point of his sword light and adopt countermeasures in advance.

The second offensive step follows...

At this time, Lu Yu found that no matter which direction he broke through, there were already people waiting there, and his technique did not have no time to recover. Even if he used it continuously, there would be short-term flaws. For these strong men, , this little time is enough for him to die several times.

Therefore, Lu Yu had no choice. Since the sword in his right hand couldn't work, he could only rely on the golden dragon soul law in his left hand.


A high-pitched dragon roar sounded.

The huge golden dragon's body instantly condensed and appeared in the void, and rolled out with thunderous momentum.

Terrifying power poured out, and it seemed that the whole world was responding to the law drive in Lu Yu's hand.

To a certain extent, this is similar to controlling dragon mimicry. The difference is that the power of dragon mimicry comes from the pills taken. Even if this power is only temporary, it is also a power within its own system... ...At this time, the law that drives the golden dragon soul is controlling the power of this dark red world. There is a huge gap in difficulty between the two.

Therefore, this also put huge pressure on Lu Yu's body. Although the golden dragon's offensive power was amazing on the surface, Lu Yu's body was also suffering great pain while his mind was working.

"Ah! Oops!"

"This kid can actually activate the Dragon Soul Law?"

"A Void did he do it?"

"This is not good! Escape!"

Wherever the golden dragon passed by, the ground was swept away, leaving only a deep dragon-shaped remnant in the swamp.

Lu Yu didn't care to appreciate this rare and strange sight, and dragged his scarred body away quickly in the direction of the dragon-shaped remains.

Although the Golden Dragon offensive has temporarily repelled some of the besieging strong men, there are still more strong men waiting for opportunities. Lu Yu has no way to retreat now, because even if he retreats, sooner or later he will be defeated by these strong ones waiting for opportunities. The enemy could catch up, but he did not have the ability to continuously drive the Golden Dragon Soul Law in a short period of time.

Therefore, he could only choose to move forward, no matter what happened ahead, he could only give it a try.

Fortunately, the power of red lotus in his body has miraculous healing effects. It can repair the injured body while moving forward. Otherwise, he would not even have a chance to move forward.

"Chase! Don't let him get away!"

"The dragon soul in his hand seems unusual! It is so powerful. If it falls into our hands as well, it will be easy to break the seal!"

"Boy! Keep the dragon soul and I will spare your life!"

A group of people were chasing after him like hyenas.

Lu Yu didn't dare to look back at all, he could only rush forward with enough energy. Fortunately, under the pull of the Galaxy Sword, his speed was not much slower than these people. They would not be able to catch up for a while, but they were getting deeper and deeper into this place. A dark red swamp.

Suddenly, the ground fluctuated sharply, and a stream of mud shot up from the swamp, turning into countless raindrops and pouring down, and the terrifying aura spread overwhelmingly.

Lu Yu was startled, and in desperation, he quickly drew a sword light, and once again used the trick of hiding his body in the sword light. Only then did he avoid the entire offensive of mud and rain... But before he finally landed, he was startled. At that time, I was still rubbed by a little mud, and suddenly there was a burst of smoke on my clothes, and a burning pain came on my skin.

I didn't expect these mud raindrops to be so powerful... You must know that the clothes Lu Yu is wearing are not ordinary clothes, but gold silk soft jade robes produced by Tiangongfang, which are of heavenly quality. But in front of this muddy water, Just like a piece of paper, if it had been sprayed all over my face just now, would it be okay?

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

Only then did he look back, only to find that the strong men behind him had already stopped and were standing very far away, looking at him.

It was obviously impossible for them to realize this because of their conscience, and they voluntarily gave up tracking Lu Yu. Only a greater threat ahead would deter them...

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