Nine Star Burden

Forty-five 3 low youth

Don't fight with your classmates at school, keep a low profile. On the co-pilot, Han Jiangxue spoke more than ever before, and Xia Yan was overjoyed to hear it.

Since Xia Yan raped Jiang Xiao in Jiang Xiao's room, her mood has obviously improved a lot.

Jiang Xiao sat in the back seat, leaning on the window frame with his elbows, looking at the outside world. After many years, he was going to school again.

Jiangbin No. 1 Middle School is not only the awakened students, there are also many ordinary students, no matter what kind of students, at this age, most of the children are competitive and jealous, it will always be good for you to keep a low profile. Han Jiangxue's words fell, and there was no response for a while.

Han Jiangxue stretched out his hand and directly adjusted the angle of the rearview mirror on the roof of the carport.

Hey, I can't see the road behind me. Xia Yan said hurriedly.

Then look at the rear-view mirrors on both sides. Han Jiangxue replied coldly, raised his eyes, and through the rear-view mirror in front, he saw Jiang Xiao's unlovable appearance.

Han Jiangxue said softly, Tired?

Jiang Xiao came back to his senses and hurriedly said, No, I've slipped a bit.

Yeah. Han Jiangxue replied casually and stopped talking.

Jiang Xiao opened his mouth, thought about it for a long time, and said, By the way, let me tell you two, my blessing star skill has reached silver quality.


The heavy Land Rover slammed to the brakes.

Xia Yan turned her head, her beautiful eyes were bright, and she stared at Jiang Xiao: Really?

Jiang Xiao looked out the window and sighed softly, Oh, woman.

Xia Yan: ...



Around 17:00, the vehicle slowly stopped at the school gate.

As soon as Jiang Xiao got out of the car, he heard the singing of ghosts and gods.

In the almost flat singing voice, Jiang Xiao heard a few lyrics, and then he heard that it was unity is strength.

Jiang Xiao came to the front door curiously, and looked inside, only to see children in green military uniforms singing loudly, lined up in a neat square, singing countless ensembles to the cafeteria.

The old man at the entrance of the cafeteria sat leisurely on a chair, swinging a fan in one hand, and looking at the group of children waiting to be fed, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Go, go to report. Han Jiangxue patted Jiang Xiao's shoulder.

Or... I'll report myself. Jiang Xiao tried to suggest.

Han Jiangxue was stunned for a while, then pondered for a while, then said, Okay, then Xia Yan and I will go first. You go directly to the fourth floor of the teaching building of No. A and find Director Gao, he knows you are coming.

Xiaopi Xiaopi. Xia Yan grabbed Han Jiangxue's arm and blew a kiss at Jiang Xiao, You are the best, I'll be waiting for you in the third year of high school~

Jiang Xiao's face stiffened.

Senior year! Senior year!


After coming to this strange world, what have you done?

Struggling to survive in the snow and ice, and then go back to campus and jump straight to the third year of high school?

Courses or something, think about it carefully, you should be able to keep up with it if you study hard.

But the learning intensity of the third year of high school is completely different from that of the first and second year of high school. Just turn on the hell mode?

Why wasn't I directly reborn into a college student?

Life is really... interesting!

Awakened people also have the college entrance examination, and any institution of higher learning has a high demand for the results of cultural courses. The difference is that the college entrance examination for the Awakened has also set up special practical subjects.

Of course, if your goal is not an institution of higher learning, but an ordinary university, it will not be so tiring to live.

The reason why it is called an institution of higher learning is justified. Whether it is resources or opportunities, institutions of higher learning are much better than ordinary colleges.

Schools, regions, and various factors are all influencing a child's future development trend.

If Jiang Xiao doesn't care much about his face, as an awakened person from the medical department, he is not afraid that no one will want it in the future.

face this thing,

To or not to?


Let it go...  

Just like the school gatekeeper showing his identity, he swore to the school gate that he was not a gangster who came following the two girls, and the school gate was more powerful, and Jiang Xiao was not trapped at the gate.

Teaching Building A is very easy to find. There are only two teaching buildings in Jiangbin No. 1 Middle School. The students of Senior One and Senior Two are in the one near the school gate, which is the so-called No. A teaching building.

In the third year of high school, in the teaching building of B, they have to cross the playground, dormitory building, and travel through mountains and rivers to see the teaching building of B, which is secluded in the deep mountains and old forests.

Jiang Xiao went straight to the fourth floor and found Director Gao in the office.

Director Gao is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a height of 173cm and a short stature. He has dark skin and wears a pair of rimless glasses, which adds a touch of culture to this dark face.

Are you Jiang Xiaopi? That kid from the medical department? Gao Aimin looked at Jiang Xiao from top to bottom, with a look of disbelief.

This seems to be a common problem among teachers,

Look at any student with a skeptical look,

Be suspicious of anything students say.

Jiang Xiao made up his mind that he must get better grades in the exam, at least to change the teacher's attitude towards him.

As for giving gifts or something, Jiang Xiao really has more than enough energy, and he has no source of income. After being stopped by Han Jiangxue to become a barefoot doctor last time, he can only earn one hundred or two hundred by selling the corpses of white ghosts. Making big money seems to be a thing of the future.

And every time he travels with Han Jiangxue, the official money for the recovery of the white ghost's body is of course handed over to Han Jiangxue.

Although Jiang Xiao does not make money,

But Jiang Xiao can spend money...

Yes. Jiang Xiao's face was full of cuteness.

Reporting time and military training were delayed because of going to the snowfield for training? Gao Aimin was sitting on a chair, banging on the desk with one hand, as if questioning the world.


You just don't want military training, do you?

Now these kids can tell three lies in one sentence.

After all, Han Jiangxue asked the principal directly to ask for leave, and Director Gao just received a message from his superior.

Yes. Jiang Xiao continued to be obedient.

Show me the star map. Director Gao asked.

Jiang Xiao urged the star power, and a beautiful star map appeared on his body.

The star power of the Stardust Period is still in the shape of dust, with little stars rendering the star map, connecting nine star slots.

And the first three of the nine star slots are inlaid with three silver-quality star beads, exuding a faint light.

Gao Aimin: ? ? ?

For a time, Gao Aimin's expression was extremely wonderful, and he didn't know whether it was shock or regret.

Only 9 star slots?

This is a one-of-a-kind medical department... an imbecile?

Be nice, it's amazing.

In the end, Jiang Xiao still used 3 skill points, focusing on Bai Guiwu's star skills. At this time, the blessing and patience star skills have just been upgraded to silver quality.

If nothing else, Jiang Xiao's blessing star skills will stay at the silver stage for a long time in the future. If there is a white ghost witch star bead in the future, he can absorb it normally, instead of being afraid of abruptly upgrading the quality and causing trouble.

Moreover, at the current stage of exploding physical fitness and soaring star power, Jiang Xiao can rely on his own efforts to increase the total star power, but star skills cannot be improved by his own efforts.

Anyway, Jiang Xiao entered school with star skills, Gao Aimin asked casually, What star skills are all?

In Gao Aimin's mind, Jiang Xiao's star skills had already been guessed, what else could there be?

It's not that these are all silver star skills that can be bought in the market.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiao's words made Gao Aimin completely stunned.

Jiang Xiao said: Blessing, Qingmang and Zhongling.

Gao Aimin asked stupidly: Blessing and Qingmang are both brass quality, why do you have three silver star skills?

Jiang Xiao took out the prepared speech: My parents left it to me.

In an instant, Gao Aimin changed his face and became much kinder: surname Jiang, who are your parents?

You are so real, isn't it?

They were on a mission three years ago and their whereabouts are unknown. Jiang Xiao replied without mentioning the names of his parents.

Who is the person who took you to the snowfield to practice? Gao Aimin continued to ask.

Han Jiangxue. Jiang Xiao thought for a while and added, My sister.

Han Jiangxue's younger brother, the Han family of the wasteland group? You take your mother's surname? Gao Aimin finally calmed down, but sighed regretfully, It's a pity, there are only 9 star slots.

Immediately, Gao Aimin was a little confused: Nima, aren't you a low-quality, low-potential imbecile with 9 star slots? What kind of shit luck did you take, to actually be able to absorb three silver-quality star skills?

Gao Aimin, who couldn't understand, gradually became warmer, and Jiang Xiao had already come to a conclusion in his heart.

This kid's aptitude is extremely low, but luck is not bad.

This is obviously a child who has no stamina and cannot grow up.

But for Gao Aimin, it didn't matter whether the child could grow up later, anyway, Jiang Xiao had already graduated from high school at that time.

From the early stage, Jiang Xiao is very strong!

No matter what happened to him in the later stage, such as low growth and low aptitude, Gao Aimin is too lazy to care about the future.

Let's just look at the moment, these three star skills are enough, find a good teacher to train Jiang Xiao's boxing skills well, this year's Jiangbin City High School League, our senior year will definitely have a show!

Jiang Xiao looked at Gao Aimin's suddenly warm eyes and felt very uncomfortable.

What about the sacred and pure campus sanctuary?

this old guy,

It's downright scary.

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