Chapter 3015: Discussing the matter of defending the city

They are also smart people in Tokyo Mythology. They also know how powerful the Demon God-level bosses are, not to mention that the Ninth Demon God * Demon Sword Thousand Slayers are among the best of the Demon God-level bosses, so they also know how powerful they are after hearing the system prompts. They didn’t have any confidence to deal with this trouble. They were still struggling with this issue before. After learning about the intentions of the Chinese server alliance, they naturally agreed without hesitation. Of course, the most important thing is that the brain system deliberately proposed the next step. All the descendants are alliances, so they don’t have to worry about killing each other, so they don’t have to worry about the alliance of the Chinese server suddenly attacking them.

The next thing is to discuss how to deal with this monster attack. For example, they need to discuss the defensive arrangements in the Central Asian server imperial city-although all servers are allies, after all, everyone belongs to a different formation, which is impossible. Mixed together to defend the city, but separate the major servers to defend a certain wall.

In addition to these, everyone has to discuss how many players to mobilize from their respective servers. After all, everyone knows that this task will be difficult, but it also means that there will be great gains, so how many elite players to mobilize to defend the city It is very important-if there are too many players mobilized and all these people are killed, then the losses of the major servers will be too great, and if the number of people is too small, they will miss the harvest this time, after all, the brain system has deliberately Pointing out that this time the rewards are quite generous, maybe it will greatly enhance the player’s strength. Everyone does not want to miss this opportunity.

“The matter of defending the city is very simple. You and me have two walls on each side. This shouldn’t be a problem.” Flame Crocodile took the lead. Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: “The specific defensive arrangements will be discussed by the respective alliances. This is fair. Bar.”

“You have a lot of alliance servers, a lot more than ours. I’m afraid this arrangement is unfair.” Deep Sea Youlan said lightly. Without waiting for Flame Crocodile and others to speak, she continued: “This is our first time. Join forces to defend the city. If we can’t defend and the wall is broken, the next situation you will face may not be very good, so I hope you will be fairer.”

“In addition, without accident, defending the city and killing monsters will also get a very good burst. At the worst, there are points rewards. Is it possible that you want to let us all?” Deep Sea Youlan added.

Everyone knows that everyone is on the same boat at this time. Once the boat leaks, everyone will suffer. Of course, the players in the server alliance such as the Japanese server also know that risks are accompanied by benefits, so their proposals for the flame crocodile are also not. How do you catch a cold?

“Let’s do this, our Japanese service joins your side, plus the US service, this power should be about the same, how?” Suddenly Mt. Fuji went down.

The Japanese server and the US server are also considered to be the two powerful servers of all servers. Joining these two servers in the defensive camp of the Chinese server can undoubtedly greatly enhance the defensive power of this side, as mentioned by Mount Fuji. There is not much difference in strength.

Of course, Mt. Fuji also knows that even if the Japanese service and the US service join the Chinese service’s defensive camp, the number of servers here is less than that of the other side, but the strength is almost the same, and they can get the benefits when there are fewer people. There are more, especially since they have confidence in their own strength.

The foot of Mount Fuji is also a person who can’t afford to benefit early. He knows how to get the most benefits, so he made this proposal.

The players in the US server such as Hero Wuming are also smart people. He also knows that if the two alliances can’t do anything to each other, they can get more benefits from the smaller but stronger side, so they also decisively agreed to the foot of Mount Fuji. Proposal.

Smart such as fireworks, easy to cold, deep sea blue and others, instantly understood the careful thinking of the people under Mount Fuji, but they also knew that after the Japanese and American servers joined their defensive camp, their strengths would be almost the same. The opportunity to defend the imperial city, so they agreed to this proposal after a little thought. The next step is to discuss how many players each server will send to the Central Asian server to help defend the city.

Some people suggested that each server send 5 million elite players to defend the city. In their hearts, all servers add up to hundreds of millions of elite players. This is a very powerful force. There is no problem in defending an imperial city. , And even they have free power to mobilize.

“I checked the size of the imperial city. Although the imperial city is much larger than the fifth-level gang resident or even the first-level main city, the number of players that can be accommodated is also limited. Probably it can accommodate 50 million players at the same time. The NPCs in the imperial city and the guardian beasts that are likely to appear, that is to say, we have sent too many players to come here and can’t accommodate them at all.” Red Fengye said, while he said he looked at everyone: “Could it be you? Would you like to see your people guarding the city outside the city? That is very dangerous.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: “So we only need to send 23 million elite players to each of our servers.”

“It’s not impossible to send some players to defend the city outside the imperial city. Don’t forget that our melee cavalry will be placed outside the city wall, otherwise the imperial city wall will be easily broken, and we just wait to be killed.” Dongfang Xing said, looking at everyone while talking: “So it’s better to send more elite players over, so that we can better defend the imperial city.”

“By the way, don’t forget that both of you and me have their own gang sites in the Central Asian server. Some players can also be placed here. I asked before that players from any server can be teleported to via the teleportation array in the gang site. The imperial city is here, so we can place players in those gangs first, and once players are killed, we will replenish them. This way, the energy source will continue to replenish the troops, so there will be more opportunities to kill the BOSS.” Dongfang Star added. .

Both parties are smart people. Naturally, they also know that the more players dispatched to the Central Asian server, the more likely they will be to complete this mission. Although more players dispatched means greater risks, but they are all rushing to succeed. The Ninth Demon God was killed. After all, they also knew what it meant to them not being able to kill the Ninth Demon God. This was not what they wanted to see, so they would rather arrange more players-even if these players were Killing is just a loss of level and some equipment, which is still affordable for them, not to mention that other servers are also like this according to the agreement, so they don’t have much opinion.

Think about it, the Tokyo Mythology, they are all smart people. They also know that once they can’t complete the task, they will be killed. Once killed, their national weapons will explode. This is what they don’t want to see. So they all agreed to send more elite players over.

“Well, each server sends 3 million elite players. Of course, the so-called elite players refer to players who have already turned eight. How about it?” Polar Silver Wolf spoke, and without waiting for everyone to answer, he continued: “Of course, if any server is willing to send More players can come, but the players who come to the imperial city first can only have 3 million per server, how about that?”

“You and I know that the risks and benefits of this mission are mixed, so in addition to the fixed number of people required, everyone can do what they can.” Polar Silver Wolf added.

“Well, I agree.” Tokyo Mythology nodded, and while talking, he looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and others: “After all, there are a lot of players in China Server and some other servers, and only 3 million players can be sent, which is too few. This does not give full play to real strength, not to mention that I have already asked, maybe the brain system deliberately, the people of our server can send to the gang station relay of Zhongya Service as long as they take the teleport and then rush to the imperial city. , So it is convenient to come to support.”

“What, people from our server can directly take the teleportation array to the Central Asian server to support?!” After hearing this news, the perfume’s poisonous eyes lit up, and he was very excited: “Doesn’t this mean that we can continuously send players to support? , So you don’t have to care about how many players are sent. When we see that we can’t defend the imperial city, we will send some players over, and it’s a steady stream of players. I don’t believe we don’t consume the Ninth Demon God.”

Not only do perfumes think so, but also other players. After learning about this, they all breathed a sigh of relief. They didn’t worry about this problem at all. Think about it, if you can continuously send players to support Central Asia, Then they can naturally send hundreds of tens of millions of players, and even more, relying on the number of players to consume all the Demon monsters and the Ninth Demon God, they don’t have to worry about not being able to kill the Ninth Demon God.

“Although it can be teleported to the Central Asian server through our gang station and the teleportation array in the main city, there is a time limit, and it can only be teleported within 1 hour.” Tokyo Mythology said, seeing everyone’s stunned look, he continued: “That is to say, after 1 hour, our people will not be able to teleport through the teleportation array. They can only rush from the border of the Central Asian server. The number of players that can be mobilized is very limited, so we have to think about how many players are sent to defend. City, otherwise there will be no time to do this after an hour.”

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understand why there is a one-hour limit. After all, they also know that the brain system does not allow them to continuously transmit to the player, because this will definitely kill the Ninth Demon God, and slowly Consumption is also dying for him.

Thinking of this, everyone began to ponder. They were thinking about how many players need to be sent to the Central Asian server to support them. After all, this matter is of great importance, and they need to think seriously and then make up their minds.

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