Chapter 2976: Return to support

Ye Luo and the others immediately took action on the single [Mobile Fortress] after they arrived in Bafu. Soon they arrived in front of a level 4 gang station in Bafu. Then they did not say much, and directly attacked it. .

Because the servers such as the Japanese server did not send players to support, and in addition to the players of the Chinese server, the Russian server, the Korean server and other servers also sent elite masters, so their offensive is almost the same, it will not take long. Break the gang resident in front of you and then occupy it, and you can even occupy it before the fortresses of servers such as German servers reach Hongyan City, which means that Ye Luo and the others can rush to defend the city.

“Hey, Tokyo Mythology, they didn’t come to support, they are really smart.” Po Lang Chengfeng Road, when she said this, her tone was faintly regretful.

If you think about it, if Tokyo Mythology and them come to support, then Ye Luo and the others will have a chance to kill it. At the worst, they can also kill some elites in servers such as Japanese servers. This can weaken their strength more or less, the most important thing. The thing is that once they come to support, it means that the offensive in the Central Asian server will be slightly slowed down, which will more or less make the players of the server such as Bucky server easier.

“Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people. They know that even if they come to support, they will not be able to keep Bafu’s gang station, especially when we use some [Group Blessing Scrolls], so coming to support will only increase casualties, and the most important thing is them. The offensive in the Central Asian server will also slow down. Under this circumstance, they will naturally not do this.” Deep Sea Youlan said, and then his tone changed: “But this is also good for us, at least we have more opportunities. Occupying this gang site and then destroying the [Mobile Fortress] would be considered a weakening of the enemy’s strength.”

I also know this. The most important thing is that it doesn’t make much sense to entangle these things, so they didn’t pay attention to these things anymore. Then they attacked the city with all their strength. With their powerful strength, they easily occupied one or two walls. At this time, the players of Pakistan Service were already in a state of defeat, but they did not immediately give up the defense. At least they dispatched space players to use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city to delay time.

At the same time, they hid in the gang’s [Mobile Fortress] and began to flee, but Yeluo and the others directly chased after it. After all, it was more important for them to destroy the enemy’s fortress.

It was easy for Yeluo and the others to destroy a [Mobile Fortress] whose tenacity had been knocked down seven or eight eight. The fact is the same. They only took 1 minute to destroy it, and then they did not They did not return to the previous gang resident, nor did they return to the Central Asian server. Instead, they worked on a few BOSS. Previously, the Chinese server sent many assassins to operate in the Pakistan server. They found some BOSS with good grades. , It’s just that there is no Quasi Demon God level, so Ye Luo and the others did not rush over. Now they can solve these BOSS easily and can add some’ammunition’.

In this regard, the Polar Silver Wolf and other players did not care, after all, they also knew that sending assassins into other servers to facilitate the next action is the most important thing is to find high-level BOSS to kill, and this can give them a very good strength. promote.

In addition, Ye Luo and the others did not return to the gang resident they had attacked before, which meant that they gave it to them. They naturally wished that they would receive a very good system reward for occupying the gang resident in front of them.

However, according to the previous agreement, the captured gang station must be given to the Central Asia Service to make up for their previous losses, so this gang station is for the Central Asia Service, but the Polar Silver Wolf did not care about this, not just because of this. It’s agreed. The most important thing is that they also know that this is just the beginning. Next, they will have the opportunity to occupy some gang sites, not to mention that they have arranged a large number of assassins. These assassins will soon be able to find some very good bosses. .

After spending some time, Ye Luo and the others finally killed all the BOSS they had found before. It is worth mentioning that although they did not obtain national equipment or demon-level equipment, they obtained some scrolls, not only [Group Blessing] Scrolls], and there are also the [Group Teleportation Scrolls], which more or less makes their assassin props more abundant, and the next actions are more emboldened.

“Fireworks beauty, not only our alliance sent assassins into the major servers, but also our enemies.” Suddenly an anonymous voice sounded in the team channel: “It seems that these people have roughly the same purpose as us, such as finding High-ranking BOSS, of course, they have also sent full players to the Sky City.”

“It seems that they have to add various equipment, props and materials. After all, the previous consumption is a bit big for them.” Dongfang Star said, and then her tone changed: “Firework beauty, should you deliberately target these people? They should send a lot of assassins, and the strength of these people may not be so strong, so even if they are killed, it will not affect them. The most important thing is that we don’t waste much time chasing these assassins.”

“Well, there is no need to deliberately pay attention to them, kill them if you encounter them, and forget them if you don’t.” Firework Yi said coldly.

“But they will get a lot of scrolls because of this, especially they will collect some materials to make [Mobile Fortress] and even upgrade [Mobile Fortress].” One thought became a devil and said: “If it is the same as your previous analysis, then next Players who are waiting for the server will recreate the [Mobile Fortress] in the Central Asian server, so their fortresses will become more and more, and it will be even more difficult for us to destroy them.”

“Even so, we don’t have a good solution. After all, we simply cannot send so many people to hunt down their assassins. Not to mention that we don’t have so much time. The most important thing is that we don’t have so many manpower at all.” Yu Fei Fei said, and then her tone changed: “But don’t worry about it, because we have also sent a lot of people to do these things, and we did it earlier. After so long, we have looked for a lot of bosses with good grades, no It is not too much to clean up the BOSS, so other servers will not have much gain.”

“That’s also true.” One thought became a demon, his expression eased a lot when he said this, and other people no longer worry about this matter.

When Yeluo solved the BOSS they found, the players in the Central Asian server also occupied the gang resident. At this time, there was not much time left before the fortress of the German server and other servers arrived at Hongyan City, so they rushed Back to the Central Asian service, ready to defend Hong Yancheng.

In fact, many players have proposed not to defend Hongyan City, and simply abandoned it. After all, according to their previous analysis, they almost held Hongyan City with almost nothing, and even had no chance to destroy their fortress, so there would be no return. What is the gain, it is better to continue to work on the gang station in Pakistan, so they will get more benefits instead.

Even the players of the Central Asian server also agreed with this proposal. After all, they knew that even if they returned to support, they would not be able to defend Hongyan City. They also knew that if they continued to occupy the Pakistan server’s gang, they would still belong to them, which would make them Obtained very good income, at least slightly to make up for the loss of the two occupied gang sites.

However, Fireworks Easy Cool insists on letting everyone return to the defense. Her reason is simple-they return to the defense more or less have a chance to destroy the fortresses of servers such as German servers, and once the number of destroyers is large, they will have the opportunity to lead the next. The fortress will break Hongyan City and then destroy all the enemy’s fortresses, so it can solve the trouble once and for all.

If you think about it, if you can destroy all the fortresses of servers such as German servers, then the alliance of the Chinese server will be in an absolute advantage, and there will be almost no trouble next.

In addition, Eastern Stars also gave a reason-if they do not return to support, then the enemy after occupying Hongyan City is likely to continue to work on other gangs, or even stop, this is not Central Asia Serve what players want to see, so they can only return to support.

After returning to Hongyancheng, the fortresses of the German servers and other servers were also arrived. A big battle was about to start, but the situation was still quite unfavorable for the alliance of the Chinese server, even if Hongyancheng was a level 5 gang resident, many enemy forts gathered together. Not to mention that it can be destroyed, it can’t be too much, at least Ye Luo and the others still can’t resist directly, they can only harass from both sides or sneak attack from the rear.

It’s worth mentioning that Ye Luo found that the enemy’s siege method had changed as soon as they arrived at Hongyan City to support. A large number of players were in front of the fortress. Obviously, these people were clearing the space system that might be sent by the server. Players, and in this case, it’s almost impossible for the space player of the middle server to use the [Space Enchantment] to trap the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress].

The fact is the same. The space players on the Chinese server side failed to trap the enemy’s fortress, so they had no chance to destroy the enemy’s fortress. This result disappointed everyone, and they even regretted returning to support. In their minds, if they continue to stay in the Pakistani server, even if they can’t occupy the Pakistani server’s level 5 gang site, they can still occupy the level 4 gang site, so they can more or less get back some losses.

“Although we failed to destroy their [Mobile Fortress], we did not gain anything. For example, we killed many of their players. For example, we destroyed a lot of the toughness of the fortress, and even some fortresses were being destroyed. “Edge.” Ye Luo said lightly: “This means that these fortresses can no longer attack other gang sites. Not surprisingly, they should not attack other gang sites anymore, which means that we can rest assured that we can be bold in the future. Our enemy’s gang has started.”

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