Chapter 1365: Attacking as much as you like

There are too many dual classes around Tokyo Mythology, and their strength is quite terrifying after they use their big moves. Ye Luo and others can’t get close to Tokyo Mythology when they stop them, so they decided to solve them first.

In addition, more than 10 dual professions with big moves are also a great threat to Chinese players, and they are not even worse than the Tokyo Mythology. Solving them can also reduce China’s losses.

The reason why Tokyo Mythology allows so many masters to stop Ye Luo is not only because entanglement of Ye Luo can greatly reduce his damage output and make Tokyo Mythology feel at ease to attack boldly. In addition, they can also entangle Ye Luo in the east and the solitary smoke in the desert. Et al.

Eastern Killing Sky and Damo Guyan are first-class masters, one-on-one and even comparable to the Tokyo myth. If they are allowed to get away, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the coalition forces. It is quite for the coalition forces to drag them with more than 10 players. For a good deal.

Ye Luo, Dongfang Killing the Sky, Damo Guyan and others face-to-face with the more than 10 dual-professionals, while the Dongfang star casts [Devil Mist] on them from a distance, under the influence of the mist, their movement speed, defense power, etc. They were all greatly reduced, and they couldn’t catch up with Ye Luo and others, but now they can’t help them.

Dongfang Tiantian and Damo Guyan are worthy of being a first-class one. With their superb positioning and cooperation, they quickly controlled a person, and then ignored that person, glanced at Ye Luo, and then they went to block the others. people.

Ye Luo immediately understood what they meant, and he came to the person in a flash, various skills were displayed, and the terrifying damage numbers floated up. Before the person woke up, he played [Fear] ], and then there are 2, 3 swords plus [Energy Sword Rain], easily kill only.

Guyan in the desert and Killing the Sky in the East are smart people. They also know that it would be a waste of time and skills to kill the dual professions that have used their ults with their attack power. It is better to give them to Ye Luo, after all, his attacks The power has increased by 200%, and it takes almost 10 seconds to kill it. With these times, they can help Ye Luo resist or control other people.

Although this dual professional player has the status of [Resurrection Prophecy], after the resurrection, he has no big moves, and the threat to China is much smaller. Even Ye Luo can kill him with any 2 or 3 skills. There is no need to pay attention to him deliberately.

Of course, at this time China’s mammoth cavalry and assassin teams also launched operations, especially those assassins in the middle of the night. Their main task is to sneak attack on those airpower that landed on the ground, including those players who were killed and had resurrection skills, so There is no need for Ye Luo to deliberately pay attention to them.

After Ye Luo solved the person, Dongfang Star used [Devil Transformation] to control another person. Da Mo Guyan and Dongfang Killing also controlled a player respectively. Seeing that they were not too far away, Ye Luo used a group attack. Skills will cover them, and if Dongfang Star, Zhiyue and others are added to attack, it will not take long to kill them.

In this way, a few of them cooperated for a short time, and it was not difficult to kill most of the more than 10 dual professions, and the remaining 2 or 3 people hurriedly fled after seeing that it was not good.

Ye Luo ignored them, found the figure of Tokyo Myth, and then rushed over at the fastest speed.

As for Damo Guyan, Eastern Killing Sky and others, they rushed to the air cavalry of the Allied Forces. They wanted to take advantage of the state of the big move to kill more people, so as to reduce the pressure on China.

“Pearl of the Orient, you approach the Tokyo mythology, try to freeze it or slow it down, and cooperate with Ye Luo to kill it.” Firework Yi Cold said in the team channel.

Although the fireworks are easy to cold, know that Ye Luo can entangle Tokyo mythology so that he cannot deal with other Chinese players, but it is not easy to kill it, not to mention that he can open the energy cage and leave here at any time, so find someone to Ye Luo It is very important to cooperate with the attack, and the ice magician with many group attack skills is undoubtedly the best.

Of course, if it is just an ordinary magician, it is very likely to be killed by the Tokyo Myth. After all, the latter has used the ultimate move and the attack power is full. Therefore, the Oriental Pearl Tower is undoubtedly a very good choice for the dual class with the ultimate move.

Pearl of the Orient also knows the threat of Tokyo Mythology, so she didn’t say much, riding a frost dragon to Tokyo Mythology, while rushing while using group attack skills, the bone-chilling cold invaded, some of the surrounding coalition players mostly slowed down after being attacked. There are even some people who are frozen.

I also saw Ye Luo and others solve the more than 10 dual professions, and saw Ye Luo continue to kill him, Tokyo Myth did not stop, he rushed into the China camp, while attacking and dodge, obviously want to use China players act as a shield.

“Fireworks, it seems that the situation is a bit wrong. The speed of Tokyo Mythology is a bit fast. In addition, he uses our China player as a shield. It is difficult for Ye Luo to help him.” Samadhi Shi saw the situation here through a shared perspective.

“Tokyo mythology uses the [painting of the ground as a prison]. He has attribute bonuses in the energy cage, and it is normal for the speed to be faster.” Othello said indifferently.

The overall attributes of people who use [Painting the Ground as a Prison] will increase in the energy prison, not only in Tokyo mythology, but also in other Japanese players. It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to cold and they deliberately urge some people to target Japanese players.

“No, it should be more than that. The bonus of [Painting the Ground as a Prison] won’t make Tokyo Mythology so fast.” Samadhi shook her head and pondered her a little: “He should have replaced the acceleration equipment, and his grade. It’s very high, maybe it’s a Primordial God-level.”

“Don’t talk about it yet, Tokyo Mythology, he is mixed in our crowds to come and go freely, and his damage output can pose a great threat to us, and Uncle Ye Luo can hardly do anything to him, what should we do?” Othello asked road.

“Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing, let our people stay away from Tokyo Mythology as much as possible, and let everyone rush to the enemy line and mix in the coalition crowd.” The voice of fireworks easily cold sounded on the team channel: “In addition, the dual professions close to Tokyo Mythology Use big moves, group attack skills cover the attack, if you have group attack skills, also use it.”

I have to say that fireworks are easy to be cold, and they are smart enough to keep China players away from Tokyo Mythology and rush to the enemy line, so even if Tokyo Mythology continues to mix in the crowd, he will use his group attack skills to throw rats.

Even if Tokyo Myth doesn’t care about players from other countries at all, it’s okay. He can solve many coalition players while solving China players, so it can also help Chinese players solve some pressure.

As for the dual class close to Tokyo Mythology, it is also easy to understand that group attack and group control skills can be used after the ultimate move. This can also cause a certain threat to him while attacking the surrounding enemies. It would be best if it can be controlled. , At the worst, he can push him back or use some invincible means, so that Ye Luo and others will be easier to deal with him.

In addition, it can withstand the attack of Tokyo Mythology after casting the ultimate move, so it is not easy to be killed, and the Tokyo Mythology will not waste time to kill some dual professions that use the ultimate move.

Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing did not say much, and immediately ordered the execution. The Chinese players rushed to the enemy line at the fastest speed and mixed with the people of the coalition forces. This also slowed down the killing speed of Tokyo Mythology.

However, Tokyo Mythology is also a person who can afford to let it go. Many times he decisively uses his skills to attack, not only attacking Chinese players, but also other players.

For Tokyo Mythology, this is already the last battle. All he has to do is to kill as many people as possible. It doesn’t matter if he deliberately targets Chinese players and kills players from other countries at the same time. After all, he can also increase some points.

Seeing Tokyo Mythology’s cruel and cruel attack on his allies, many people realized his wolf ambition, but they also knew that he could not be stopped at this time, so they could only avoid him as much as possible.

“Ye Luo, Tokyo Mythology is deliberately avoiding you, you don’t have to stare at him deliberately, just attack other people as much as you like.” Firework Yi Cold gave Ye Luo an order.

That’s right, instead of wasting time on Tokyo Mythology, it is better to kill other people as much as possible. The most important thing is to output the damage in the shortest time and eliminate the allied air power as much as possible.

Hearing that, Ye Luo didn’t say much, and rushed straight to the coalition crowd, while rushing while using his skills, anyway, he didn’t have to worry about hurting the Chinese players, he could attack unscrupulously.

I also saw Ye Luo’s threat. Many countries sent some masters to besiege Ye Luo. Among them, there were some players with powerful control skills. If he hadn’t used his invincible skills in time, he might even be killed.

In addition to casting invincible skills, there are some Chinese players around to help him. Otherwise, even if he has 5 invincible methods, he will be killed. After all, the damage output of more than 10 dual-classes that use the ultimate move is still very scary.

That’s right, there are many masters in various countries. Even if Ye Luo uses his big move and his attack power is full, he may not be able to beat one ten, especially the players facing him have a lot of control skills.

Exerting [Life Absorption] to pull up the blood, and seeing the more than 10 dual professions around him continue to kill him, and there are many coalition air forces around, Ye Luo did not hesitate, he used the [Guardian of Reincarnation] ], within 6 seconds, he can ignore all damage.

Next, Ye Luo did not hesitate to use [Cooling Reset], and then [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], thousands of energy swords condensed, and the strong sword intent permeated, as if to split the world.

Under [Wan Swords Return to Zong], those more than 10 dual professions have suffered devastating blows. In addition, they have been attacked by Ye Luo and others before. Many of them have less than half their popularity, and those players who have experienced critical attacks have been hit. To kill, 4 or 5 dual professions were killed at a time, and his pressure was much less.

As for the farther places, many coalition players were killed in seconds, and there were even vacuum belts in some places. The damage figures of tens of millions of people stunned countless people.

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