Chapter 1327: Show the trump card

The air power of the coalition forces of United States, Canada, etc. originally far surpassed the team of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and the Tokyo Mythology. What’s more, the flying cavalry from South Korea, India and other countries also joined their ranks, so their strength is Stronger.

The reason why the China team was able to kill so many people was entirely because the wave of the waves and the wind used the [group strong hiding technique] on 50 air cavalry, and then they launched a sneak attack, and Ye Luo, and the waves of the wind and they intercepted a lot of the other air force. As time goes by, the disadvantage of the small number of the Chinese team will be manifested. If nothing happens, the Chinese team will end in defeat.

Of course, there is another reason why the Chinese team is only slightly at a disadvantage when facing several times its own air power, that is, the air power of the coalition forces belong to different forces, and they cannot team up with each other and use group attack skills. Will throw rat avoidance devices, especially in the case of large-scale power and wide-ranging skills.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind, the East Killing the sky and their special killings alleviated some of the pressure on China, and Ye Luo after returning from the teleportation used [Wan Jianguizong] also beheaded some coalition air forces and once again alleviated the pressure on China. , But this still cannot completely change the situation, and the ultimate victory will still belong to the other party.

Of course, all of this means that without other changes, Ye Luo does not believe that fireworks will lead everyone to death. In his heart, she must still have a back hand. This is the key to victory, and Ye Luo believes in fireworks. Yi Leng has this ability, this is the absolute trust after getting along with her for so long and knowing her.

Not only did Ye Luo trust the fireworks and the coldness, but also the people such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Fengxing. It is also because of this that they did not hesitate to execute her orders. Even people like Tokyo Mythology and Rampage They think she still has something to do, because in their minds, unless the fireworks are cold as a last resort, they are not a person who hits rocks with pebbles, and they will not push themselves into desperation.

However, I also know that at this time it cannot be distracted, and it cannot affect morale. So Tokyo Mythology quickly left these behind, and then prepared to bypass Ye Luo to hunt other players in China, and in his mind, it is necessary to hit the damage output as much as possible. Most importantly, entanglement with Ye Luo is a waste of time.

Knowing the threat of Tokyo Mythology to Chinese players, Ye Luo would not let him go. After casting [Flashing] and [Magic Shield], he retracted his magic wand and switched to an assassin, and then used his acceleration skills. Speed ​​rushed to Tokyo Mythology.

Maybe Tokyo Mythology can shake off the waves and ride the wind and kill the sky in the east, but he wants to get rid of Ye Luo is not so easy. This is not only because he used the displacement skills when throwing away the waves and the wind and others, but more importantly. Ye Luo is slightly faster than him in flight speed, and has some displacement and acceleration skills.

The reason for switching to Hungry Ghost Road is because the assassin has some acceleration skills and many control skills, so Ye Luo entangled Tokyo mythology a lot easier.

I also know that being entangled by Ye Luo will be very troublesome. Tokyo Myth tried to get rid of him, but found that Ye Luo is like a tarsus maggot, he can’t get rid of it at all. Even if he uses his displacement skills and acceleration skills, he can quickly He was able to keep up, and even he could accurately predict his position. As a result, after 2, 30 seconds, he still couldn’t get rid of it.

While pursuing the Tokyo myth, Ye Luoxin used various group attack skills. Anyway, he and Chinese players are in a team and don’t have to worry about accidentally hurting their own people. Some of these skills have a large attack range and can also cover Tokyo. Mythology, the big move increases the attack power by 200%, even if Tokyo Mythology uses the big move hard shake, it is a little bit difficult, he has to play a twelve-point mental response.

Ye Luo has been sharpening his operation for so long. Although he has not yet reached the level of perfection, he has made some progress. For example, he can control the skill display while moving, and cooperate with his footwork more and more perfectly. , More and more handy.

On the other side, seeing Ye Luo completely entangled in the Tokyo mythology, Po Lang Cheng Feng and the others were relieved a little, and then they began to concentrate on attacking, but the coalition forces were getting more and more people, and their pressure was increasing. , And this situation has become serious after some Chinese players have been killed one after another.

After noticing these conditions, Tokyo Myth didn’t run away anymore. He began to face Ye Luo head-on. At this time, his operation level was also fully reflected. At least he didn’t fall under the wind in the close fight with Ye Luo. Shanghe deserves to be a master at the same level as Dongfang Tiantian.

Of course, although the level of operation has not yet reached the level, Ye Luo is best at the way, and he now has a slight advantage in equipment and career, so facing the Tokyo myth, the two are evenly matched.

It seems that they all know the power of Ye Luo and Tokyo myths. They can kill any profession with one or two skills, so when they see them shaking, no one will bother them.

“Hey, even if you entangle me, what’s the use, you are now in a disadvantage, and even a lot of people have died.” Tokyo Mythology attacked and said: “As time goes by, the defeated side is still you, and After solving you, our pastor will be able to resurrect the slain, so that we hardly lose much.”

“The premise is that you can win.” Ye Luo said, his tone was quite calm: “Maybe we are at a disadvantage now, but we won’t be able to do it in one or two minutes.”

The reason why Ye Luo said so is not a bluff, but some confidence, not only because of fireworks’ easy cold hole cards, but he has his own hole cards with Po Lang Cheng Feng and Zhiyue.

The battle is so fierce, most of the dual classes have already used their ultimatum, the effect of the ultimatum will disappear after 1 or 2 minutes, but Yeluo, Po Lang Chengfeng, and Zhiyue can perform ultimatum twice, although only 5 minutes longer than others, but these 5 minutes are enough for them to do a lot of things.

That’s right, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng’s attack power is full and combined with their big moves, their damage output is terribly high, 5 minutes is enough for them to do a lot of things, and even a complete reversal of the situation is not impossible.

“Isn’t it that you can perform 2 ults, don’t think you can do it.” Tokyo Mythology sneered, and he looked around: “Our side has more dual classes than you, and there are also players who can perform 2 ults. A few, even I can perform 2 big moves. After knowing these, do you still have the confidence to win?”

Brows frowned slightly, but Ye Luo quickly relaxed. He said lightly: “Maybe I don’t know this, but Fireworks definitely knows. Since she still executes this tactic when she knows, then she must have a trump card. , I think you will see it soon.”

Ye Luo doesn’t doubt what the Tokyo Myth says, because these coalitions have more dual professions than them, so it is not surprising that some players can also perform 2 big moves.

Maybe other people can cast 2 ults Ye Luo is not worried, but Tokyo Mythology can cast 2 ults is not the same, because he can kill people to increase the attack power, which also means that he and the waves must be entangled with the wind. With him, it is difficult to reverse the situation with only one person.

Since this trump card cannot reverse the situation, there are only trump cards that can be controlled by Fireworks Yicold. As Ye Luo said, maybe he didn’t know that Tokyo Shinhwa and others could perform 2 big moves, but fireworks Yicold definitely thought of it.

Since Fireworks Yi Leng knew these and insisted on implementing such tactics, it was naturally because he had the hole cards.

Ye Luo and the two are naturally not just chatting, they are using psychological warfare to attack each other, but Ye Luo is not affected by this, because he trusts the ability of fireworks to get cold, but Tokyo mythology has a slightly ominous premonition. , Because he also knows the means by which fireworks are easy to be cold.

Time passed slowly in the fierce duel, and the time of one or two minutes was as long as one or two years.

After such a long time, the disadvantage of China has become more and more serious, and even more than half of the players have been killed. However, they did not immediately choose to end the corpse state and resurrect at the request of the fireworks and easy cold. Be puzzled.

But soon everyone understood what, because at this time dozens of hundreds of air cavalry led 1,200 players rushing here at the fastest speed. Looking at the five-star red flags on their chests and shoulders, they knew they were Chinese.

“Hey, it’s Longteng Tianxia them?!” From the corner of his eyes, he saw Longteng Tianxia leading a team. After being surprised, June Feixue showed surprise: “So this is the trump card of the fireworks sister, hehe, Suddenly there are 2,300 more people, and among them there are many dual-professional masters. This is a new force. With them joining, we will undoubtedly win this battle.”

That’s right, although they are at a disadvantage in breaking the waves and riding the wind, they are not very disadvantaged. Suddenly there are 2,300 new troops. This is a force that can reverse the situation. It is no wonder that when I saw them, June Feixue Will be ecstatic.

Think about it, the battle has passed for a while, and many dual-class ult effects have disappeared. At this time, Longteng Tianxia led a powerful air force to arrive, including 2,30 dual-classes, which is enough to reverse the situation. NS.

“Isn’t that Uncle Bacchus will be able to arrive when today’s game is about to end, what about them in Longteng Tianxia…” Sitting on Qin Xin said, but she is also a smart person, and she quickly woke up: “I understand. The large force led by Uncle Bacchus is land cavalry, while Longteng Tianxia they lead is air power. Their speed is much faster than the land cavalry. It is not surprising that they arrived 3 or 4 hours earlier.”

“Hehe, great, this time we can catch this team all at once.” Zhiyue said with a smile.

“I didn’t expect the fireworks to leave such a hand, and they didn’t tell us, which made us worry in vain for so long.” Po Lang Chengfeng said, although he was complaining, but Qiao’s face was full of smiles.

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