Chapter 1300: Plan to do the task

The battle came to an end, and the next step was to count the casualties. After learning that the Chinese team had been killed after fighting with the coalition forces of India, South Korea and other countries, 500 of them had not had time to be resurrected and lost a chance to resurrect. , She is not very satisfied with this result.

In this regard, Bacchus Du Kang was also quite helpless, explaining to her that after all, the number of opponents facing them this time was several times that of them, and the air power was also quite strong. It was quite perfect to have such a result.

“Yeah, killing a thousand enemies hurts 800 people. We killed 12,000 people and only lost 500 people. This is already the most perfect battle.” Feng Xing’s voice sounded in the team.

“Yes, this time the fighting tactics are perfect, the timing is perfect, and there are even some unexpected surprises. Such results are already very good.” Dongfang Star also helped: “Can use these people in exchange for one A team of 10,000 to 20,000 was defeated, and I feel that this is already a very good result.”

Taking a deep breath, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also knew that the result of this action was perfect. She said: “I know so too, but it is still unacceptable to lose so many people at once. After all, there are more than 3 days in the game. , There are still many enemies we face, and we have lost so many people now…”

“It’s just a loss of a chance to resurrect, and it’s not being eliminated.” Black and white, without waiting for the waves to refute, her tone changed: “Most of our people have high-grade mounts, which are very mobile, and the safe area has been reduced. After so many, many people will join the big army.”

“That’s right.” Samadhi took the stubborn words: “Even if they can’t join together, it’s okay. We have taught them how to avoid the beast tide army and how to evade when encountering other large teams. Open the dungeon mission, so that not only can avoid danger, And it can also increase a lot of points. We have a lot of points, so the possibility of getting the first place will be greater.”

Knowing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind no longer entangled this matter, she said: “Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, you have a lot of snacks, and tell everyone the location of the big team at any time, so that they can return to the team in time.”

“Don’t worry, these things will be handed over to us. You can continue to implement the fireworks girl’s plan.” Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing said in unison.

“Yes, attack them, hey, let them lose as many people as possible.” Inviting Yue to toast was full of expectation.

“I also want to continue to attack them, but the fireworks and the short poem said that the timing is wrong, even if the sneak attack will not have a good result, so we will not take the risk.” Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner: “Unless it is encountered. The slightly larger team allowed us to fully attack, but such opportunities seem to be rare.”

“Hey, what’s the matter? We killed so many people before, and there are a lot of players on the game map. You ride flying mounts with such high mobility, you can kill a lot of people with just a single turn.” Inviting the moon to toast is very casual and authentic.

“It’s not as easy as you said. After all, I have to kill 100 people to get the full attack power. Ye Luo needs to kill 200 more, and it’s impossible to kill so many people in 10 minutes.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then the tone changed: “But we can do this. Even if we can’t attack the Tokyo Mythology, their coalition can kill a lot of people, and even eliminate some people. This is the enemy we will face in the future. It will be much less.”

“Sister Feng, you didn’t fill up your attack at all. Even if you just add 50%, you can kill the enemy in seconds. It’s really impossible to kill the enemy with two or three group attack skills, so it’s easy to fill up the attack power again. That’s too much.” June Feixue said, she laughed: “But sister Feng, the last sentence of you is true. Killing more people is also weakening the power of major countries and increasing our points. why not.”

“Well, I’m idle anyway, so let’s do it.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind, but then the fireworks are easy to cool and have objections.

“Sister Feng, the murders along the way can come later. We are now going to join Dongfang Tiantian and the others.” The firework was easily cold. Seeing the suspicious look of breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: “We have obtained a lot of red awning stones before. It is necessary to consume these red stones and replace them with points or various other props as soon as possible. After all, the competition only has 3 days, and we are unlikely to do dungeon missions in the last 2 days, which means that we can only do this one or two days. , Otherwise these red awning stones will be wasted.”

Not surprisingly, everyone was busy fighting other countries in the last 2 days of the game. There was no time to do dungeon missions, especially the 280 level dungeon missions. After all, this kind of mission requires the use of big moves. To do the task is undoubtedly a very unwise choice.

It is precisely because of this that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind proposed to do it now.

The reason for meeting with the East Killing Sky and the others is that there are some dual professions around them that still retain their ults, and the fireworks are easy to get cold to take the [Migrant Locust Stones] from Longteng Tianxia and others, plus the Wave Breaking Ride Feng and Ye Luo have [Plum Blossom Dart], maybe the last BOSS only needs a dual class with a big move to kill it.

Think about it, too, a dual class with big moves to withstand the BOSS’s attack, break the waves and ride the wind and others to attack as much as possible, so there is still a great chance to kill the target, so that it can complete the 280 level dungeon task at the least cost .

“You mean to let Dongfang Tiantian and the others join our team?” Po Lang asked, and then she frowned slightly: “I don’t like to be with them. If not everyone is Chinese, if It’s not that it’s a game now, I killed them a long time ago.”

When he said this, he looked at Ye Luo by the wind and wanted to see how he looked.

Perhaps Po Lang Cheng Feng had some hatred with the Eastern family, but it was just some hatred between the gangs. With the strong rise of the Misty Pavilion, especially after the Eastern family was eaten up several times, this hatred had almost disappeared, so she said that The remarks were only for Ye Luo.

The hatred between Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian cannot be resolved, because Zhiqiu’s death is inextricably linked to Dongfang Tiantian. Ye Luo will never forgive him. Ye Luo will join forces with him only in the interests of the country. Enemy, but now he has to do a copy mission with a team, and he finds it difficult to accept the waves and wind.

It is precisely because of this that she said this for him to avoid his embarrassment.

Not only the waves and the wind looked at Ye Luo, but the samādhi, fireworks and other people also looked at him, worried that he would be angry because of this.

“Fireworks, you want me, Feng Sister, Eastern Killing Sky, Desert Guyan, Ouyang Feitian, and a heavy armored double profession with big moves to form a 6-person team to do a 280 level dungeon mission.” Although it is speculation, However, Ye Luo’s tone is quite determined: “Dual classes with big moves are against the final BOSS attack. The rest of us have high damage output because of equipment such as [Plum Blossom Dart] and [Locust Stone], plus our The level of equipment for 5 people is luxurious, but there is also a great chance to complete the 280 level dungeon mission.”

That’s right, Polangchengfeng, Yeluo, Eastern Killing Sky, Desert Guyan, and Ouyang Feitian are all masters in the masters. They have obvious professional advantages and extremely high level of equipment. They have a fixed team of 5 members, and their damage output is higher than that of ordinary dual-professionals. The damage output of the ultimate move is even higher, at least not much worse than when Longteng Tianxia first did the 280 level. This configuration is too beautiful to complete the 280 level dungeon task.

“Yeah.” Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then changed his tone: “But if you don’t want us, we can replace Dongfang Killing Heaven with Yeyutiange, his strength is also very good.”

“Yueyutiange is an ice class. Although it has a stronger control, its damage output is a bit worse.” Ye Luo said lightly: “Originally, there was only one dual class with a big move. Our overall damage will drop, and then replace it. His damage output is even lower, let Dongfang kill the sky.”

Seeing Ye Luo promised, Samadhi and Sitting on Qin Xin let out a long sigh of relief, and frowned slightly. She said: “Ye Luo, if you don’t want to, we can change to 2 players with big moves. , Even after Feixue arrives…”

“No need, everything is for the sake of the national interest.” Ye Luo waved his hand and interrupted the wave and wind: “Don’t worry about me, I won’t be entangled with this kind of thing, our personal grievances will be resolved in the future.”

Seeing what Ye Luo said, breaking the waves and riding the wind did not say anything, she nodded and said: “Okay, so be it, but we will change the configuration after Feixue arrives. Feixue’s damage output is not comparable. The East kills the sky.”

June Feixue is a lava magician. This is a profession that focuses on damage output. In addition, June Feixue’s equipment level is very good. There is even an ancient god-level hidden weapon-[Plum Blossom Darts], her The damage output is higher than Eastern Killing Sky, and no one will say anything if she is replaced.

“Let’s talk at that time, let’s see if we can complete the 280 level dungeon mission.” Ye Luo said lightly.

“According to my calculation, the overall damage output of the 5 of you plus a good dual-professional heavy armor player is very high, and you have a chance to kill the final boss of the 280 level dungeon mission.” Firework Yi said coldly.

Fireworks can be called a humanoid computer, since she said it can, there is absolutely no problem, unless everyone makes a big mistake in cooperation.

However, those who participate in the extreme challenge are all super masters. Except for Ye Luo, they are all hardcore players and celebrity masters. Even if they only cooperate for the first time, they will not make too low-level mistakes, so their chances of passing the task are still great. of.

“Hey, it would be great if you can do this.” June Feixue’s voice sounded in the team channel: “You only need a dual class with big moves to complete the 280 level dungeon mission. There are many in our team. Dual professions, which means that Uncle Ye Luo can always do this task. The reward for this task is very good. Even if there is no Primordial God-level treasure chest, there are Ancient God-level ones…”

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