Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 2621 Join forces to kill Daozi

"Stop him!"

Ouyang Tieshu roared.

If Han Yang is successfully promoted, then the Third Hell's siege against Han Yang will become a complete joke.

Unfortunately, his order was of no use at all.

Almost all the flower pickers in the third hell were killed in the previous two waves of attacks.

Fortunately, a few people who survived were also seriously injured.

As for the other flower pickers from all hells... they have no interest in being cannon fodder.

This is a fight between the strongest.

No matter who the final winner is, it will be effortless to crush these people to death.

Anyway, it is the third hell that is embarrassing, what does it have to do with them!

Therefore, Ouyang Tieshu's roar only summoned yellow sand flying in the sky.

No one responded to his call.

Not only that, some people from the Third Hell who had seen his iron tree summons had already reached the edge of the battlefield.

When they saw the four most powerful men fighting on the battlefield, these people turned around and left without hesitation.

Even the flower pickers in the third hell are like this, not to mention the others.

Ouyang Tieshu's anxious eyes spit fire, but he could only watch Han Yang being promoted to the leader level!


A terrible shock wave shot into the sky.

Han Yang relied on the seven moves of the other shore to advance to the leader level in the other shore, returning to the peak state he had reached in his ninth reincarnation.

Although the realm at this time is based on the Seven Forms of the Other Shore, the power of the Nine-turn Star Art is still far beyond everyone's imagination.

Just the Nine-turn Star Technique, which was simulated from the other side's seven movements, already demonstrated its invincible power.

With the loud roar, everything within a few dozen miles was destroyed by the violent aura after Han Yang's promotion.

Even the aftermath of the fight between the four most powerful men was torn apart inch by inch.

"Today, I, Han Yang, ascend to the leader level again!"

The dust dissipated, the petals fell, and Han Yang appeared, his body expanded to several feet.

The other shore flower burns the surrounding void like a flame.

There is even a gorgeous Bana flower burning like a ring of fire at your feet.

Fire element!

In this promotion, Han Yang simulated the law of fire based on the Seven Forms of the Other Shore.

Fire element, one of the most violent laws!

The petals were like flames, wrapping around Han Yang, turning him into an incomparable giant of fireworks.

The moment Han Yang opened his mouth to roar, petal flames spurted out of his mouth.

Those onlookers who could not escape were instantly turned to ashes by the petal flames.



They are obviously two completely different entities, but they are perfectly integrated into one by Han Yang.

The petals around his body really rose and burned like flames, which was daunting.

The rising temperature caused the flower pickers who were watching to retreat in panic.

Fire hell!

Except for the battlefield where the four most powerful men were fighting, the entire surrounding area of ​​nearly a thousand miles was turned into a hell of flames!

The undead in hell belong to Yin.

Fire belongs to Yang!

Those flower pickers finally understood why Han Yang wanted to imitate the law of fire.

Facing the most intense petal flames of the sun, the undead souls of the underworld simply cannot resist it.

Han Yang can exert destructive power several times beyond other laws with a casual strike.

Flame, restrain the undead in the underworld!

No one has ever done this in previous Higanhua competitions.

In addition to the natural rejection of flames in the underworld, it is also because no one has such a talent as Han Yang.

For an ordinary flower picker, being able to use the Seven Forms of the Other Side for one's own use is considered a gift.

It has never happened before that Han Yang turned flower petals into flames like this!


After being promoted to the leader level, Han Yang finally showed his invincibility in the other side.

Except for the four most powerful men, almost all the flower pickers present were instantly killed by Han Yang.

And this is just an appetizer.

After killing these miscellaneous fish, Han Yang stepped towards Nan Ming Thirteen and killed him.

The flames of the petals burned under Han Yang's feet into the pattern of the flower on the other side, which looked extremely strange.

Countless petal flames were surrounding him, causing the desert sand beneath his feet to begin to melt.


The sound of swords sounded.

Han Yang turned Bianhua into a long knife and slashed at Nanming Thirteen!

The strongest sequence!

After being promoted to the leader level with Biganhua, and using the simulated version of the Nine-turn Star Technique, Han Yang actually displayed terrifying combat power in the strongest sequence.

Of course, this is also related to the restriction of various laws on the other side, which prevents the most powerful people like Nan Ming Shisan from displaying their true combat power.

Han Yang's combat power at this time may not be able to match the strongest outside, but it is enough on the other side.

Boom boom boom!

Han Yang and Tie Qingshu cooperated tacitly, and the two teamed up to surround Nanming Thirteen.

The attacks of the three people caused loud roars again and again, like forbidden spells exploding in the void.

The speed of the three of them was extremely fast.

Even half a step to the top was unable to capture the movements of the three of them.

The shock wave set off by each battle completely destroyed the surrounding environment.

Sand dunes collapse.

The sea of ​​sand collapsed.

The entire desert landscape was completely changed by the crazy fighting of the three people.


Han Yang struck Nan Ming Shisan in the face with a knife.

Nan Ming Thirteen's combat power was not as good as Ouyang Tieshu's, but Tie Qingshu became more powerful after Han Yang's guidance.

Coupled with this is Han Yang, who has just been promoted to the leader level and has the combat power of the strongest.

Under the circumstances, he was killed by two people and was almost unable to fight back.

Han Yang's knife left a huge scar on his face.

If he hadn't been of the strongest physique, he might have been killed by Han Yang with one strike.


After being slashed by Han Yang, Nanming Thirteen broke out desperately.

It seems to have inspired some kind of secret magic.

He actually punched Han Yang in the chest.

The moment the fist seal fell, stars suddenly flashed in Han Yang's body.

The seventy-eight stars transformed from the flower seeds on the other side were detonated by Han Yang at this moment.

Amid the roar, Han Yang and Nan Ming Thirteen retreated simultaneously.

Nan Ming Thirteen's fists were all covered with explosion marks, and almost all the skin and flesh disappeared, leaving only white bones.

"I am..."

Nan Ming Thirteen was furious and wanted to roar something, but unfortunately Tie Qingshu did not give him such a chance.

The moment Nan Ming Thirteen was knocked back by Han Yang, Tie Qingshu stepped forward, and Bianhua turned into a long knife, slashing towards Nan Ming Thirteen's neck.


Amidst the roar, Nan Ming Thirteen desperately blocked Tie Qingshu's attack.

But Tie Qingshu obeyed Han Yang's words.

This sword is also mixed with the will of the strongest.

Nan Ming Thirteen blocked the blade, but did not block the will of the strongest.

Under the roar of the strongest will, his body swayed and his eyes became a little straight.

Before he could recover from the bombardment of the strongest will, Han Yang's blade arrived again.


Amidst the sound of the knife, Nan Ming Thirteen's neck was cut with a huge gap, and the skin, flesh and blood were instantly cut open by the blade.

The sound of petals cutting bones is chilling.

Nan Ming Thirteen roared ferociously, and his figure turned into an illusion, trying to avoid the fatal knife.

But Han Yang's blade was like a gangrene attached to the bone, never leaving his neck.


Finally, all his strength could not withstand Han Yang's blade, and his neck was cut open by Han Yang's blade.

But he's not dead yet.

After all, Han Yang is not the strongest, and he does not have the impact of the strongest will.

His will is still alive.

But before he could escape, Tie Qingshu had already punched him and killed him.


The soul is gone!

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