Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 1908 The heaven changes drastically. Huang Liang Yi Meng



Rays of light flickered.

Feng Huanyang and the twenty-five divine path demigods around him were banished to the mortal world on the ancient battlefield of the gods.

A thorn like Feng Huanyang will naturally have back-ups in the heaven.

The altar here is just one of the back-up tools.

"There seems to be something wrong with the situation..."

As soon as they arrived, the Shenlu demigods noticed that the ancient battlefield was different from before.

"There was no sound of fighting?"

"Let go of the spiritual search, and within thousands of miles, no warrior appears..."

"What's going on? Is this part of the ancient battlefield abandoned?"

The demigods of Shenlu started talking about it.

Those who can follow Feng Huanyang are those liberals with outstanding talents.

When he was on the Shengu battlefield, he was also a powerful warrior who killed many people.

At this time, I felt a little uncomfortable when I felt that the Shengu battlefield was so peaceful.


Feng Huanyang raised his hand and opened the teleportation array on the side, and said in a solemn voice: "Go back to the main hall first to check the situation..."

"Crested Yingming!"

"Those damn God Lords have the guts to plot against us and kill me!"

"Destroy the God Lord Sect, kill Hong Chengzun, and Feng Tou will rule the heaven!"


As soon as these words came out, those demigods became excited again. They quickly forgot about the strangeness of the ancient battlefield and kept shouting.

In the eyes of these divine elites, the so-called battlefield is just their hunting ground.

Even if there was something a little strange, I didn't pay much attention to it.

One by one, they followed Feng Huanyang into the teleportation array.

Gradually, the noise began to subside, and the demigods of Shenlu looked at each other with a bad feeling in their hearts.

From the altar where they were banished to the world to the land of the gods, they need to go through hundreds of millions of miles and a total of thirteen teleportation arrays.

But during these thirteen transmissions, the entire Shengu battlefield was deathly silent.

Even though they had reached the edge of the god's territory, they didn't find a single warrior.

Even the Demigod of Shenlu, who no longer cared about the ancient battlefield, realized that something was seriously wrong.


After another teleportation, everyone appeared near a large city in the god's territory.

According to normal circumstances, the teleportation array near such a big city will definitely be guarded by demigods to prevent the ancient tribe from entering the territory of the gods.

But at this time, there was no one around the teleportation array.

Even the entire city seemed abandoned and deserted.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Previously, I thought that the altar in the main hall was destroyed and that the Lord of God was behind it. But now it seems...could it be that the main hall has been occupied by the ancient tribe?"

"Impossible! This time the divine road collapsed, the ancient clan suffered greater losses. As long as those two old guys Si Qianyuan and Jiang Buyi are not crazy, it is impossible for them to attack the territory of my divine descendants!"

"Then tell me, what's going on? As for people, why are there no ghosts left?!"


The atmosphere became oppressive.


Feng Huanyang frowned and took the people away in the teleportation array again.


In the flash of light, they arrived at the second big city.

It was still a desolate scene.

Not a single person could be seen next to the teleportation array.

"Someone alive!"

One of the Divine Path Demigods let go of his consciousness, and soon a joyful look appeared on his face, and his figure disappeared with a whoosh.

After about a few breaths, a divine warrior who only had the realm of the true king was brought over.

This warrior was obviously a low-level divine descendant, but he didn't recognize Feng Huanyang and others at a glance.

Seeing a group of strong men with an abyss like an ocean appearing around him, he was still stubborn. He simply held his neck and shouted: "Come on! Kill me! I was born as a person of divine origin, and died as a ghost of divine origin. I won’t run away from the battlefield!”

After saying that, he spat heavily at Feng Huanyang and others.

He looked as if he was ready to die.

"Unfortunately, he is a lunatic from the God-Lord sect..."

The Shenlu demigod who captured the True Lord had a look on his face as if he had eaten shit. He let go of his hand in disgust, as if he was afraid of being tainted.

When the True Lord warrior heard this, he was slightly startled at first, and then asked in confusion: "You... are liberals?"

Only liberals would call theocrats lunatics.

If you are a warrior from the Ancient Clan or the Holy Sect, you have no idea what is going on inside.

The Shenlu demigod laughed angrily and shouted angrily: "You are talking nonsense. Grandpa is not a liberal. How can he still be an ancient tribe?"

He just subconsciously asked casually.

Unexpectedly, the True Lord warrior let out a sigh of relief after hearing this, and said fearfully: "You should have told me earlier... Since we are all descendants of gods, why don't you wear god robes? I thought you were the evil people in Fengxian Mountain..."

As soon as these words came out, the demigods of Shenlu were all surprised.

Fengxian Mountain?

Which holy sect is it again?

Never heard of it before.

"Wait a minute... what do you mean by this? Those pigs from the Divine Continent Holy Sect in the Central Region have all entered the territory of my descendants of the gods?"

Feng Huanyang on the side obviously heard the problem and asked.

The True Lord warrior collapsed to the ground without any image, and said feebly: "Isn't that true... The group of people in Fengxian Mountain didn't know what evil they had committed. They actually took advantage of Master Hong and other divine path demigods to be captured by Han Yang. The time to kill is to enter the territory of my divine descendants. Now that our divine descendants are leaderless, we can only gather our lines and lay waste to all the cities..."


"Hong Chengzun was killed by Han Yang?"

"Fengxian Mountain fully invades the gods?"

"What the hell are you talking about!"

The eyes of the group of demigods were about to burst, and they roared angrily.

What this True Lord Warrior said was simply too ridiculous.

How powerful is the divine descendant, how could it be invaded by a small holy sect.

And Hong Chengzun...

He, he is one of the strongest masters of the God Lord Sect, and has condensed most of the false god's body.

The true king warrior finally realized that these people in front of him should all be demigods who were banished to mortals.

"Are you all demigods of the Divine Path? Then you must not go near the main hall. The evil star Han Yang may not have left yet. If you are hit by him, it will be over..."

Before the Zhenjun warrior could finish his sentence, Feng Huanyang impatiently pressed his palm on his head.

Search for souls!

Feng Huanyang didn't care about the life or death of the true king of the God Lord Sect and directly started searching for souls.

The other twenty-five divine path demigods remained silent and waited silently.

After almost a stick of incense, Feng Huanyang slowly opened his eyes.


The surrounding demigods looked over impatiently.

Feng Huanyang said solemnly: "The so-called Fengxian Mountain is Luanxian Mountain, one of the three first-class holy sects in the Central Divine Continent. It was renamed Fengxian Mountain not long ago, and more than 70% of the sacred sects in the Central Divine Continent were captured in one fell swoop! Hong! Cheng Zun, Lian Jin and others all died at the hands of Han Yang and Si Qianyuan... Si Qianyuan recovered from his injuries, and Han Yang has the ability to suppress the will of the god general..."


After Feng Huanyang finished speaking, the scene fell into dead silence.

If this wasn't what Feng Tou said, the other demigods would almost have shouted out.

It’s simply... a fantasy!

How could Si Qianyuan recover from his injuries?

How could Han Yang suppress the will of the general?

That is a divine general!

It was only in the past hundred years that Feng Huanyang gained the ability to ask gods to send their will.

As direct descendants of Feng Huanyang, they had seen Feng Huanyang take action with their own eyes and knew how terrifying the god general's will was.

But when these words came out of Feng Huanyang's mouth, they couldn't help but not believe them.

A divine path demigod asked sarcastically: "Fengtou, could it be that this guy's memory was changed by someone just to deceive us..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped by someone next to him.

What are you thinking about?

Along the way, there were too many strange and strange places.

Moreover, the God-Suppressing General couldn't hide such a major event as killing Hong Chengzun, so there was no need to lie.

"Fengtou, then... where should we go now?"

The more rational demigods realized that today's heaven is completely different from the one they knew.

The idea of ​​becoming the lord of heaven has become a dream.

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