Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 2919: rude

Since Bai Ye has seen through the general's tricks, the general naturally can't keep him.

With the low roar resounding, all the generals around were killed.

The dense blades hardly gave Bai Ye any gap, nor did he give him half a place to escape.

But at this moment, a shout rang.

"Stop it all!"

Everyone immediately stopped their movements and looked at the sound source one after another.

Only then did I realize that the person who was speaking was actually Army Master Chu!

"Master Chu, what are you doing? This person is not allowed to stay! Otherwise we will be in great trouble!" The general said hoarsely.

"Trouble? General, how can we have any trouble?" Army Master Chu smiled: "We have no trouble at all. On the contrary, if we kill this person, there will be trouble!"

"Oh? Sergeant, what do you mean by this?" The general frowned.

However, I saw the Master Chu said: "Now the people of the Qing family are waiting outside the mansion. If you kill this person, the Qing family knows that you will be panicked and will definitely think about escaping from the Shenying clan. It’s big, it’s spread, and it's aroused discussion among the people. At that time, the situation was beyond your control, General!"

The general frowned and asked in a low voice: "Then what do you mean..."

Army Master Chu squinted his eyes and said to Bai Ye: "Qing Long, I think we can talk more."

"There is nothing to talk about, I just want to see the patriarch, but you choose to perfuse me. In this way, you don't have to say anything. Come if you want to do it!" Bai Ye said blankly.

He was about to lose patience.


The general is angry, has never seen such an arrogant person?

But Army Master Chu was not annoyed or angry, still smiling.

"General, Shaoan, don't be impatient, Qinglong is still angry now, it is natural to say such things, I think we still have to communicate with Qinglong!"

"This son cannot be enlightened! It should be killed!" the general said in annoyance.

"That's right! It must be killed!"

"Why are you so polite to this son?"

"He offended the general!"



The soldiers on both sides were filled with righteous indignation, one by one, wishing to slash Bai Ye with a thousand swords.

But Army Master Chu calmed down everyone's anger, still facing Bai Ye with a tepid smile: "Qing Long! I don't think this matter should be caused to the swordsman. There is still room for change, what do you think? "

"There is room for reversal? What do you mean?" Bai Yedan asked.

"I hope you can understand why we are doing this. This army division is not afraid to tell you the truth. It is almost impossible to let the patriarch go out! Because no one can invite the patriarch, and the patriarch will not leave the customs early. So in fact, your request is almost impossible to achieve." Army Master Chu laughed.


Bai Ye's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he said solemnly: "So in the end you are still playing tricks on me? I wasted so much time for nothing?"

"Qinglong, you can't say that. We are doing this for the sake of the overall situation. Now that the prime minister is down, the patriarch can't get out, and there are foreign enemies under pressure, the current Shenying clan is in a situation of internal and external troubles. If you tell the truth about the matter All told, once something went wrong that caused the Shenying tribe to suffer and take the dragon down, do you think you can bear this responsibility?" The Chu Army Master asked, squinting.

In his opinion, his own hat is enough to crush Qinglong.

Perhaps Qinglong is not afraid of death, but he does not believe that Qinglong is not afraid of anything.

If things evolve in this direction, then more than Qinglong will die! And the entire Qing family, and the reputation of the Qing family will be defeated. Qing Long is willing to do this?


Army Master Chu didn't understand this ‘light dragon’ at all, nor did he know that all their threats were just useless in front of this man.

However, Bai Ye walked to the chair next to him and sat down directly.

I just ignored all these people.

"what are you doing?"

"It's so bold! The general and the military division are here, how can you say sit down?"

"So rude! Damn it!"

"Get me up quickly!"

The crowd shouted.

But Bai Ye directly ignored it and said with a blank expression: "General, the reason why I am here to chat with you is not to give me a chance, but I give you a chance! I came to the Condor Clan to meet the patriarch, and If you can’t give me this opportunity, then I can only use my own method to find the patriarch!"


Bai Ye's inexplicable words left the general and the others at a loss.

Army Master Chu frowned and said hoarsely: "Qing Long, what do you mean?"

"A military teacher and a good student are talking to you, do you want to be foolish?" a soldier said angrily.

"I will give you one more day."

Bai Ye calmly said: "After one day, give me an answer, otherwise, don't blame me!"

After speaking, Bai Ye got up and walked outside the general's house.


A group of soldiers stopped him immediately.

"Let him go!"

Army Master Chu drank low.

"military adviser!"

Everyone was unwilling, gritted their teeth and looked at him.

But Army Master Chu was determined.

The general also had a gloomy expression. After all, he did not insist, so he let the Chu army master's intention.

Soon, Bai Ye left the general mansion.

"Master Chu, what do you mean?"

When Bai Ye left, the general immediately asked General Chu.

"General, as I said before, killing Qinglong here is a real move!" Army Master Chu smiled.

"But this son is so arrogant! How can I bear it? This general has never received such insults!" The general angrily said.

"The general calms down. Isn't it easy for the general to kill this person? The reason why I suggest not to kill him now is because you don't want to be extravagant! The general can rest assured that this child will die in your hands." Army Master Chu smiled.

"Then what are you going to do?" The general said Shen.

"If you kill him here, there will only be countless troubles, and it will also make people think that you, the general, intentionally killed this person to harm the prime minister. After all, outsiders still think that this person can save the prime minister! So if you want to kill this person, you can’t Here! We can do this!"

Army Master Chu smiled softly and said something.

After a while, the general's eyes brightened.

"Haha, good! Just do it! Arrange it now! Be fast!"

"Yes, General!"

Army Master Chu smiled and walked away.

And outside the general's house.

"Come out! He is out!"

"Qinglong, what's the situation?"

All the Qing family members gathered around.

However, Bai Ye didn't say a word, only looked at Qing Yu and Qingxiang.

The father and daughter suddenly trembled, and they didn't feel good.

"Dragon Lord, what happened?"

Shan Luoyan also leaned a few minutes closer and asked in a low voice.

"The general did not invite the real patriarch to meet me, but deceived me to pretend that I had never seen the patriarch! Now, I have lost patience!" Bai Ye said blankly.

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