Nine Realms Mortal Immortals

Chapter 2449: The True Words Council Hall

After leaving Jiuji Mountain, Fang Chen originally planned to talk to Ji Lin.

Now he knew exactly where Ji Lin was and what he was doing.

I don't know why, but Ji Lin's causal involvement with him is too deep.

It was so deep that Ji Lin seemed like a bright star in the darkness.

You can easily see it just by raising your eyes.

"Fang Chen."

Cui Hongzhu drove the interior scene to Fang Chen, smiled and waved:

"Come to my location, I will take you to a place."

"Senior, what are you doing?"

Fang Chen was a little surprised.

Could it be that the Inspectorate already knows about Ji Lin?

"I've already said that you don't need to call me senior, you can be brothers with Aofeng, why do you keep calling me senior?

Didn't I tell you before that you had a chance to become my colleague?

Your chance has come. "

Cui Hongzhu frowned, then relaxed, with a smile in her eyes.

"Has my chance come?"

Fang Chen was a little surprised.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Is the Inspectorate preparing to select a Saint for the Inspectorate?

"Follow me and we'll talk about it on the way."

Cui Hongzhu urged: "The place we want to go is a bit far."

"Is it outside the school? The master of the government asked senior Luan Qiantian to come over and remind me not to leave the school during this period."

Fang Chen said.

"It's right on the border of the academy. I know that you are indeed not suitable to leave the academy in a short time.

To avoid being attacked by the spies placed by Lingyao on our side. "

Cui Hongzhu couldn't help but smile, "So you are also afraid?"

When Fang Chen saw this, he flew into Cui Hongzhu's interior location and said casually:

"Why aren't you afraid? My heart is made of flesh, not stone."

"Are you afraid that you will make Sikoudan look like that?"

Cui Hongzhu shook her head and escaped into the void using the inner scene:

"Lingyao is currently in an uproar over there, because of the Sikoudan incident, many saints have spoken out.

I'll kill you if I get the chance.

At this time, there is no such thing as bullying the small.

If you are met by a Lingyao saint, even if the other party is the Supreme Taoist or the Heavenly Lord, he will not mind killing you to wash away the shame. "

Fang Chen smiled and said, "In that situation, if I didn't act cruelly, I wouldn't be able to get through it.

As for what impact it will have, no matter how many, Qing Ming can take care of it anyway. "

"Yes, the alliance can help you with this. Many big shots think you have done a great job in this matter.

Originally, given your qualifications, you have only been serving as Chief Criminal Officer for a short time, and you have not handled many beautiful cases.

are not eligible to participate in this selection.

But several big names jointly recommended you, and you were qualified in advance. "

Cui Hongzhu sighed:

"I thought you would participate in the first selection after being promoted to the Great World Sainthood, but now it is much earlier."

"Select in advance?"

Fang Chen was thoughtful.

On the human side, even Patriarch Huo Sui can't interfere with this kind of thing.

Therefore, the early selection may have nothing to do with Ji Lin becoming the Yin Saint.

But Ji Lin's becoming Yin Sage may not have anything to do with this matter.

"Before, I thought that you were temporarily not qualified to participate in the selection. There were many things that I didn't have time to tell you."

"Now is the time. Let me briefly tell you about our Supervision Department."

"As you know, the Inspectorate is responsible for all major criminal affairs in the school, right?"


"Well, that's right to think so, but why does the academy exist?"

"The existence of the to provide talents to the Qingming Supreme Alliance?"

Fang Chen glanced at Cui Hongzhu, and suddenly understood the meaning of the existence of the Supervision Department.

He also secretly guessed Ning Jijiu’s purpose in letting him serve as the Chief Punisher of the Human Race Academy.

“Yes, the academy exists to provide talents to the Qingming Supreme Alliance.

The existence of the Supervision Department is to provide top talents to the Qingming Supreme Alliance. "

Cui Hongzhu nodded gently:

"As long as you can become a Saint of the Inspectorate, you may be transferred to a high position in the alliance in the future.

At that time, Qingming Envoy will only be your subordinate. "

"It's like choosing a new student..."

Fang Chen thought secretly in his heart.

Then he pondered: "What about Qiyang Hall? The existence of Qiyang Hall should also be to provide top talents to the alliance, right?

Compared with Qiyangtang, which one is stronger or weaker in this aspect is the Supervision Department? "

"It's not a conflict."

"In other words, this is also a level that every Inspector Saint needs to go through."

Cui Hongzhu smiled lightly and said: "The first condition to become a chief criminal is to be at the top of the five-day mark at the same level.

That is to say, becoming a student of Qiyang Hall.

In this way, it is possible to be selected as the chief criminal.

Only by becoming a Grand Priest can you pass the examination and become the Superintendent of the Academy.

Only then will there be a chance to reach a high position in the league.

Of course, there are no exceptions. There are also saints who have never been chief criminals or entered Qiyang Hall.

But he accumulated a lot of experience and reached a high position step by step.

These are very few. "

“In addition, your Human Race College has never had a Grand Priest.

It's also because the younger generation in your college have mediocre means and are not qualified to become chief criminals.

In addition, there is one very important thing.

If you become the Chief Criminal Officer but fail the assessment, you will enter the Supervisory Department.

With this resume, you can only be a Qingming Envoy among the human race in the future.

No matter how high the seat is, it's not your turn to sit.

Unless you can be promoted to the Tao and become a Heavenly Lord.

But even so, he still cannot enter the true inner circle. "

Speaking of this, Cui Hongzhu's face became solemn:

“So this assessment is very important to you, as it will determine your future future.

In addition, some of the assessments are also dangerous. "

Fang Chen gradually understood.

The Human Race Academy did not have a Chief Criminal Officer at the beginning. The main reason was that there were no qualified candidates.

But the real reason is probably the consequences of failing the assessment.

"By the way, there's something I forgot to tell you. You have a junior sister named Chen Enxue, right?

The last time she encountered the Yin Saint, after our investigation, we already know who the Yin Saint is.

Huosui Qin's family, Qin Guanhai.

The person who taught him the Yin Sheng method was the great saint Lang Zhao who was arranged by his father to be beside him. "

Cui Hongzhu smiled lightly.

Fang Chen was a little surprised. Did the Inspectorate really investigate this matter?

"We have confirmed that Qin Kunwu was not involved in this matter, and that this matter was done by Qin Guanhai alone.

And his accomplice Lang Zhao has been caught by the alliance, and he will be dealt with according to the laws of the alliance. "

Cui Hongzhu said.

After a pause, she looked at Fang Chen with a half-smile:

"You should have known about this a long time ago, right?"

Fang Chen said blankly: "What did you know earlier?"

Then he was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect that the Huo Sui Qin family would still practice Yin Sheng's method. It's really abominable.

Are you really sure that Qin Kunwu was not involved in this matter? "

"Really not."

"At least we found no trace of his involvement."

After Cui Hongzhu finished speaking, her eyes suddenly lit up and she looked outside the door:

"We are here, the Mantra Council Hall." (End of this chapter)

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