Nine Realms Mortal Immortals

Chapter 1469 Kill if you want

In addition to Little Red Lotus Immortal, Fang Chen also brought Ji Gang and Elder Qin with him this time, as well as Taoist Fellow Taoist Sugar Glider who was sleeping.

The reason why I didn't take Huang Wuji with me was because I was afraid that if something happened, he only knew how to use swordsmanship, so it wouldn't be good for him to be caught out.

"Fellow Taoist Fang, why do you, Taoist Miyu, sleep all day long?"

Little Red Lotus Immortal glanced at Fang Chen, then naturally grabbed Taoist Miyu from his collar and put it in a small bag on his chest.

His robe originally didn't have this bag, and I don't know when it was sewn on.

"Maybe it's because I'm too full. Fellow Taoist Miyu has eaten a lot of bugs over the years."

Fang Chen looked complicated.

For twenty years, she ate these snacks almost all the time.

No wonder I was so tired when I came back last time, and I don’t know how many insect beasts I took away from the Insect Valley.

"Friend Miyu is quite interesting."

The little red lotus fairy gently tapped the sugar glider's head with her fingertips.

She just subconsciously reached out and pulled it, then tilted her head and continued to sleep.

"Fang Core, which direction are we heading this time?"

Ji Gang released his fairy boat, which was a Zhulong, and turned to ask Fang Chen.

"First find someone to ask for directions. As far as I know, there should be an immortal meeting on Zuiyuan Star."

Fang Chen said.

According to the information given by Zhou Tianzhijian, this Immortal Ascension Conference will take place for fifty or sixty years, and it should not be over yet.

Senior Sister and the others will have to wait for him for ten days at most, and they are not sure whether they can get Dao Sword Fang and Hundred Blood Gentian in these ten days.

The latter doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he looks for it when he comes back. The former must be found, lest he get stuck in the first-level immortality bottleneck in the past few hundred years.

After receiving the order, Ji Gang immediately activated the Zhulong and traveled on the Zuiyuan Star at an extremely fast speed.

During this period, we passed a place similar to the Demonic Mountains. The atmosphere there was very similar to the Demonic Mountains.

Fang Chen secretly remembered this location.

It is estimated that the ban on Zuiyuan Star is over there. From this point of view, all the areas in the entire upper three realms should have been banned from the underworld road to the underworld at once.

"Fang Core, there are a few Hedao monks in front of us. Let's go over and ask for directions."

Ji Gang said.

Fang Chen nodded slightly.

In an instant, the Zhulong had arrived behind the Hedao period, but they didn't notice it at all. Instead, they looked at the battlefield not far away and smiled and talked.

A war is breaking out in this area, and countless mortal soldiers are dying one after another.

At a glance, it seems that the scale of this battle can reach four to five million.

Among the mortals, there are also many monks, all of whom are at the lower fourth level.

"Which of you will be responsible for refining the Blood Spirit Pill here? I have to rush to the next battlefield. It is estimated that after decades of planning this time, we can send a first-grade pill to the superiors."

One of them asked suddenly.

He is in the middle stage of Hedao, while the others are in the early stage of Hedao, and he is obviously the leader.

"Why don't I stay? Fortunately, there aren't many here, so it can be refined within a few days."

"That's fine, just stay here. When things here are over, you can go and see another place."

On the Zhulong, everyone heard the conversation between several people and already guessed their origins.

A spiritual monk.

Except for the monks of the Spiritual God Cult, which monk in the world would care about the fighting between these mortals?

Ji Gang's eyes showed a hint of teasing and sarcasm.

Elder Qin looked a little disdainful and contemptuous.

Little Red Lotus Fairy looked gloomy. If Fang Chen hadn't wanted to ask for directions, she might have taken action.

Sugar glider...she's sleeping.


"Excuse me……"

Fang Chen smiled kindly and spoke slowly.

Several Hedao people were immediately startled. When they turned around and saw such a 'ferocious' Zhulong, like a huge monster dormant behind them, the hair on their bodies exploded, and their pores shrank, and they were already sweating. dripping.

"You are……"

The middle-level Hedao suppressed the fear in his heart, thought of his background, and his tone became a little calmer: "Who is it?"

"Let me ask for directions. Does your Excellency know where the Immortality Meeting of Zuiyuan Star will be held?"

Fang Chen smiled.

So you were asking for directions?

The middle-level Hedao man felt relieved, but immediately felt that something was not right. The other party said Zuiyuanxing?

And how many of the monks on Zuiyuan Star know that this place is called Zuiyuan Star?

From the outside world?

Reminiscent of some legends within the sect, this middle-level Hedao man immediately looked a little more respectful:

"It turns out that you were just asking for directions, but I know that the Immortal Ascension Ceremony here is held in the Great Victory Dynasty.

Monks from all over the world are now listening to the immortals explaining the meaning of the scriptures, and many monks are trying to gain immortality from them. "

"The Immortal preaches?"

Fang Chen smiled.

This middle-level Hedao man said very patiently:

"Yes, the Dasheng Dynasty is the most prosperous dynasty here, with countless immortals. Every once in a while, a meeting to ascend to immortality will be held, and several immortals will be sent to explain the meaning of the scriptures.

In recent years, many monks have realized this and become immortals.

During the Ascension Fair, it was really lively there. If you want to take a look, just keep walking in this direction. "

He pointed in a direction.

"Well, thank you for your help."

Fang Chen smiled and cupped his hands, and then a sword energy killed these Hedao monks on the spot.

Xiaohonglianxian was stunned and couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Daoist Fang, why did you do this?"

"There is no reason, just kill if you want."

Fang Chen smiled.

Elder Qin smiled and said, "There are many people who dislike the Spiritual God Sect in this world, and it is normal for Fang Core to dislike it."

The deaths of several Hedao people were like a grain of sand falling into the sea, without any ripples.

The Zhulong flew in the direction of the Great Victory Dynasty.

The Zuiyuan Star is much smaller than the constellations, and it takes two days to reach its destination.

"There is a Sixth Rank Immortal here."

Ji Gang just glanced at it and said firmly.

But he obviously didn't take this kind of sixth-turn immortal in his eyes.

The real talents have all been collected by the major forces. Rank six immortals who do not join the major forces have almost no chance of being promoted to rank seven.

The reason why the Sixth Rank Immortals were not accepted by the major forces was because they had almost no chance of being promoted to the Seventh Rank.

The Candle Dragon did not appear in the void. Below the Candle Dragon was the Immortal Ascension Meeting.

There was a second-turn immortal standing on the lecture platform explaining what he had learned through practice.

Tens of thousands of monks were sitting cross-legged below, listening attentively, sometimes looking astonished, sometimes frowning in thought.

Near them, a very lively market was formed because of this Immortal Ascension Conference.

This is where the Kyoto of the Great Victory Dynasty is located.

Although Zui Yuanxing is small, three or four out of ten masters gather here.

"Xiao Zhou, who exactly holds the Dao Sword Fang?"

"Well, look over there, did you see a fat little girl eating?

The Dao Sword Fang you want is on her body, just go and buy it. "

Fang Chen looked down and locked eyes on a little girl with a little baby fat.

Is a mortal.

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