The 978th ​​chapter is shocking

“If you don’t say why, I can’t get it.”

Ye Xiu was also lazy to continue talking nonsense with them, raising his right hand, and a black energy spread across his arm, directly pressing on the top of the person’s head, and gently pulling, his soul was pulled out.

The soul refining technique was activated and it was directly inhaled into own body, but when he was about to refine his soul, the person’s soul trembled violently, and at the same time, a strong sense of crisis hit his heart.

At the moment when this feeling occurred, Ye Xiu almost instinctively threw him out, and quickly backed away, and then saw the person’s soul burst open.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, if the soul burst into his body, the consequences would be disastrous.

“You actually moved your hands and feet in the primordial spirit!”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised, but it made sense to think about it.

This Dark Night Tower can be famous all over the world, relying on this peculiar stealth method, one can see its value, and others can definitely see it.

If you don’t keep some backhands, then this kind of stealth technique may have ruined the streets, and the Dark Night Tower will not be able to spread to this day.

“Then there is no need to keep you.”

Since these people can’t provide themselves with valuable things, there is no need to keep them, go down with a sword, and all their heads are in different places.

He doesn’t have any mercy for these people. If he dares to kill himself, he must be prepared to be killed by himself.

After doing this, Ye Xiu absorbed the power of thunder and returned to the swallowing golden mink in a flash.

At this moment Liu Ruoxian had also retreated, staring at the wooden box in front of him.

“How’s it going, did Innate Rayling show up?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Appeared, but unfortunately I was scared back by you again.”

Swallowing the golden mink didn’t have a good air way. Liu Ruoxian’s method was quite good. As soon as Lei Yuanshi was put into Xuanyuan Ironwood’s box, there was movement in Lei Chi.

After Liu Ruoxian hid, Innate Lei Ling ran out, but before it got close to the trap, a strong energy fluctuation came from Ye Xiu, which directly frightened it back.

But Tian Tian Jin Miao and Liu Ruoxian can’t blame Ye Xiu, after all, those people are immortal and are always a hidden danger, and they can’t calm down and hunt Innate Lei Ling.

“This thing is courageous, shouldn’t it dare to come out?”

Ye Xiu also understands the situation of Innate Lei Ling. Although it is a kind of energy group, its intelligence is no different from ordinary Demonic Beasts, and it has the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

Now that I have been frightened, I am afraid I dare not come out again in a short time.

“If there is no accident, yes, but after a few days, it should come out.”

Liu Ruoxian nodded, but she didn’t think there was anything. In any case, they also confirmed that there is Innate Lei Ling here, which is more important than anything.

As long as you make sure it is here, there is always a way to draw it out, afraid that there will be nothing.

“It’s better for me to come.”

Ye Xiu decided to do it himself, and after waiting a few days, he didn’t have this energy.

Speaking of this, he walked out directly, and raised his hand, a purple thunder appeared in his hand, it was the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder, but it was a weakened Purple Cloud Divine Thunder.

The moment it appeared, the power of thunder around it was like seeing a king, and the whole Thunder Mountain became quiet and abnormal, and even the thunder pool of riots turned into a calm lake.

call out!

At this moment, a white light and shadow rushed out of the thunder pond, and its goal was the wisp of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder in Ye Xiu’s hands.

Ye Xiu’s eyes were quick and quick, and at the moment it swallowed the Purple Sky Divine Thunder and prepared to escape, Ye Xiu’s five fingers suddenly burst out of a larger thunder light, directly forming a cage to trap it in it.

Previously, what he condensed was only a weakened version of the Purple Cloud Thunder, otherwise, the Innate Thunder Spirit would not dare to say anything rashly. Now he uses a complete version of the Purple Cloud God Thunder, full of the mighty power of the heavens and the earth, let it struggle anyway. They couldn’t penetrate the cage formed by the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder.

Only then did Ye Xiu see the appearance of Innate Lei Ling.

This thing was about the size of an egg, and looked like a white hedgehog, with thunder thorns all over its body, but at this time, a ray of purple power in its body was the weakened Purple Heaven God Thunder.

The spirituality of this thing is indeed very high. Vaguely, he even felt Innate Thunder’s begging for mercy.

But Ye Xiu didn’t see it, and put it directly into the wooden box made by Xuanyuan Ironwood, and then closed the lid.

This group of Innate Thunder Spirit absorbed the weakened Purple Cloud Divine Thunder, which has greater potential and is more useful to Liu Ruoxian.

“Did your kid just use the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder?”

Tian Tian Jin Shou rushed over, incredulously.

Although it already knew that Ye Xiu possessed the power of thunder attributes, it had never expected that it would be the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder, which was the king of thunder.

That’s fine, but he still holds the Great Sun Golden Flame and the Yimu Dragon Qi in his hands, all things are heaven-defying, and the world can change their lives if they get one of them.

So much power of heaven-defying appeared in Ye Xiu’s body at the same time, which is really enviable, even jealous.

“It’s fine if you know, why do you tell me.”

Ye Xiu curled his lips and said, he didn’t feel surprised that Tian Tian Jin Shou knew the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder. He had known it for so long, and there was almost nothing it didn’t know.

But it knows that it doesn’t mean that others also know it. The so-called hurtfulness is not necessary, but it is also necessary for the defensiveness. If Liu Ruoxian passed it out to himself, wouldn’t his own situation be even worse.

Although this possibility is very small, but it is not absolutely impossible, he has to guard against it.

This is also one of the reasons why he didn’t shoot directly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what happened today.”

Liu Ruoxian reached this Realm on his own. He was naturally not a fool. How could he not understand what Ye Xiu meant, and he quickly promised.

“Such the best.”

Ye Xiu nodded, talking to a smart person is fun, and then handed the wooden box to Liu Ruoxian and said, “I will leave this to you. Do you need me to refine it for you?”

“This is not necessary, I have already told my master, she will help me, so I won’t bother you.”

Liu Ruoxian didn’t dare to accept it, the power in her body was about to explode, she didn’t dare to get too close to Ye Xiu, otherwise, she might lose control completely.

Her master is a woman, so she doesn’t have to worry about getting lost in front of her master, and it is precisely because she is also a woman that she will help herself.

“Well, then let’s say goodbye…”


Before Ye Xiu finished speaking, he heard a loud noise behind him.

Looking back, I saw a purple giant python with a height of more than ten meters sticking its head out of the thunder pond, and the whole body was filled with lightning, which was very scary.

“Purple electric dragon python!”

Swallowing Golden Sable was taken aback, looking at this wide-eyed man in disbelief, full of anger and fright.

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