Chapter 986: You Think Again

“It’s very simple.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently: “Let’s make a bet, if you find the stolen goods on me, if you can find from me the things you stolen before, no matter how much it is, I will return it twice.”


Xiang Tian nodded and said, he felt that Ye Xiu had a great possibility of stealing their things. This bet could be played, so he had to do it.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t finished speaking yet.”

Ye Xiu continued: “Since it’s a bet, there will be winners and losers. If you find the loot, then you won. I should pay double compensation. But if you don’t find anything, then I win. Now, what are you going to give me, or what are you going to give?”


Xiang Tian and the others were stunned, they really didn’t expect this.

If they win and get double benefits, if they lose, they don’t pay anything. If they don’t say anything, Chu Ruqing will not be able to pass this level.

But now they have suffered heavy losses, what else can they use as a bargaining chip.

“I heard that there are very few immortal artifacts in Fengyu, so the value is extremely high. I think each of you Sect can use one immortal artifact as a bargaining chip.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said: “In this way, your purpose of searching for me has been achieved, and I can live on my faceless face. In the end, no matter who wins, we will not hurt each other. You say, this is Not the best of both worlds?”


Xiang Tian and the others frowned. They were all old fried dough sticks. Where they couldn’t hear what Ye Xiu meant, they were just digging a hole for themselves.

Now there are only a few immortal artifacts left for the four main sects, which they used to press the bottom of the box, and the loss of one piece was a huge loss for them.

Besides, they didn’t dare to be completely sure that Ye Xiu did this thing, it’s just that his possibility is very high.

If it’s not, then wouldn’t they lose even their pants?

“I think it’s okay. My dignity cannot be trampled on. There are two ways before you. One, promise Ye Xiu’s bet, and two, let’s leave directly. You can choose for yourself.”

Chu ruthlessly glanced at Ye Xiu, and seeing that he winked at himself, he immediately confessed his intentions and cooperated.

“Can’t go.”

The master of Eight Trigrams yelled, and then spoke to Xiang Tian and the others: “Everyone, I think this kid is bluffing, and he deliberately said so so that we can’t let him do what he wants. I propose to gamble with him. Anyway, we have nothing to lose anyway.”

“I also think we can give it a try. Now that the treasure trove of our four major sects has been stolen, no matter how bad it is, if this kid is bluffing, then we will follow his way.”

“I also agree that once we win, not only will all the losses come back, but we can also make a lot of money.”

Several people were communicating quickly, and in the end they unanimously decided and gambled.

Now they have no other choice. They are definitely unable to fight. Although the ruthless Cultivation Base is almost the same as them, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary Celestial Immortals.

It was easy for him to defeat three of them alone, not to mention that there are several Celestial Immortals Realm masters behind him.

In the real fight, it is only them who suffer in the end.

But they couldn’t let Ye Xiu leave like this, otherwise, their losses would be there and would not come back.

Although there was a risk of losing a bet with Ye Xiu, how could it be worse?

“Have you thought about it? We have other things to do, but we don’t have so much time to delay with you here.”

Chu ruthlessly said.

“Think about it, we bet.”

Xiang Tian spoke, and as soon as he said this, he noticed that Ye Xiu’s face suddenly changed, and he immediately let out a sigh of relief.

He knew that when he waited for someone to guess correctly, this guy was sure he didn’t dare to gamble, that’s why he said so.

It’s all right now, let’s lift a rock and hit my own foot.

“You are still thinking about it, if you lose, then each of you Sect will give me a fairy, this is a priceless thing.”

Ye Xiu pretended that he couldn’t bear it.

“No, we should take this bet.”

Xiang Tian said immediately, the more Ye Xiu was like this, the more they felt that Ye Xiu was bluffing before, and now it is a manifestation of lack of confidence.

Thinking of the situation after their victory, all of them were filled with excitement. They didn’t worry that Ye Xiu would not be able to afford the compensation, he could not afford it, and Tian Juemen could afford it.

They believe that Tianjuemen will never stand idly by.

“I really don’t think about it anymore. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Once you search my body, it will be difficult to think about it again.”

Ye Xiu persuaded again.

“No, you stand up and let us search.”

Xiang Tian et al.

“Not yet, what if you lose and don’t admit it, so you have to give the fairy to our Sect Leader first, and then I can let you search.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes turned.


The few people didn’t have any doubts, and directly took out the fairy tools they had mastered and handed them to Chu Ruqing, and said, “It’s okay now.”

“Hey, why do you guys do this.”

Ye Xiu sighed and walked out, then opened his arms and said, “Come on.”

Several people immediately rushed up when they saw this, turned Ye Xiu’s body upside down, and at the same time snatched the ten storage rings in his hand, and asked Ye Xiu to erase the marks on them.

In this regard, Ye Xiu also cooperated to directly erase all the marks on the ten storage rings.

“Why, how could it be empty…”

However, after they saw the situation inside the storage ring, they were completely blindfolded.

The reason why they agreed was mainly because of the ten storage rings in Ye Xiu’s hands. Normal people, who would bring so many storage rings, so they thought that the stolen goods were probably in his hands.

After all, the collection of the Four Martial Arts is so huge that one or two storage rings can never be put down, coupled with Ye Xiu’s previous performance, they are extremely sure.

But the result was far beyond their expectations, could it be said that these treasures have made this kid impossible to eat.

Yes, it was eaten, but it was not eaten by Ye Xiu, but by Tian Tian Jin Sable.

In fact, what they discovered was the instant that Ye Xiu knew that he couldn’t run away, so Jizhong Shengzhi threw the storage rings he had originally carried into the mouth of Swallowing Golden Sable, and then took out ten empty ring belts. superior.

Because his speed was too fast, even Bai Longfei next to him was not found, let alone Xiang Tian and the others.

“I’ve said so that you guys will think about it again, how about it now, let’s be blind.”

Ye Xiu sighed. He wasn’t bluffing before, but he was really persuading them.

He had just ransacked their treasure house, and now they are rushing to give themselves something, which makes him a little embarrassed.

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