The 938th chapter imitating mountains and rivers

The energy fluctuations in front disappeared, and the group of people immediately followed them impatiently.

Ye Xiu slowly backed away, directly to the end of the crowd, and came to the front of the candlestick that Tuntian Jin Miao said. As soon as he was about to start his hands, he was slapped on the shoulder, and Ye Xiu jumped.

Looking back, I saw Liu Ruoxian in black standing behind him, staring at him tightly with big Shui Lingling eyes.

“It’s you, scared me.”

Ye Xiu was relieved when he saw Liu Ruoxian.

“What are you doing?”

Since Ye Xiu appeared, Liu Ruoxian has been paying attention to him, who made him the first man of his own. She saw Ye Xiu slowly running from the front of the crowd to the back of the crowd. She didn’t know what she wanted to do.

Out of curiosity, she stayed too, and this was the scene before.

“Shhh, keep your voice down!”

Ye Xiu hurriedly stepped forward and covered her mouth. She looked around and found that no one noticed them. Then she replied in a low voice, “I think this candlestick is weird, so I want to stay and watch the research. Don’t talk. If someone is attracted, am I not at a loss?”

Liu Ruoxian’s body was soft, and she almost fell into Ye Xiu’s arms. After being hit by Mu Qinglan’s yin beads and having a relationship with Ye Xiu, her body became extremely sensitive.

Fortunately, her will has been tempered in the lower realm enough to be able to restrain her own heart, and she deliberately keeps a distance from the opposite sex, so there is no major problem.

But now Ye Xiu has covered his own mouth and has intimate contact with herself. In addition to the relationship between her and Ye Xiu, there is no defense against him in her heart, so that the desire deep in her heart strays. Coming up, I felt that all the strength of my body seemed to have been exhausted.

This feeling really made her ashamed and angered.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

Ye Xiu also noticed his improper behavior and hurriedly released her.

“No, it’s okay.”

Liu Ruoxian took a deep breath and calmed down a bit.

At the moment when Ye Xiu let go of own, she unexpectedly felt a sense of emptiness in her heart.

“Don’t say anything, let me see if there are any good things. If there are any, I will give you half by then.”

Because Liu Ruoxian had a veil on her face and Ye Xiu didn’t think much of her, he didn’t notice that Liu Ruoxian was wrong.

But now that he was discovered, he couldn’t take advantage of it alone, and before Liu Ruoxian could speak, he pressed it on the candlestick.

This candlestick looked like it was set on the rock wall, but the press directly pressed it down, and then a strong suction force was generated in the wall, which instantly wrapped him in and pulled it in.


Seeing this, Liu Ruoxian ignored the others, and directly grabbed Ye Xiu’s arm, trying to pull him back.

But she underestimated the suction power, and the two of them were sucked into the wall and disappeared in an instant.

The few people walking at the back of the crowd heard movement behind them and looked back, but there was nothing unusual behind them, so they shook their heads and continued to move forward.

The attention of these people was all attracted by the previous situation, so that the disappearance of the two big living people did not attract anyone’s attention.

At the same time, in a dim room, Liu Ruoxian lay on Ye Xiu, shook his head, and slowly raised his head to look around.

She found that it was like a dark room, in which there were everything you need for tables, chairs and benches, and a fist-sized crystal stone glowing with white light on her head, illuminating the entire room.

It looks like it’s someone’s residence.

“Then what, can you get up first?”

Ye Xiu is weak and weak. He is not the first brother anymore. Now that she has a soft fragrance in her arms, she thinks of her appearance comparable to that of a little fox, and it is impossible to say that there is no feeling at all.

So now he opened his hands and didn’t dare to move, for fear that he would lose control after moving.


Liu Ruoxian blushed, and immediately got up, quickly tidying up her clothes to hide her panic.

Ye Xiu recovered his freedom at this time, but he didn’t dare to look at Liu Ruoxian again. For some reason, the smell on her body made him feel like he had already known each other, and his own heart couldn’t be as calm as before.

He shook his head, put the distracting thoughts behind him, slowly sat up, looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on an altar not far away.

There is a scroll on the altar, and nothing else is there.

call out!

The swallowing golden sable turned into a golden light and rushed to the altar table, picked up the scroll, and opened it soon.

Just the light burst in the picture, reflecting the colorful lights of the whole room, and then looking at the Hanamaki, among them, the sun and the moon, the mountains, rivers, and rivers, birds and beasts are everything, and they are all moving, just like the mountains, rivers and rivers inside, the birds and beasts are all alive. The same.

“Shanhe Sheji Picture!”

Tuntian Jinshou was shocked, but after a closer look, his excitement dimmed, and he said, “Unfortunately, it is an imitation, otherwise it will make a lot of money.”

“What is the picture of Shanhe Sheji?”

Not only Ye Xiu, but Liu Ruoxian also looked confused, they had never heard of such a thing.

“The picture of the mountain and river community is a treasure of the immortal world. The self-generating world in the picture has nurtured all things, but it has long been lost. If the king guessed correctly, the other party put this picture here, it should be used to nourish it with the ground veins, but unfortunately , This volume is an imitation, barely comparable to the middle-grade immortal artifact, there is nothing to be surprised about.”

Swallowing the sky Jin Sable threw this scroll of mountains and rivers to Ye Xiudao with some disappointment, but think about it, this kind of treasure has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, how can it appear in such a place where birds don’t shit.

“What’s the use of this thing?”

Ye Xiu took the picture and looked at it, but found nothing special, just a moving picture scroll.

“As long as you master the method of control, you can use it to set traps, no matter whether humans or demons, once you enter, you can’t think of them if they are not strong enough.”

Swallowing Golden Sable curled his lips and said, “However, limited by its quality, it can barely deal with Celestial Immortals. It is useless to face the existence of Celestial Immortals and above. Fortunately, it is self-contained, but it can be used. Xianqi comes to cultivation, and it is also a good choice to use it as a palace.”

Its eyesight is extremely high, and it can be seen at a glance that the level of people who refine this picture is limited. Even if it is placed here to absorb the earth veins for thousands of years, it can only reach the level of high-grade immortal artifacts, which is different from the real one.

The real Shanhe Jitu is refined from a big world, and this one is at most transformed by the Minor World in a human body. There is a difference between the two.

This thing was a pity for it to be tasteless, but it was just right for Ye Xiu to use it.

It looks down on it because it has a high vision, but for ordinary people, it is a rare treasure.

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