Chapter 928: Changing Faces

“Don’t run, don’t run.”

Ye Xiu looked at Mu Qinglan faintly and said, “Sooner or later you will have to pay it back when you come out, don’t you think, Mu Qinglan.”

“You, how do you…”

Mu Qinglan was struck by lightning, but she hadn’t used her name for a long time, and not many people in the lower realms knew it, wait…

Suddenly, she seemed to run away immediately after thinking of something, but she was still a step late.

Just listening to the sound of “buzz”, the surrounding formation has already started, directly trapping her here.

“Mu Qinglan, my good Big sis, do you remember me?”

Liu Ruoxian walked out of the darkness slowly, the veil on his face slipped quietly, revealing an ugly and hideous face.

This face is not pretty, on the contrary, it is ugly. There are countless scars lying on it, like countless centipedes lying on the face, making people afraid to look directly at it.

These were all given by admiration Qinglan. She not only changed her face with herself at the time, but also cut this face with a knife to vent.

She had counted it before, a total of eighty-nine dollars, how much hatred would make her treat herself like this.

At this time the moon had already risen, her face was clearly photographed, and every scar had a shadow.

The people who just watched are terrified.

“You, don’t come over.”

Mu Qinglan was directly paralyzed by fright. What she was most afraid of seeing was this ugly face, and it was this face that had made herself endure decades of humiliation.

I took great pains to get rid of this face, and seeing it again, she seemed to remember the experience of the year, which made her extremely frightened.

“Big sis, you have borrowed my face for some time, shouldn’t it be returned to me?”

Liu Ruoxian had imagined the situation of taking his face back more than once, and each time he wished to break Mu Qinglan’s body into pieces.

It was because of her that she had endured the humiliation for nearly a hundred years, and she didn’t even dare to show her true colors easily.

Today finally got what she wanted, but her heart calmed down.

“This is my face. Why give it back to you? Don’t come over, or I will scratch this face.”

Mu Qinglan wanted to make the final struggle, and directly took out a dagger and put it on Own’s face. Of course, she didn’t want to scratch this face either, she just wanted Liu Ruoxian to throw a rat trap.

This face brought her too much glory, it was her most beloved baby, how could she be willing to give up.

“Women are trouble.”

Tuntian Jin Miao sighed and said, just a face, is it necessary to be like this.

“You do not understand.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, there is no woman in the world who doesn’t care about her appearance, Mu Qinglan is like this, Liu Ruoxian is like this, and Qingcheng and Xiaohu are not like this.

Especially a woman who has a sweetheart will dress up well. This is the reason why the so-called woman is a person who pleases herself.

It’s just that no one will do everything for a face like Mu Qinglan.

Becoming friends with this kind of person is simply a nightmare.

“It’s as if you know more about women, and I haven’t seen how many around you.”

Swallowing Golden Sable rolled his eyes, he hates others to preach to him, how can this king’s experience be comparable to that of an infamous little guy like you.

“Too lazy to care about you.”

Ye Xiu stopped talking nonsense with it, but looked at Liu Ruoxian and Mu Qinglan.

“At this point, you still have to go back, Big sis, you really don’t repent, and today I will take back everything that originally belonged to me.”

Liu Ruoxian yelled, and the breath of her body was released instantly, as if Mount Tai pressed against Mu Qinglan’s body, the powerful force directly tightened her body, making her unable to move.

Then, Liu Ruoxian walked towards her step by step, every time she took a step forward, Mu Qinglan’s heart trembled once.

“What are you doing in a daze, stop her quickly for me.”

Mu Qinglan was still struggling, and immediately gave orders to the puppets under his control.

Although these people have been brainwashed, facing Liu Ruoxian who is far above them, they are also afraid of them, and they dare not approach at all.

In this way, Liu Ruoxian walked in front of Mu Qinglan and slowly raised his right hand and pressed it on her face.

“Liu Ruoxian, don’t mess around. I used a secret technique before. If I can’t force it to remove it, this face will be useless. If you don’t believe it, you can try it.”

Mu Qinglan said immediately, she was not alarmist.

The secret technique she uses is called clothing repair technique, which, as the name suggests, is to cut and replace human skin like clothes.

It doesn’t know how to repair clothes. Even if own face is removed, it will be necrotic in a very short time, so this face is really useless.

She said this now to let her know that it is okay to get her face back, but if you don’t agree with your own, it’s useless to get it back.

“What secret technique?”

Liu Ruoxian frowned, she really didn’t expect this.

“Don’t listen to her, it’s just a simple clothing repair technique. This king has many similar methods, and there are many smarter than this. For your poor sake, I will give you one.”

Swallowing the sky Jin Sable also couldn’t understand Mu Qinglan’s deeds, and directly shot a golden light into Liu Ruoxian’s eyebrows.

“How would you know!”

Mu Qinglan’s eyes widened. She had accidentally obtained this clothing repair technique. She should have mastered it alone, but it had been destroyed by her at that time. How could it be mastered.

“How can this king be understandable by a poisonous woman like you.”

Swallowing Golden Sable looked at the sky forty-five degrees, and said with a smug expression.

“Thank you.”

Liu Ruoxian gratefully glanced at Tuntian Jinshou, and immediately followed the method given by Tuntian Jinshou, using the power of the immortal, and directly took this face off.

Yes, it’s taken off, it’s like taking off a mask, very weird

At this time, Ye Xiu’s angle could just see Mu Qinglan’s face at this time, but found that there was no blood flowing out, and the whole face seemed to disappear, becoming a fleshy plane.

“What a weird way.”

It was the first time Ye Xiu saw this secret technique, and his heart was shaking.

At this time, Liu Ruoxian used his left hand to hold Own’s face in the same way, and took her face full of scars with a light hold and replaced her with Own’s face.

It felt like she was wearing a mask, and the light flashed, and this face was closely connected to her head.

The temperament of the whole person has changed. Although it is still the same face, the feeling of this face on Liu Ruoxian’s body is even more beautiful.

Perhaps this face is hers, and only she can fully bring out the charm of this face.

After feeling it for a while, Liu Ruoxian’s face showed a long-lost smile, and then took out a mirror, looking at the familiar face inside, the corners of her eyes slowly moistened.

After more than a hundred years, I finally got my own face back.

Then she returned Mu Qinglan’s face back.

“No, I don’t want it, I don’t want… Ruoxian, you kill me, please kill me.”

Only then could Mu Qinglan make a sound. Seeing Liu Ruoxian’s face changed, she knew that her own dream was broken.

You must know that Yibushu can only change her face twice in her life, once and once, even if she doesn’t want this face, she can’t change it again.

In this case, she might as well die.

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