Chapter 923 You are also called Liu Ruoxian?

“You, what do you want to do?”

Ye Xiu was a little confused, and he couldn’t figure out the context of this woman. In addition, he couldn’t see her expression clearly, and couldn’t tell whether she was an enemy or a friend for a while.

“Introduce myself, my name is Liu Ruoxian, the chief disciple of Outer Sect of Tianshamen.”

The woman opened the mouth and said: “The reason I saved you is because I don’t think you are greedy. It should be said that you saved yourself.”

“Liu Ruoxian, are you also called Liu Ruoxian?”

Ye Xiu frowned. The woman from Jianzong was also named Liu Ruoxian. How could such a coincidence happen? Is it the same name?

“Have you heard of someone called Liu Ruoxian?”

When the woman heard Ye Xiu’s words, she immediately rushed over and stared at Ye Xiu.

“Yes, I have met a sword sect woman before, and her name is Liu Ruoxian.”

Ye Xiu didn’t understand why she had such a big reaction. Isn’t it just the same name? What’s all the fuss about.

“Draw me what she looks like.”

At this moment, Liu Ruoxian seemed to have become another person, with a strong Killing intent permeating his whole body.

“All right.”

Ye Xiu didn’t refuse, after all, he had saved him, so he took a piece of white paper from the side and drew it on it.

After a while, he drew the appearance of Liu Ruoxian, still very vivid.

“Bitch, I didn’t expect you to be under my nose all the time, good, good.”

Liu Ruoxian was holding the portrait, and the whole figure seemed to be in madness. The murderous aura around him could no longer be restrained, and it broke out completely.

“Sister Liu, what happened?”

At this time, the people outside noticed the changes in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and immediately became nervous.

“It’s nothing, I’m practicing, don’t bother me.”

Liu Ruoxian replied, but his eyes never left the portrait.

“Um, do you know her?”

Ye Xiu asked weakly. He didn’t expect this thin-looking woman to have such a huge power hidden in her body that even he felt intense pressure.

Fortunately, he took dragon blood fruit and his will was strong enough, otherwise he really couldn’t bear it.

“I know her more than just, her face originally belonged to me.”

Liu Ruoxian said angrily: “The most damn it is that not only did she steal my face, she even dared to steal my name, damn it, damn it.”

“Face, the face is yours?”

Ye Xiu is a little confused, can this face be changed?

“Her real name is Mu Qinglan. She was originally a good sister from my village. She joined the martial arts with me. Because I look good and my brothers all adore me, but she was run on because of her ugly appearance.”

Liu Ruoxian murmured: “But I never disliked her. I couldn’t bear to use any good things and left them to her, but she attacked me because of jealousy, and even used secret techniques to make our faces. Exchange, and then push me down the cliff.”

“I am dead. Not only did I not die, but I also got the inheritance of a senior, the Cultivation Base was close, but I was disfigured because of it.”

“When I was successful in cultivation, I went to find her to avenge her, but she won over a group of masters by virtue of my appearance and bit me back.”

“If it wasn’t for me to run fast, I’m afraid she would have killed her, you said she should die, should she die!”

“It turned out to be so.”

Ye Xiu now finally understood why she would react like this after seeing this portrait.

Instead of being yourself, I’m afraid I can’t wait to break her into pieces.

“You said she is the sword sect of Yuecheng City?”

Liu Ruoxian asked.


Ye Xiu nodded, of course he could not remember this matter wrongly.

“Can you do me a favor.”

Liu Ruoxian asked.

“Do you want me to lead her out?”

Ye Xiu was so smart that he immediately understood what Liu Ruoxian meant.

“Yes, I want to personally take back everything that belongs to me.”

Liu Ruoxian said firmly, since she changed her face, she didn’t dare to show her true colors.

Any woman cares about Own’s appearance, and she is no exception. Although she is sometimes annoying to be sought after by others, she is still very happy in her heart.

But since she changed her face, her life has completely changed, from the previous admiration of everyone to the disgust of everyone.

Even now, she didn’t dare to show her true face, and when she thought of Mu Qinglan using her own face to be coquettish, her heart was extremely angry.

So no matter what, she must bring back her own face.

“Well, can you find someone else?”

Ye Xiu didn’t want to agree, no matter how much that woman Damn it, she would still be a disciple of the Sword Sect. If he helped Liu Ruoxian, she would definitely offend Sword Sect.

He is actually not afraid of things, but he and Liu Ruoxian are just meeting each other, even if she saves herself once, but not enough to allow herself to offend a sect for her.

Besides, what she said is only his side words, he is not clear about the facts, in case she is cheating own.

So he prefers to use other methods to repay this kindness.

“I know what you are worrying about. I have a list here. They are all people who ascended from the Lingtian Continent like me. They also know the inside story. You can confirm it.”

After Liu Ruoxian finished speaking, he took out a Jade Slip and threw it to Ye Xiu, and said: “The reason why I asked you to help is because you are not a disciple of the Tiansha Clan, and you have had an encounter with her. It is not easy to arouse her suspicion. After that, I will take full responsibility and will not hurt you.”

“Of course, I won’t let you do it in vain. I have a high-grade sword art in my hand. It doesn’t belong to any school. I got it before. I can give it to you as a reward.”

Mu Qinglan already knew about the ascension to the immortal realm, so she must be guarded against herself, and this woman knows how to win over men, and she is also very cautious in doing things.

Finding someone to deal with her is likely to arouse her suspicion.

So Ye Xiu is the best candidate.

“I need to verify before I give you the answer.”

Ye Xiu didn’t directly agree to her. This matter was too much involved, and if it wasn’t good, it was very likely that he would get involved.

As for the responsibility for this matter, it does not mean that she can take it all if she wants to.

Therefore, he must figure out the whole thing, and after consideration, can minimize the impact of this matter on own, and then he will make a decision so as not to be implicated.

Because he can’t die now, there are many things waiting for him to do.

“Yes, I will give you a month, and I hope to give me the answer in a month.”

Although Liu Ruoxian was very anxious, but after so many years of waiting, he could afford to wait for a month.

If he disagrees, then he can only use other methods.

Because this matter cannot be delayed, the longer it is, the worse it will be for her.

This was the case when he was in Lingtian Continent.

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