Chapter 918: Refining Dragon Blood Fruit

The underground river speed is faster than expected, and the moment the swallowing golden mink jumped in, it was rushed out for several miles.

In it, it can’t even struggle, it can only drift with the flow, and it is not known how long it will take to get out of the dark river. Fortunately, its Cultivation Base is not low, and it can breathe in the water, otherwise it can be suffocated to death.

I don’t know how long it has passed, when Tian Tian Jin Shou suddenly saw a bright light coming from the front, which was like a guiding light in the dark underground river, making its eyes bright.

Tian Tian Jin Miao stared at the light stubbornly, with a high concentration of energy.

Suddenly it moved, and its claws stuck into the smooth waterway like an iron hook. With only a click, its right claw was directly broken.

Swallowing Golden Sable knowing that it is not time to delay, gritted his teeth and forcibly endured the pain, turned over and drilled out of the light.

And its right paw was already pulled down, obviously broken completely.

“Fortunately, the king’s claws have been passed by Ascension, otherwise they really won’t come out.”

Swallowing Golden Sable sighed, the power in his body turned on his paws, the paws that were pulled down straightened immediately, and the injury was quickly recovering.

Then it vomited Ye Xiu out with a mouth.

“What is this place?”

Ye Xiu looked around and found that this is also an underground cave. The difference is that this cave is much smaller and the underground river is only one meter square, which is obviously not the previous cave.

As for him, after being swallowed by Sky Swallowing Golden Sable, he went to an independent space with many good things piled up like a mountain, many of which he had never seen before.

But judging from the aura radiating from them, they should all be good things, but he didn’t dare to move, after all, it was in the belly of Sky Swallowing Golden Sable.

If you move its baby by yourself, it will become his dung with a single thought, which is not good.

As for the dragon blood fruit tree, he never saw it from beginning to end.

I don’t know where it was hidden by this guy.

“The king doesn’t know either.”

Tian Tian Jin Shou shook his head, the passage of time could not be perceived in the underground river, but they stayed in it for at least three days.

Judging by the speed of the underground river, they may have been rushed out of Lincheng’s sphere of influence at this time. As for the specific location, it is not known, and it must be understood after going out.

“Are you OK?”

Ye Xiu asked, he only remembered the situation before being swallowed by Sky Swallowing Golden Sable, what happened afterwards was unknown.

Moreover, he didn’t see Tuntian Jin Sable’s complexion very well, obviously he suffered a serious injury.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I got hurt when I came out. Hey, this is for you.”

The golden sable spit out another golden fruit, which is the dragon blood fruit. It has matured in the own space these days. In order to prevent it from being taken away by Ye Xiu, it deliberately opened the dragon blood fruit tree and the leaves. .

Although there is only one space in its body, he is definitely the only master in the space, so he easily split one space into two. Even if Ye Xiu searched all the spaces he was in, he couldn’t find the dragon blood fruit tree. whereabouts.

Fortunately, this kid is quite interesting, and he hasn’t touched his collection for many years, otherwise he wouldn’t mind turning him into his own shit.

“This is dragon blood fruit?”

Ye Xiu had seen the appearance of Dragon Blood Fruit before, and it had changed greatly at this time.

The dragon blood fruit that I saw before has a smooth surface and looks like a golden tomato.

At this time, the dragon blood fruit completely changed its appearance, the surface was no longer smooth, and there was a dragon pattern walking around it, like a living creature, lifelike.

Feeling Ye Xiu’s gaze, it would turn its head and look over, revealing a ferocious look.

Become fine?

“What are you looking at? It’s almost time to eat. You want to attract another Celestial Immortals.”

Tian Tian Jin Diao glanced at him and said, this dragon blood fruit will also exude an attractive fragrance, although it is not as great as it is when it is mature, but it is not afraid of ten thousand and just in case.

If there is another Celestial Immortals, it can’t guarantee that it will escape this time.


Ye Xiu didn’t dare to delay any longer when he heard this, and swallowed the dragon blood fruit in a few mouthfuls.

The taste is not very good. Although this thing melts in the mouth, it seems like blood is full of blood. It feels like drinking blood directly.

This thing didn’t feel much after entering the abdomen, but as time passed, he felt as if a piece of red iron had been thrown into his stomach, and the pain made him cold and sweaty.

Then, a huge force burst out, like a volcanic eruption, instantly filling his own body, and his body was constantly expanding like a balloon.

This feeling made him worse than death, but fortunately, his own body quickly returned to its original state, but a lot of black things had appeared on the surface of his body.

It’s too oily, and it has a faint fishy smell, which makes people want to be nauseous.

No need to think about it and know that this is because the Impurities in the body have been drained out.


The good times didn’t last long, and his body was swollen again. If you look closely, you can see a little dragon swimming in the blood under his skin.

The tearing pain almost fainted Ye Xiu.

After that, his body shrank again, and there was an extra layer of dirt on his body.

After repeating this nine times, the dirt on his body became less and less, and the dragon blood fruit in his body was exhausted.

Ye Xiu, who was involved in this matter, looked like he was fished out of the water, and his whole body was soaked in sweat.

Apathy, like a serious illness, but his skin became extremely white, tender and smooth, just like a woman’s skin, and his eyes were piercing and gleaming.

Even his Cultivation Base has been directly promoted from the third rank of the fake fairy to the fourth rank of the fake fairy.

“Okay, you kid, you can persevere. This king thought you would faint.”

Swallowing the golden sable has been watching from the side, taking dragon blood fruit, it is a process of transforming blood and flesh, it takes nine times to complete the transformation.

Each time, I forced my body apart, which was comparable to torture. Every time I endured it, the pain would add up. The more I persisted, the more painful I would be.

The average person can persist until three times without fainting.

Even this mind was moved by it.

“Almost fainted.”

Ye Xiu recalled the situation just now and was also terrified. If he were to experience it again, he couldn’t guarantee that he would stick to it. It was terrible.

“These three are also given to you. The king’s style is to meet half of the time, but this king has contributed a lot this time, so naturally he has to take the big head. You have no objection.”

Although Tian Tuntian Jin Miao was greedy, Ye Xiu’s previous performance made him very satisfied, and he was regarded as a reward.

Anyway, he himself only needs one, and the remaining four will be sold after a while, and they should be able to sell for a good price.

“Give me another one. I am willing to exchange it for you with other things.”

Ye Xiu put these three away and said, he prepared this for Little Fox, Qingcheng, Amano, and Duoduo.

I believe it won’t be long before the three of Amano will soar, and the dragon’s blood fruit will be hard to come by.

Now that I have encountered it, how can I not have their share.

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