Chapter 912: Count your acquaintance


Swallowing Golden Sable suddenly spoke, and with a wave of his paw, the formation patterns around him flew around, disappearing into the void.

At this time it looked down at Ye Xiu and the others and said, “All go down.”

Now that the formation is complete, once it is turned on, all within one mile will be covered by the formation. Ye Xiu and the others will also be affected by the formation if they stay here, falling into the illusion and unable to extricate themselves.

This is not a normal phantom array. The normal phantom array is very unfriendly to immortals with a low Cultivation Base. The higher the Cultivation Base, the greater the impact.

But this phantom array works in the opposite way. It actually has a large impact on people with a low Cultivation Base, but it has a great impact on people with a high Cultivation Base. To put it bluntly, the higher the Cultivation Base, the greater the impact. .

This kind of phantom array is most suitable for use here, as long as it stops Demonic Beasts above the immortal, the others are almost no threat to them.


With Zuo Liuyun’s borrowing account, everyone dared not care about the formation and immediately jumped into the cave.

Seeing this, Sky Swallowing Sable immediately opened the magic array, an invisible barrier enveloped a radius of one mile, and then Swallowing Sable also jumped into the karst cave.

“You stay here. When the dragon blood fruits mature, whatever comes in, kill them. After the event is completed, this king will give you three dragon blood fruits as rewards. As for how to distribute them, you Discuss it yourself.”

Swallowing Golden Sable had previously planned to give them two Dragon Blood Fruits, but there were many people who came this time. In addition to Feng Yun Wuji and Zuo Liuyun, there were also a group of Jianzong disciples, and giving them two more seemed to be a little scornful.


A little nodded, agreeing.

Dragon Blood Fruit is different from others. It can only be taken once in a person’s life, which is more useless.

Only Feng Yun Wuji came to the Iron Sword Gate, and one was enough. Sword Sect had contributed a lot, so it should be two. Zuo Liuyun definitely wanted one. As for who to give the remaining one, to Let’s talk about it later.

Although it is not yet known how many dragon blood fruits will appear, it should not be less than five, so that it is the swallowing golden sable to take the big head.

They dare not make sense at this moment, or even if they get the dragon blood fruit, they will probably be trapped here.

The outside formation is not a joke, so naturally there will be no objections.

“Little Ye Zi come with this king.”

The power within the Sky Swallowing Golden Sable is beginning to rise again, and it must be sorted out before the dragon’s blood fruit matures to avoid any changes when it comes to time.

“What did you call me just now?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes widened, Xiao Yezi? You treat me as father-in-law.

“The king will ask you if you are coming.”

Tian Tian Jin Diao glanced at him.

“Good rhubarb.”

Ye Xiu doesn’t want to suffer. If you call me Xiaoyezi, then I will call you Rhubarb.

Hum, I want to take advantage of me, but there are no doors.

“Fuck, this king will fight with you.”

Swallowing Golden Sable was furious, and immediately wanted to kill Xiang Ye Xiu.

“Are you sure you want to do it?”

The corner of Ye Xiu’s mouth was turned up, and he looked at the big zodiac with a smile.

He wasn’t stupid. Before he came in, he found that Tian Tian Jin Sable was a lap bigger, so it was not difficult to guess what this guy wanted to do in the past.

Just ask me if I have something to do with this attitude? I don’t think you know what is called a flower and why it is so red.

“Ahem, forget it, call it what you like.”

The Sky Swallowing Golden Sable is so angry, but who wants it to ask for this kid, it’s better to call it rhubarb, it’s better than losing control of the power in your body.

But this is not over. When this king solves the physical problem, you will never get better at that time.

If you dare to call this king rhubarb, Heaven Court Heavenly Emperor doesn’t have the guts.

Waiting for you.

“Count you acquaintance.”

Ye Xiu looked smug. He didn’t want to call this fellow Rhubarb. On the one hand, this fellow called himself Xiaoye Zi. If he didn’t fight back, wouldn’t he appear incompetent.

On the other hand, because I don’t know how to call it, call it swallow the sky? Or call it a golden mink? Or is it called Diao’er directly?

The first two are okay, but it’s not easy to say, but as for the third, he can’t say it.

Even Xiaohu and Qingcheng had never called it that way.


Swallowing the golden sable has nothing to say, is it the king’s acquaintance? This kid is really arrogant, but now he doesn’t bother to follow the kid’s nonsense, turn his head and walk in.

Ye Xiu did not continue to entangle this matter, and immediately followed. The more you walked in, the larger the space. In the end, a huge cave appeared directly with dim light and a lot of inverted cones hanging above it. Shaped stalactites.

The surface of the entire cave is extremely smooth, and there is an underground river directly in front across the cave, which looks very calm.

But Ye Xiu knew that this calm was only an illusion, and the torrents were hidden below.

In the center of the cave, there is a dragon-shaped plant with a stretched body. If a golden dragon drills from the ground, brilliance is emitted from it, flashing and flashing, as if breathing.

“This is the Dragon Blood Fruit Tree?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Yes, there should be real dragons here to heal their wounds again, and there should be dragon blood deep into the ground, so the dragon blood fruit tree will be born, which is also the best material for refining tools.”

Tian Tian Jin Shou nodded.

“Oh, then I booked it.”

Ye Xiu naturally wouldn’t be polite with it, the own Pluto Sword needed something like this, maybe after refining it, the Pluto Sword would be directly promoted to a lower-grade fairy tool.


This time the swallowing golden mink didn’t fight with him. This thing can also be swallowed, but it has little effect on it. As far as the effect is concerned, it is better to swallow a piece of profound iron.

Besides, who makes him want this kid.

“I heard that foreign treasures are protected by different animals, why is there no such thing here?”

Ye Xiu asked again, as far as he knows, many treasures of heaven and earth are guarded by strange beasts, and some strange beasts are even born with this strange treasure. Therefore, every treasure of heaven and earth is a coexistence of opportunity and danger. .

But looking here, there is no shadow of the alien beast at all.

“Of course there is, but this king has been scared away.”

Swallowing Golden Sable said with a proud face, Demonic Beasts values ​​bloodlines, not only because bloodlines can Ascension their potential, but also can Ascension their coercion.

In the world of Demonic Beasts, the ranks are divided by blood. The upper person has a strong pressure on the lower person. The best example is the dragon power of the real dragon. Strong oppression.

Even humans, those with insufficient Cultivation Base, can’t even withstand Longwei’s oppression at all, and will die immediately on the spot.

This is also true now, its blood is stronger than the alien beast guarding the dragon blood fruit, so it has been sensed by the opponent before it gets close, and then ran away.

If it continues to stay here, it will become the ration of the swallowing golden mink, but it never picks up its mouth.

“just you?”

Ye Xiu didn’t believe it, he didn’t feel anything special about this guy, the aura on the little fox was much stronger than it.

“Let me go, what do you look like, this king is heaven and earth, alone for me…”

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to listen to it bragging, and immediately interrupted: “Are you annoying, what you said is true, if you are so powerful, why do you have to form outside to scare them away?”

“That’s because… Forget it, you don’t understand after this king said, hurry up, time is running out.”

Swallowing the golden mink didn’t bother to explain it, so he lay down on the ground and said, “Come on.”

Blood pressure is time-consuming. Once this dragon blood fruit matures, it will produce a vision of heaven and earth. This vision will drive Demonic Beasts into madness. They care about what you are in a mad state.

Besides, the damage of own bloodline has not fully recovered, and the power does not exist. If you want to deter these Demonic Beasts, you must at least break through to the real fairyland.

But when it came to that Realm, the day lilies were cold.

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