Chapter 909 Who do you say is a yellow-haired monster!

“Brother, I can’t let him go. He already knows the entire content of the Promise Sword Record. Once it spreads out, it will be a devastating blow to us.”

That senior still insisted on catching Ye Xiu back. Only in this way could he be sure of nothing. If he could get his Movement Technique and other things, then Jianzong would make a lot of money.

“Don’t I know what you said? I need you to tell me.”

Zuo Liuyun glanced at him, then looked at Ye Xiu and said: “Or, think about it again, you won’t suffer when you join Jianzong. Now we are mining the Xianshi Mine, and hundreds of Xianshi are sent down every month. It’s more promising than staying in Lincheng.”

“Furthermore, my Sword Sect is the strongest sect in Yuecheng. The Iron Sword Sect can’t be compared with us. It’s not even the number one. It’s even better than the Iron Sword Sect. ”

He saw Feng Yun Wuji approaching Ye Xiu this way, thinking that he was a disciple of the Iron Sword Sect, so he said so.

“Zuo Liuyun, don’t force me to fight you desperately.”

Feng Yun Wuji was too angry, maybe Iron Sword Gate might not be a big deal in the eyes of others, but in his eyes it was extremely good, and he was kind to him.

His talent was not good. Although he had snatched the token, all the martial arts still didn’t want him. In the end, the Iron Sword Gate included him in an exceptional manner.

Therefore, even if Tiejianmen is bad or bad in the eyes of outsiders, it is the best in his eyes.

He doesn’t allow others to speak ill of Tiejianmen, not to mention that this person is still his own enemy.

“You can’t stop, you can do your best at every turn, save your life and do something else, isn’t it okay? Besides, isn’t what I said is true, your iron sword technique is not as good as the spirit sword sect, and the power is not as good as the magic sword. , It’s a sweet pastry in your eyes.”

Zuo Liuyun turned his eyes and said, “Or come with him. Our Sword Sect lacks everything now, but there is no shortage of immortal stones. If you come here, I promise to get you three hundred immortal stones in one month. Sample?”

“Senior brother, why did you pick up the approval note…”

The few people behind them looked embarrassed, don’t forget our characters.

By the way, what are we doing here?

“Don’t bother, I won’t leave the Iron Sword Gate to go to your side, and not even Ye Xiu. He is a disciple of the Tian Jue Gate. You think he will leave the Tian Jue Gate to join your shit. Jianzong?”

Fengyun Wuji is so angry that Daddy would never let you go if it wasn’t for the crowds of you.

“Tian Juemen?”

Zuo Liuyun was startled and looked at Ye Xiu and said, “Are you a disciple of Tian Jue Clan?”

Tian Juemen, Tian’s reputation in First Stage is really too great, and now he has established branch sects on Yuecheng, and he is already a thunderbolt.

But he remembered that the Tianjue Sect would not directly recruit pseudo-fairy disciples, and the Tianjue Sect on the Yuecheng side hadn’t been moving yet, let alone recruiting disciples.

Why is it already recruited here? If this is the case, then this matter is in trouble.

You can’t hit or catch it, and you can’t catch it. What kind of trouble is this.


Ye Xiu didn’t have anything to conceal, this matter was not a secret in Lincheng, and sooner or later he would know if the city was not far from Lincheng.

“Since you are a disciple of the Tian Jue Sect, why do you still send spirit beasts to steal our Cultivation Technique?”

Zuo Liuyun couldn’t figure it out, but the headquarters of Tian Juemen was in the Second Stage sky. They definitely had no shortage of Cultivation Technique. How could they have taken a fancy to Jianzong’s Cultivation Technique, it didn’t make sense.

“I said at the beginning, this matter has nothing to do with me at all, it is your people who don’t believe it.”

Ye Xiu’s face was speechless, and he only remembered now, don’t you think it’s a bit late.

“You fart, if this matter has nothing to do with you, why would the yellow-haired monster call you the boss, and we don’t know where it went, but when you find one, you say you have nothing to do with it, who will believe it? what.”

The younger brother hurriedly said, these things are all in their eyes, how could there be a mistake, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp look at him.

Looking along with the feeling, he immediately found that the golden mink on Ye Xiu was looking at him viciously, which made him speechless.

Daddy didn’t say you again, why are you looking at me like this.

“Who do you think is a yellow-haired monster!”

Sky-swallowing golden sable is too angry. This king is a wise, handsome and handsome sable. It is your blessing to see this king. You dare to say that you are a yellow-haired monster. It’s damn good.

“You, you, you are that yellow-haired monster…”

Junior brother was taken aback, and quickly looked at Zuo Liuyun and said, “Big brother, that guy is the yellow-haired monster who stole the belly of Wuji Jianlu and Junior Sister Liu, now he won’t call on himself.”

His impression of Sky-Swallowing Golden Sable still remained on the image of the body, he didn’t recognize it for a while, but his voice would never be forgotten in his life.

“How do you explain this?”

Zuo Liuyun understood the whole story and knew that it was the Promise Sword Record stolen by the yellow-haired monster.

Although he had never seen the appearance of a yellow-haired monster, he would not admit that he was a junior.

“I explained that you would believe it?”

Ye Xiu had been mentally prepared for a long time, this guy followed him, no matter how he explained, no one else would believe it, so he didn’t bother to explain it, you believe it or not.

Regardless of the large number of you, Cultivation Base is also higher than me, but wanting to kill me is a foolish dream.

“That’s true.”

Zuo Liuyun nodded, feeling that what Ye Xiu said was very reasonable: “Well then, if it doesn’t work, you can make a Heavenly Dao oath. Without our permission, you can’t pass the Promise Sword Record to anyone. This matter is over. .”


As soon as the senior brother and younger brother wanted to speak, they were stared back by Zuo Liuyun. Yedi, do you want me to fight Fengyun Wuji, or do you want Jianzong to fight Tian Juemen?

I don’t have any eyesight at all, you deserve to be just a Little Brother now.


Ye Xiu felt that this condition was acceptable, so he issued the Heavenly Dao general trend in accordance with Zuo Liuyun’s request.

Heavenly Dao’s general trend is the highest oath. Once it is issued, it will be recorded by Heavenly Dao. No one can violate it, otherwise it will undoubtedly die.

“That’s not enough, let’s go, and come to our Jianzong as a guest in the future.”

Zuo Liuyun nodded in satisfaction. Such a troublesome matter actually solved me three times and five times. I am really a genius.

“You are lazy.”

The few people behind them are unable to complain. They know their brother too well. They will never do things that can move their mouths, and never use their feet when they can do things. They are simply lazy to the extreme.

In this regard, only the master can cure him, and they don’t have this ability.

“talk later.”

Ye Xiu didn’t want to go to any Sword Sect, at least he couldn’t go now, who knew if there would be a bigger pit waiting for him.

It is better to stay in Lincheng to be safer.

“Wait a moment.”

At this moment, Swallowing Golden Sable stopped them.

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