Chapter 798: Traveling Together


Ye Xiu nodded. Even if Yan Tao didn’t say anything, he knew that the demons were not easy to provoke. After all, not all Demonic Beasts can be transformed into human beings.

“Brother Ren, there is still poison in the vitality of this place. It is too dangerous to stay here. Let’s get out of here first.”

Yan Tao said.

Here, his Cultivation Base was seriously affected, and he was unable to absorb the vitality of the heavens and earth to restore the Cultivation Base. As for the Medicine Pill, he didn’t bring much, and he had already used it up before.

If they continue to stay here, their situation may be very dangerous.

Who knows what other monsters exist here.

“I still have something to do, so I can’t go out for the time being.”

Ye Xiu shook his head, but there was Zhao Yuankui waiting for him outside, and he also wanted to get the Phoenix Blood Stone, so not only would he not go out, he would continue to go deep into it.

“That’s it.”

Yan Tao reminded: “Then let’s wait here for a while, the fog will almost disappear after dawn, and there will be no danger if you go deeper.”

He also knows the situation in the Grand Canyon of No Return. He also came to try his luck, because he had already reached the Ninth Stage of his life, and he was only one step away from being promoted to the King of Man.

But he has been cultivating for half a year, but he has not been able to breakthrough.

The master said that he only had an opportunity to break through now, so he was sent over, but he did not expect to find a traitor from the front door in Ziyue City, and then ventured into the Grand Canyon of No Return.

Under this situation, he didn’t dare to go deeper.

“The toxins here are not effective for me. You don’t have to worry about that. Okay, I’ll go.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand. He had to get as deep as possible while the mist was still in it, so as to get rid of Zhao Yuankui.

He was able to chase Zhao Yuankui before, relying on this mist. Once the mist dissipated, he would be beaten back to his original form. Even if he broke through to the Sixth Stage of his life, he would not be his opponent.

As for the toxins here, it is not a problem at all for him.

“The toxin is not effective for you!”

Yan Tao’s face changed suddenly. This toxin is very powerful. You must know that even his Cultivation Technique cannot be refined, so how could it be ineffective to Ye Xiu.

But this is not the reason why he is so shocked, because he knows that every traitor can also ignore the poison here.

Could it be that there is really no connection between the two of them?

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Xiu saw that he looked a little bit wrong with Own, and the look of vigilance reappeared in his eyes, which made Ye Xiu a little strange.

Did you say something wrong?

“You, who are you?”

Yan Tao became vigilant, guessing before that Ren Mu’s real name was not Ye Xiu’s, but he had saved himself before, so Yan Tao didn’t ask much.

But now he had to doubt Ye Xiu’s identity.

If he, like the traitor, can ignore the poison here, then he will have to guard against it. After all, Ye Xiu might also deliberately approach him in order to gain his own trust.

As far as he knew, the traitor had joined an evil organization and had committed many tragic incidents in the central part of China. It could be said that everyone was punishable by it.

He naturally did not allow himself to be used by this organization.

“Why do you ask that?”

Ye Xiu was a little confused, why this kid turned his face when he said that he turned his face, what daddy said is also your savior, okay.

“That traitor can also ignore the poison here.”

Yan Tao said.

“You don’t doubt that I am in the same group with him.”

Ye Xiu smiled bitterly, what is this all about.

“Is not it?”

Yan Tao asked.

“Of course not. Forget it, I can’t explain it to you. Since you doubt my identity, then I will leave.”

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, and he was about to leave. He had the right to assume that he had never saved him. Anyway, what he wanted to know was already known from him.

“You can’t go.”

Yan Tao immediately stopped Ye Xiu and said, “You have to prove that you have nothing to do with the traitor, otherwise, I will keep you even if I desperately die.”

“Are you crazy.”

Ye Xiu was a little annoyed. If he knew that, Daddy wouldn’t save you.

“I’m not joking.”

Yan Tao’s heart moved, and a war sword appeared in his hand.

“Do you want to fight, do you want to fight?”

Ye Xiu let out a cold snort and shook his right hand, and the Pluto Sword appeared in his hand.


Yan Tao was startled, staring at the sword in Ye Xiu’s hand, then looked at Ye Xiu and said, “You, are you Ye Xiu?”

“you know me?”

Now it was Ye Xiu’s turn to be surprised. He didn’t seem to indicate his own identity.

“It’s more than acquaintance, you are now a celebrity in China, especially your sword, I have long heard of it.”

Speaking of this, Yan Tao hurriedly put away the sword and bowed to Ye Xiu: “I don’t know who you are. You have offended you before. Please forgive me.”

He had heard of Ye Xiu’s name for a long time, and it was not long after he arrived in Shenzhou, it was impossible to be in the same group with that traitor.

“You know my identity, don’t you plan to take me to the real Martial Ancestor to receive the reward?”

Ye Xiu asked, he knew that the real Martial Ancestor took out a lot of yuan stones to buy own heads. This kid was good, but he didn’t even have any intention to shoot.

“You don’t know, I’m not dealing with the real Martial Ancestor. Their enemy is our friend. Moreover, you are my savior. No matter what, I can never take revenge.”

Yan Tao smiled.

Zhengyi and the real Martial Ancestor are not far away. The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, so there is friction between the two sects from time to time, but because of their identity, they have not been torn apart.

However, more than a hundred years ago, their disciples simultaneously discovered a top-grade yuan ore mine in a secret place between the two factions. At this time, the relationship between the two factions directly fell below the freezing point.

In order to fight for the mining rights of the yuan ore, the two sides fought and killed many people.

Although the two sides finally negotiated and decided to mine together, the situation has improved.

But this enmity has also been forged, so the two sides have been fighting openly and secretly over the years. Although they are still very polite on the open side, the relationship between the two sides has already reached the point where water and fire are incompatible.

So they are not only not going to fight Ye Xiu for a little favor from the real Martial Ancestor, but they will also help Ye Xiu as much as possible.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is their friend.


Ye Xiu could see that Yan Tao was not lying. If it was exactly what he said, then it would be a force to win over, so he wouldn’t have to fight alone.

“It’s true.”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s appearance, Yan Tao immediately knew that he was still a little skeptical, so he said.

“In that case, are you willing to go deeper with me?”

Ye Xiu asked, now that he has settled on the idea of ​​wooing Zhengyi, then going deep with Yan Tao is undoubtedly a good opportunity to get closer.

If you get the Phoenix Blood Stone and give them some more Phoenix Blood Stones, I believe they will fully support themselves.

“Can I?”

Yan Tao’s eyes lit up, and he naturally wanted to go in now, but he couldn’t ignore the poison.

“rest assured.”

After Ye Xiu finished talking, he made another piece of jade and gave it to Yan Tao. The latter tried it, and the toxins really couldn’t affect him, so the two set off together towards the Wugui Grand Canyon.

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