Chapter 696: Apprentice Luo Qianshan

“Uncle Master, you can be regarded as coming. Sect Leader is so unreliable. He even used his identity to suppress us. We dare not say anything. You have to be the master for us.”

Fat Elder immediately cried and said, he didn’t want to miss this opportunity to become famous all over the world.

Anyway, with Uncle backing them up, Li Chunyang didn’t dare to do things too far.

“Fatty, when did I use my identity to overwhelm you? You’d better make it clear to me, otherwise, be careful that I cut your resources.”

Li Chunyang was so angry that he asked whether he took them thinly on weekdays, but this guy actually wears small shoes for himself at this time, he really feels like he is in a muddle.

“Uncle Master, you can see it now. He always uses resources to talk about things. Isn’t this still pressing us with his identity? You have to be the master for us.”

Fat Elder was happy, Sect Leader, Sect Leader, you hit the door yourself, no wonder brother, I don’t care about love.

“That’s just what I said. If your resources are really judged, don’t lie to me.”

Li Chunyang is not good enough. If daddy really wants to cut off your resources, can you eat so strong? It seems that daddy was very good to you before.

You wait for me, there is no end to this.

“Okay, you guys really disappointed me. How can you say if you are masters in the martial arts domain, how can you be like a child? When will you mature? Are you just two disciples? What’s the big deal? Everyone It’s his own, the meat is rotten in the pot, it’s different who receives it.”

Luo Qianshan glared at them, and said, hating iron and steel, “Forget it, it seems that I can’t count on you anymore. In order for you to learn your lesson, I will take these two boys away.”

After Luo Qianshan finished speaking, he waved his big hand and directly lifted Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye up, and ran away, disappearing in front of Li Chunyang and the others in the blink of an eye.

It’s like stealing something for fear of being discovered by the owner.

“Sect Leader, what does Uncle Master mean?”

Fat Elder turned his head and asked blankly.

“Fuck it, you’re fooled, chase after it.”

At this time, Li Chunyang realized that the uncle sentiment came to grab his apprentices. This is too not wanting face. He is a master of the older generation. How can he still grab his apprentices from his juniors.

Can I still have a face.


In front of the chamber, there are people going to the building empty, and only one person Yi Wudi alone is messy in the wind, with a look of bewilderment…

After a while, they arrived at the retired elder retreat, where people were already empty, and even the medicinal materials in the backyard were all picked by him, and there was no root hair left.

“Those who are premeditated, the uncle is completely premeditated in doing this, damn it, from the moment he appeared, I should have thought that he was robbing people, how could he be bluffed.”

Li Chunyang said annoyedly now.

Of course, he is not afraid that Luo Qianshan will accept disciples, but you have to let us drink some soup no matter how you eat meat. Finally, these two geniuses were all abducted by you.

You are an elder, is this really good?

“It’s too much, no, I can’t accept it, Sect Leader, you have to call me the shots. I have a hard time looking at a disciple, even if he is an uncle, he will not bring it like this.”

Fat Elder said bitterly, is it easy for me to accept an apprentice?

“Be your head, you didn’t say that before.”

Li Chunyang said not angry.

“Yes, why don’t I remember?”

Fat Elder has a sincere face, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

“Forget it, this may be a good thing for Ye Xiu and the others. Although Shishu is not a good person, his strength is beyond doubt. With him teaching Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye, at least there won’t be any problems.”

Li Chunyang also wanted to open it. Uncle Shi is a premeditated cheat man. When he came over this time, he also wanted to reason with Luo Qianshan, but he didn’t see you at all.

No matter how much reason he has, it is useless.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Shishu’s strength is recognized by Wuyu as the strongest. It is because of him that the Scarlet Cloud Sect can persist until now. Otherwise, they would have been swallowed by other sects a long time ago.


Fat Elder wanted to say something, but he was directly interrupted by Li Chunyang: “But what is it? If you have the ability, you go to Uncle Master. As long as he is willing to give you one, I have no objection.”

With that said, Li Chunyang left.

“That’s what I said. How can I really compete with my uncle for disciples? Am I that kind of person?”

Fat Elder shrank his neck and didn’t dare to hold on anymore. Although their Chiyun Sect had a very good atmosphere, they emphasized equality from top to bottom, and the whole Sect was like a big family.

But Luo Qianshan is the number one power in the Martial Domain. Although he is also the King of Seventh Stage with him, even if ten of them are added together, he is not his opponent.

If Luo Qianshan is pressed into a hurry, he probably won’t be able to eat.

As for other people, they are even more afraid to say anything. Fat Elder and Li Chunyang are both Luo Qianshan’s parents and nephews. They can’t help it, what can they do.

After these people left, the whole mountain became empty.

In a short while, the ground was suddenly lifted in an inconspicuous corner, and Luo Qianshan, who had a childlike appearance, walked directly out of it, followed by Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye.

“This guy is still chasing here. Fortunately, I did a trick before, otherwise I would show up.”

Luo Qianshan smiled, waved his hand, and removed the energy that was shrouded in the mountain. The originally dilapidated barren hill suddenly became lush.

“Senior, what do you mean by this?”

Ye Xiu was surprised by this situation. Luo Qianshan just waved his hand and the whole mountain changed.

He also felt it, and this was not the blinding method he said, and it was not formation, but a very clever method that he had never seen before.

“Yeah, senior, your trick is so powerful, I haven’t seen it before.”

Mu Tianye also asked aloud.

“Do you want to learn? Come over and apprentice if you want to learn.”

Luo Qianshan said immediately, his move was to deceive Li Chunyang and the others on the one hand, but more to make Ye Xiu and the others realize that own is powerful.

Because he must implement this matter as soon as possible, and even if Li Chunyang finds themselves, there is no way at all.

“Disciple Ye Xiu, Mu Tianye, pay homage to the master.”

Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye bowed down in front of Luo Qianshan. They could see that Luo Qianshan was a person with real ability. It is not a bad thing to worship him as a teacher, but it is very good.

“Well, get up quickly, get up quickly, our Scarlet Cloud Sect is not happy to kneel down and worship this practice, people are born to parents, no one is higher than anyone.”

Luo Qianshan helped them up, took out two tokens and gave them to Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye, and said, “You hold these two tokens. From now on, you will be my apprentices.”

“Thank you, Master.”

Ye Xiu felt that the division of the Scarlet Cloud Sect was very good. It looked a bit noisy, but it was not as rigid as the other schools, and there were no high-levels. The whole school was full of vitality.

He likes this feeling very much.

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