Chapter 680: He is me Dage

“Second brother, you hide it tightly enough, when did you learn this trick?”

Qian Duoduo asked eagerly. The cut just scared him too. It was terrifying. He could feel the terrifying power contained in that cut across the formation.

If you are against yourself, I am afraid that you have already scared yourself to death before you fall on yourself.

“I am also very curious.”

Ye Xiu asked, the power of this overlord sword is indeed very powerful, and it can already be compared with own Sword Technique, but he didn’t know at all before.

“Speaking of which, I have to thank this Wu Yidao. If it weren’t for him, I would really not realize this trick…”

Mu Tianye did not conceal them, and explained the specific situation of this trick in detail. For him, the most valuable thing in this battle was not the Tyrant Sword itself, but opened a brand new door for him.

As long as he continues along this path, he believes that his own strength will definitely have a great Ascension.

“In that case, you are a blessing in disguise.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, Heavenly Demon’s body was originally an ancient divine body, how could it succumb to Wu?

His Shura transformation is a physique that is stronger than the Heavenly Demon body. It belongs to the king’s body. The Heavenly Demon body will be suppressed by him and cannot exert its due strength.

“It’s true, but it’s a pity that now I have only realized one trick, and there is still a long way to go.”

Mu Tianye nodded, until now he feels like he is dreaming.

“Second brother, you can be content. Such a powerful Saber Technique is very rare even if it is a trick. What’s more, it is equivalent to showing you the way. It is only a matter of time to perfect it with your talent.”

There is a lot of money and no anger. Formidable combat skills are hard to come by. Especially this kind of almost tailor-made combat skills is one of the few.

But he doesn’t envy Mu Tianye, because the small Yin & Yang technique is basically tailor-made for him, and the power is not bad.

What he envied was that Mu Tianye was able to create his own combat skills, which was something that would go down in history.

“Am I not satisfied?”

Mu Tianye glanced at this guy and said, he just said that before, and there is nothing to be insatiable.

“Yi Wushuang has seen you all.”

At this moment, Yi Wushuang came over and bowed to them.

“Brother Yi, why are you here?”

Ye Xiu stood up quickly and replied with a polite at Yi Wushuang.

Yi Wushuang’s previous performance made him very fond of him, and he knew that he was a bloody man, and he was very temperamental to him.

“Brother Ye, I came here this time mainly to ask you if you are willing to join my Scarlet Cloud Sect?”

Yi Wushuang opened the door and said straightforwardly, Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye’s performance shocked him, especially Mu Tianye, he was not sure that he could stop it.

Its strength is beyond doubt.

As for Ye Xiu, he didn’t show real strength in the previous battle, but Yi Wushuang believed that Ye Xiu’s combat power was probably even more terrifying than Mu Tianye.

If it was before, he really didn’t dare to pack a ticket that they would join Scarlet Cloud Sect.

After all, the Scarlet Cloud Sect at this time was not the best choice.

But Ye Xiu had offended the Sacred Sword Sect now, and Tianxing Pavilion did not accept male disciples, so he could only choose between the Scarlet Cloud Sect and the Five Elements Sect.

In addition, Ye Xiu had clearly stated that he wanted to join the Scarlet Cloud Sect before, so this matter was basically fixed.

In order to make sure that he was foolproof, he came over to ask, lest there be many dreams in the night.

“Brother Yi, Brother Ye has already chosen your Scarlet Cloud Sect, Brother Mu, please let us Five Elements Sect.”

At this time, smiling tiger Zhou Yan also hurried over. Although he was not interested in recruiting Ye Xiu, the hot potato, he was very interested in Mu Tianye.

Mu Tianye’s performance just now can be described as blasting the sky, especially the last knife, which left a deep impression on people.

Its huge potential makes it impossible for him to remain indifferent.

If it can be included in their Five Elements case, it will be a blessing for them.

“Junior Brother Zhou, what you said is wrong. Brother Mu and Brother Ye came together. Naturally, they will join our Scarlet Cloud Sect together. There is no reason to separate.”

Yi Wushuang quit, and you Fatty is not authentic.

You have intercepted how many disciples of our Scarlet Cloud Sect in the past few years. Now that they have finally encountered a few, how can they let the Five Elements Sect dig away?

“Senior Brother Yi, what you said is wrong. Everyone has their own means and competes fairly, and you can’t force others to not.”

Zhou Yan immediately looked at Mu Tianye and directly offered his own terms: “Brother Mu, as long as you are willing to join my Five Elements sect, I promise you can directly become a true disciple and enter the Buddhist scripture pavilion at will. , I can also take the lead and put out a million top-grade yuan stones for your cultivation.”

“Zhou Yan, you…”

Yi Wushuang was speechless. The first two Scarlet Cloud Sects could also give the three conditions he offered. After all, the identity of the true disciple and the qualification to enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion didn’t need to spend a lot of Yuanshi.

And with the strength and potential of Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye, they are fully qualified to get it.

However, the Scarlet Cloud Sect couldn’t get it out of millions of high-grade Yuanshi.

After the Scarlet Cloud Sect was suppressed for many years, the major spiritual mines had been taken up by other sects, and only a few small spiritual mines were left, producing just over one million a year.

Most of these primordial stones need to be used for playing to maintain the normal operation of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, and there is not much left at all.

“Two, you don’t have to fight, we are going to join Scarlet Cloud Sect.”

Ye Xiu interrupted them quickly, and if the fight continued, they had to fight.


Zhou Yan asked incomprehensibly, the conditions he had opened were already very rich, and even the Divine Sword Gate would not be able to open higher conditions than this.

They refused directly without even thinking about it, which really made him puzzled.

“It’s not convenient for me to disclose the reason. Please forgive me, Brother Zhou.”

Of course, Ye Xiu would not tell him the reason. Whether it was the Scarlet Cloud Sword or the Mantra of Soldiers, they were all done well in secret, otherwise it is very likely that Scarlet Cloud Sect would be destroyed.

He is not the kind of person who will forget righteousness.

As for the yuan stone, they are not short of it right now, even if they are used by three of them at the same time, it will not be consumed in a year, not to mention that there are still many rich people.

“Brother Mu mean the same thing?”

Zhou Yan looked at Mu Tianye again. He felt that Ye Xiu’s disagreement did not mean that Mu Tianye did not agree.

“He is me Dage.”

Mu Tianye directly stated his own identity, and a single sentence completely blocked Zhou Yan’s subsequent words.

For some reason, he didn’t like this grinning Fatty, although this Fatty didn’t do anything excessive.

“If that’s the case, then bother.”

Zhou Yan’s complexion wasn’t very good-looking, and he turned and left as soon as he flicked his sleeves.

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