Chapter 677: Asking Heavenly Sword Art


A loud bang exploded directly, and Mu Tianye’s sword hit Wu Yidao’s body like Mount Tai, and the battle platform under his feet was hit with cracks.

It spreads around like a spider web.

The sound was like thunder, and some of the Rogue Cultivators who had exploded were dizzy and involuntarily backed up a few steps before stopping, and their complexion became extremely ugly.

Wu Yidao was like a pine tree rooted in the same place, with the sword in his hand resting on Own’s head, and he resisted, but his clothes were torn by the fierce sword energy.

But his body did not suffer any harm.

“What is your Saber Technique?”

Wu took the knife and stood up, asking expectantly, his face didn’t show the slightest pain, his eyes were full of excitement.

“The Dragon Sword Technique.”

Mu Tianye pointed diagonally, faintly authentic.

“Good name.”

Wu Yidao said sincerely, Mu Tianye’s Saber Technique is unparalleled fierce and unparalleled in power, and it gives people a kind of domineering and powerful that can destroy everything.

He believes that this sword art is not just borrowing the momentum of the word slaying dragon, but cultivating to the extreme, and it is really possible to achieve the level of slaying dragons.

If nothing else, this sword art has already surpassed the profound stage Saber Technique.

“So, it can be used to hone my own Saber Technique.”

Wu Yidao continued.

“Your own Saber Technique?”

Mu Tianye was surprised. This Saber Technique could not be created casually. It had to have a fairly high vision and theoretical accumulation, which he couldn’t do himself.

This Wu Yidao was just a little longer than his own cultivation time, and it was able to create a Saber Technique, which surprised him very much.

“The Saber Technique I created is called Wentian Sword Art. At present, I have created the first three styles. The normal Saber Technique can’t be compared with it. So, until now, I don’t know how powerful it is. Know if you have the guts to give it a try?”

Wu Yidao is a knife idiot. After encountering the powerful Saber Technique, he immediately forgot Xiang Shaolong’s entrustment, and only the idea of ​​perfecting Wentian Sword Technique was left.

This is the three-style sword art he created after more than ten years. Although its power is huge, it has only been completed not long after it has been completed, and there are still many problems that have not been discovered.

It is precisely for this reason that Wentian Dao Jue has a lot of Ascension space.

Therefore, he has always wanted to find someone with a powerful Saber Technique to help him perfect the Heaven Sword Art.

You must know that perfecting Saber Technique requires not only a powerful opponent, but also a smart Saber Technique to feed himself. Only by constantly fighting against the mysterious Saber Technique can he detect his own Saber Technique’s defects from the battle and apply it. Complete.

Although the Divine Dao Sect majored in Saber Technique, it was not a pure sword repair sect. Saber Technique was nothing but a means and a tool for them.

After mastering it, basically no one will pay attention to it, and it will not consume too much energy to study the power of Ascension Saber Technique.

Coupled with his knowledge of Saber Technique in the Sacred Sword Gate, even the senior Sect can’t provide him much help.

Originally, he was thinking about going to the interior of Shenzhou alone for a while to challenge the Saber Technique masters there, and the appearance of Mu Tianye undoubtedly gave him hope.

“Come on, I want to see how strong your Tiantian Sword Art is.”

Mu Tianye also came to be interested. This martial arts sword was nothing more than the third stage of life, and he was able to create his own sword art, which seemed to be quite powerful.

Although there are only the first three types, they are scary enough.

Therefore, Mu Tianye wanted to see what was so extraordinary about this sword art that made him so confident.

“Okay, be careful, ask Heavenly Sword Jue, the first formula.”

Wu Yidao didn’t waste time anymore, the battle sword in his right hand suddenly shot out a dazzling blade, the blade shook, and the vitality of the surrounding world began to gather here quickly.

The word “Wen Tian” in Wen Tian Dao Jue, represents the meaning of Wen Tian borrowing power, thereby greatly increasing Ascension’s own combat power.

Of course, using the power of heaven and earth is not something he can do alone. It can be said that any master of the destiny can do it, and the stronger his destiny, the higher the Cultivation Base, the more he can carry the power of heaven and earth. many.

However, the borrowed power can only be used to supplement consumption. Therefore, after the Cultivation Base reaches its destiny, there is basically no power exhaustion.

The Wentian Sword Art created by Wu Yidao is a different approach, transforming the power of heaven and earth directly into sword energy, eliminating the need for intermediate links, and attaching the power of heaven and earth to the blade.

Under the superposition of the two, the power of Saber Technique has naturally also been greatly Ascension.

This is also where he is proud, in the world, I am afraid that only he can do this step.


Wu Yidao yelled sharply, and slashed out the big knife in his hand.

Huge sword energy swarmed out, engulfing this power of heaven and earth, and slew towards Mu Tianye. The space couldn’t bear this force at this moment, and it was directly torn apart.

“Good job.”

Mu Tianye’s complexion remained unchanged, and his face remained unmoved.

The golden knife in his hand slashed out suddenly, and the strong sword aura was directly swept out in a row, and the dazzling blade light illuminated the sky.


The space was directly torn apart by Mu Tianye, and it collided with the torrent of sword air.


With a deafening roar, the two sword auras collided, and the space was instantly shattered. The scattered sword aura hit the formation like a cannonball, and the directly hit formation was crumbling.

This scene directly scared many people out of retreated, for fear of being affected.

But Mu Tianye’s Dragon Slaying Sword Art was obviously better, after smashing Wu Yidao’s combat skills, he killed him again.

“Qing Tian Dao Jue, the second formula!”

At this time, Wu Yidao’s expression remained unchanged. It seemed that he had thought of this a long time ago. With a move in his heart, the scattered sword energy condensed again, and condensed into thousands of sword shadows that appeared on Wu Yidao’s head, and instantly concealed it. The entire battle arena.

Each of these knives exudes a bitter chill, as if they really existed.

Before Mu Tianye could react, under the control of Wu Yidao, the sky full of sword shadows directly turned into a continuously rotating sword curtain to protect him.


Mu Tianye’s sword energy blasted on Wu Yidao’s knife curtain, making a thunderous sound, and then the sword energy was quickly torn apart and turned into nothingness.


Mu Tianye frowned, he knew the power of his own sword very well, and the average master of Fourth Stage could not resist it.

With such a powerful blow, even Wu Yidao’s defense could not be broken, which surprised him very much.

However, he was not discouraged either. The sword in his hand was constantly waving, and one after another, the sword was hitting the curtain like a squally rain, making a loud noise.

This knife curtain was also beaten like a flat boat in the squally wind, and it might be broken at any time.

But whenever the sword curtain was about to blast it through, Wu Yidao could easily dissolve it, and gradually adjusted it in the subsequent battles, making the sword curtain’s defensive power stronger.

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