Chapter 641 The Magical Use of Yin & Yang’s Two Qis

“Impossible, how can anyone in this world master Yin & Yang two qi, this is impossible!”

Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor said in disbelief that his own bones are very tough, even Ye Xiu’s Shura Jinlei just shattered one of his arms.

The reason why he was allowed to succeed was that after the five powers merged, a subtle change occurred under the superposition of each other, giving birth to a power that was almost destructive.

This kind of power has surpassed ordinary power, so it can cause substantial damage to him.

But with the sword just now, he clearly felt that this was the Sword Qi condensed by the two Qis of Yin & Yang, and only this kind of power could cause such great damage to his body, and he could not recover in a short period of time. come over.

This can be said to be the only thing his Immortal body fears.

Therefore, after he formed the power, the Yin & Yang sect was the first to be destroyed, and the Yin & Yang sect’s method of Zhenzong, the Yin & Yang ancient scriptures, was destroyed on the spot.

Since then, no one on the Nine Heavens continent can cultivate the Yin & Yang two qi, let alone cause any harm to him.

It is precisely because of own foresight that Li Qingxuan has no choice but to seal himself.

But now, someone actually used the Yin & Yang two qi, which really made him unable to believe it.

“Ahem, it seems that the old man is here just right.”

An old voice sounded, following the prestige, I saw a sloppy body not far away, holding a scarlet wine Calabash in his right hand, and the sleepy old man came towards here.

It is the old drunkard who taught their little Yin & Yang skills before.


Seeing the old drunkard, Qian Duoduo’s eyes directly greeted him.

Although he didn’t wait to see the old drunkard much before, he has accepted the existence of the old drunkard from the bottom of his heart since he learned the little Yin & Yang surgery, because the little Yin & Yang technique is almost tailor-made for him. .

Later, he conducted various investigations, and wanted to bring the old drunkard to him, so that he could entertain him so that he could support his life.

But this old drunkard seemed to be missing. He sent someone to look for it for a long time and there was no news.

“You kid didn’t disappoint the old man, it’s pretty good.”

The old drunkard glanced at Qian Duo Duo. With his Realm, he could tell at a glance that Qian Duo Duo had mastered the Yin & Yang technique.

Although this kid Realm is still low, and when using the sword of Yin & Yang he was a bit jerky, but at least he did not let his life’s hard work be lost, which made him very relieved.

“That is, after we separated, I have always had cultivation.”

A lot of money, this can be said to be his most passionate Cultivation Technique, cultivation is not tired at all but very comfortable, as long as he is free, he will cultivate, naturally it will be twice the result with half the effort.

“Very good, keep it up.”

The old drunkard took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth, and then said to Ye Xiu: “Boy, do you understand it.”

“Understood, thank you senior for your advice.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up, and the old drunkard’s meaning was already obvious, and that was to let him use Yin & Yang two qi to prevent the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor from recovering.

Although he hasn’t mastered the small Yin & Yang technique, and he can’t condense the sword of Yin & Yang like a lot of money, but mobilizing some Yin & Yang two qi is easy for him.

Ye Xiu’s heart moved, and the Yin & Yang qi around him was mobilized by him and merged into the power of Dao Lei and Fire.

As long as it causes damage to the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, Yin & Yang’s two qi will be attached to it by the wind, making it impossible to recover.

Over time, the wounds on the body of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor became more and more serious and could not be recovered.

“No, I can’t stay any longer.”

Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor finally started to be scared at this time. He didn’t expect Ye Xiu to have the Yin & Yang two qi. This was his biggest nemesis.

Under the impression of Yin & Yang’s two qi, his injuries are getting heavier and heavier, the most terrible thing is that he can’t recover at all, the longer the time, the less time the situation will be.

Moreover, he couldn’t even kill Ye Xiu now.

This kid also speaks truthfully, faster than himself, and now he has defenses against himself, unless his own strength breaks through to the king or even a higher Realm, it is impossible to turn defeat into victory.

But it takes time to regain strength, so he has to flee here decisively.

Although it is shameful to do so, it is better than being killed.

After Own’s strength is restored, he will be killed to vent his hatred.

“Yin & Yang Five Thunder Forbidden Domain.”

Ye Xiu had finally found a way to kill him now, how could he let him escape? With a big wave of his hand, ten thunder pillars rose from the ground, instantly blocking the world.


Another thunder thunder descended, directly into the five thunder forbidden domain.

Under the blessing of Jie Lei, the power of the Five Thunder Forbidden Domain instantly Ascension several times, completely sealing all the retreat of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

“How can this kid have so many methods.”

The Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor was a bit speechless. Ye Xiu not only mastered three mantras, but also possessed five physiques and merged freely. He could also control the Heavenly Tribulation against the enemy, the Heavenly Tribulation technique and the powerful thunder technique at his fingertips.

But compared to these, what scared him the most was Yin & Yang’s two qi, even Li Qingxuan couldn’t compare with it.

It’s just that he didn’t understand how this kid was cultivated.

You know, for ordinary people, any of these methods require cultivation for a long time.

This kid is at most in his early twenties. Even if he started cultivation from his mother’s womb, he wouldn’t be able to master so many methods at the same time.

“Don’t be stubborn, you will definitely die today.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, now that he has found a way to deal with the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, killing him is only a matter of time.

“Negative Yu stubbornly resist? Hmph, who I am, how can I be defeated in your hands, today I will let you see the real killer move, ten thousand bones.”

Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor knew that he would never have a chance again if he didn’t give his best, so he gritted his teeth and endured distress and used his trick at the bottom of the box.

As soon as the voice fell, the bones scattered around immediately began to roll, and approached him at an extremely fast speed, even the five thunder forbidden domain could not stop it.

Gradually, not only these white bones, but the remaining bone warriors and bone giants were all affected, and they disintegrated and gathered towards him.

In the end, even the six demon kings and the two guardians were the same.

First, the power was taken away, and then the body quickly dispersed, and was also sucked in by the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

Wangu Possession is the strongest move in the Ten Thousand Bone Ceremony he created. It can turn all the subordinates into a part of own, thereby greatly Ascension own strength.

It’s just that the loss of this trick is too great. After it is used up, all his subordinates will completely disappear. If he wants to make a comeback, he must re-establish his power and re-train his subordinates.

Therefore, this trick has not been used since he created it, even after he was defeated by Li Qingxuan.

Because he knew that even if he used it, he was not necessarily Li Qingxuan’s opponent, plus, he knew that Li Qingxuan could not kill himself, at best he would seal himself up.

So he still has a chance to make a comeback, and the few big demon kings are also the help for his comeback.

But now his own life has been threatened. If he still wants to retain his strength as before, I am afraid that he will never have a chance to make a comeback.

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