The 443rd chapter kills kills kills

“Let’s kill him together.”

One of them shouted loudly. Now that Bai Longfei is dead, they are definitely going to be punished by Sect. If Ye Xiu can’t be removed, what awaits them is that life is better than death.

As for Ye Xiu, although it gave people a terrifying feeling, after all, there was only the Third Stage Heaven.

He didn’t believe that the four masters of Tong Xuan Fifth Stage Heaven could not kill him alone if they joined forces.


Several other people also responded. Ye Xiu was able to kill Bai Longfei, mainly because the latter was too expensive, so Ye Xiu was able to succeed.

But they are a few different, they have been meditating before, even if the power in the body has been consumed, they have already fully recovered.

In addition, with so many of them, it was easy for them to deal with Ye Xiu who was a third-stage master.

Although killing Ye Xiu would not change their ultimate destiny, because Sect Leader had high hopes for Bai Longfei, but at least it could make them die a little faster.

Otherwise, what awaits them will be the consequences of life worse than death.

As for the escape, they couldn’t even think about it.

If it was before, there would still be Borders where they could take refuge, but now, the pattern of Borders has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ren of the three major cities also began to seek a way out.

At most half a year, the land of no owner will be flattened by the major forces.

If they flee at this time, it would be tantamount to rebelling against the sect. The Jindingzong will pursue them endlessly, and it is impossible to escape with their strength.


The four of them shot at almost the same time and came to Ye Xiu’s face instantly.

“The dragon fights the four wilds.”

Ye Xiu let out a low cry, his figure split into four directly, greeted them at an extremely fast speed, and fought with the four of them in a group.

He hadn’t used this Dragon Fight Four Wilds since he got it from the Xiao family, and it was just right to use it against the enemy at this time.

“Kill me.”

Several people knew Ye Xiu’s combat technique. This was the Dragon Fighting Four Wilds that the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce was proud of. Although this combat technique was powerful, it was also very limited.

The clone it splits is at most only 70% of its own strength.

So they didn’t take this matter to heart, the soldiers in their hands suddenly blasted out, trying to destroy his clone, and then forced out of the body to kill it.

But unfortunately, he underestimated the power of Long Zhan Si Ye in Ye Xiu’s hands.

Boom boom boom…

A series of collision sounds sounded like a muffled thunder. The four of them were repelled by Ye Xiu at the same time, and the hands holding the soldiers were trembling violently.

“How can it be!”

Several people were incredulous, and they hadn’t seen Long Zhan Si Ye. Seventy percent of the body’s power could shake them back, so how terrifying his true strength was.


Ye Xiu didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, the four Daoist shadows did not stop after taking advantage, and continued to pursue them.

Dragon Fight Four Fields is not a clone technique, but the illusion that four Daoist shadows are produced through high-speed movement. It can be said that each figure is a body and not a body.

The four bodies formed by the Dragon Fighting Four Fields used by the Xiao family can only exert 70% of the body’s strength, mainly because the Movement Technique they use cannot fully cooperate with the Dragon Fighting Four Fields, resulting in a tremendous amount of power consumption. To.

But Ye Xiu was different. The Dragon Step he used was originally the basic footwork of the Four Wilds in the Dragon Fight, which could stimulate the power of the Four Wilds in the Dragon Fight to the greatest extent.

Therefore, his four figures almost perfectly copied own power.

However, he could also clearly feel the shortcomings of the Dragon Fighting Four Wilds, that is, there was a slight pause between the conversion of consciousness, and the first use was a bit jerky, so it looked slightly sluggish.

He can only make up for this by increasing the consumption of soul power.

But even so, the strength that each figure can display is only 80% of his own.

Ye Xiu also knew that this was not because of his lack of skill, but was related to the incompleteness of the Cultivation Technique. After all, the four fields of Long Zhan only had the former Seventh Stage. No matter how strong the Dragon Step and his primordial power were, it was impossible to make up for those two levels. Missing.

But this is enough to deal with the four masters of the Fifth Stage.


The four of them also saw that Ye Xiu’s Dragon Fighting Four Fields were unusual. If they continued to fight in their own way, they would easily be defeated by Ye Xiu one by one.

So they made a decisive decision and gathered directly together, wanting to form a battle formation to bring the strength of the four of them together, only in this way can they break Ye Xiu’s dragon battle four fields.

But how could Ye Xiu let them get what they wanted, the four Daoist shadows suddenly merged into one, and his power tripled in an instant.

The figure flashed in front of one of them, his hand was raised and the sword fell, and his head was directly cut off.


The remaining three people’s eyes widened, and this speed was too fast. When they reacted, one of them had been killed by Ye Xiu on the spot.

They didn’t even have a chance to rescue, it was terrible.

And this scene made them firmer in the idea of ​​holding a group, so they quickly gathered together and formed a battlefield.

But at this moment, they only felt the darkness in front of them, and when they looked up, they saw a huge golden pill furnace falling from the sky, smashing towards them like Mount Tai.

This is the sunset golden cauldron, this is a low-grade profound tool level pill furnace, it is absolutely harmless to use to smash people.

They only met each other, and the people who had been smashed turned their backs, and the battle formation that had just been formed broke down.

At this time, Ye Xiu’s figure flashed behind one person again, a cold light flashed, and another fresh life was harvested by him.


The two who escaped the catastrophe looked at each other, and both sides saw a deep color of fear in each other’s eyes.

How long did it take before Ye Xiu killed both of them. If it weren’t for them to be sure that Ye Xiu only had the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage of Tongxuan, they thought they were facing a master of the Seventh Stage of Tongxuan.

This strength can no longer be described by terror, it is simply abnormal.

Although it was a dead end not to kill Ye Xiu, they would rather accept Sect’s punishment than face Ye Xiu. It was terrible.

After speaking, the two rushed out at an extremely fast speed, and split into two directions to flee in two different directions.

“I want to go, do I agree.”

Ye Xiu let out a cold snort, and stepped out in one step, like a dragon going out into the sea, turning into a dragon shadow and rushing out, coming to the back of a person again, with a sword directly pierced into his heart.

As for the other person, Ye Xiu directly controlled the sunset Jin Ding and smashed it towards him.

In front of the setting sun Jinding, the person’s defense was almost like paper, without even screaming, he was smashed into meat sauce in an instant.

“Little Ye Zi, there is another person hiding in the distance, don’t let him go.”

Qi Tian reminded.

Ye Xiu killed Bai Longfei, which was tantamount to completely offending Jindingzhong, except that Yueshan would stop him, and the people outside didn’t even know what happened here.

But if this guy is allowed to run away, then Ye Xiu’s situation is not so good.

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