Chapter 429: It’s not that he never killed

“No, I don’t agree.”

Lin Qingcheng immediately refused. Tianxiang City and Jindingzong were only a few hundred miles away. When he was a child, he often followed his father to visit Jindingzong. Naturally, he had heard of Bai Longfei’s reputation.

As one of the eight masters of the wilderness, whether it is Cultivation Base or strength and talent, among the disciples of the same generation, he is definitely one of the best.

Although Ye Xiu was no worse than them, his cultivation time was relatively shorter, and it was not easy to win Bai Longfei.

This competition seems fair, but in fact it is not fair at all.

She naturally couldn’t let Ye Xiu agree.

“Miss Lin, this is a matter between our men, so don’t interfere.”

Bai Longfei looked at Ye Xiu again and said, “Ye Xiu, what do you think, or do you have to hide behind a woman and be a tortoise with a shrunken head? It really doesn’t work. I’ll let you choose the way of comparison, so let’s do it. ”

“Young Sect Leader, in my opinion, he is scared. You are one of the eight masters of the wasteland. In the wasteland, no one knows everyone.”

“That’s right, this kid just came to the wasteland, he was lucky enough to get the first place in the Six Meridian Martial Arts, how dare he do it with you?”

“Boy, if you don’t dare, just give in, lest you look ugly.”

Before Ye Xiu spoke, the dogs around Bai Longfei began to scream, saying that it was annoying.

“Little Ye Zi, this kid is too arrogant, who gave him the courage, promised him, and repaired him for me by the way, too Damn it.”

Qi Tian couldn’t bear it anymore, now he is Ye Xiu’s true friend, this kid dares to say that Ye Xiu is a tortoise with his head shrunk. I really don’t know who gave him the courage.

It’s really uncle tolerable, my aunt can’t bear it.

“Why should I compare with you?”

Ye Xiu said lightly, instead of being calm as water, he didn’t take Bai Longfei’s words to heart.

Whether Lin Qing chooses to be with herself or with other people, that is her own right, and no one can control or control it.

Therefore, he felt that this competition had no meaning at all.

Although this person’s Cultivation Base is higher than his own Realm, but in terms of strength, it is not easy to kill him, so he is not even interested in shooting.

“Are you afraid of losing?”

Bai Long Feiyin laughed. In his opinion, Ye Xiu was scared.

After all, the own Cultivation Base and identity are there, who among the younger generation of Eastern Wasteland disciples does not give themselves a Face.

This kid was lucky and won the first place in the Lingwu Clan’s Six Meridian Huiwu, but now he is just a true disciple, how can he be compared with his own young Sect Leader.


Before Ye Xiu spoke, Qin Ruoshui, who came with him, couldn’t help but speak: “I said Bai Longfei, I advise you to keep your eyes bright. Don’t offend people who shouldn’t be offended yet you don’t know it.”

The Eight Heroes of the Wasteland was just a title granted by outsiders, and he himself didn’t think there was anything to be proud of.

Moreover, the eight of them may still have the proud capital in front of others, but in front of Ye Xiu, it probably counts as nothing.

What’s more, it’s not that he hasn’t killed the Eight Great Masters of the Wasteland.

Tu Hong died in Ye Xiu’s hands, but very few people knew about it.

“Qin Ruoshui, you are neither a member of the Lin family, nor can you represent what he meant. If I were you, just shut up, so as not to make it boring. Don’t forget, this is not where you are.”

Bai Longfei glanced at Qin Ruoshui, his eyes full of disdain.

Although they are the eight masters of the wasteland, in his opinion, they are completely incomparable.

You know, now I’m already the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage Sky, and this Qin Ruoshui is no more than Ninth Stage Sky, how does it compare to himself.

“Hehe, I have said everything I should say, I hope you don’t regret it.”

Qin Ruoshui shook his head, he knew that Bai Longfei didn’t even listen to his own words.

You know, he didn’t say this to ridicule Bai Longfei, but to remind him so that he wouldn’t look ugly.

As for the gap in the Cultivation Base between them, Qin Ruoshui didn’t care about it. The reason why this guy was able to break through the Profound Realm was not based on his own ability, but with the power of Medicine Pill.

If he uses Medicine Pill, his Cultivation Base at this time is probably much higher than Bai Longfei.

However, this Medicine Pill can indeed help people advance to the Profound Realm in a short period of time, but it will overdraw its own potential, cause the foundation to become unstable, and even limit the future.

Therefore, the more Medicine Pill used in the early stage, the weaker the later Ascension will be.

This is also the fundamental reason why none of the other seven masters have a breakthrough.

They are constantly polishing their own Cultivation Base, in order to be promoted to Tongxuan, so that the power in exchange is stronger and the foundation is consolidated.

Therefore, when Bai Longfei was taking Medicine Pill Breakthrough, Qin Ruoshui had already expelled him from the eight great masters of the wilderness.

Such people are not qualified to compete with them in the future.

“Ye Xiu, do you compare with each other? I would like to say something happy. If you don’t compare, then please get out of Tianxiang City immediately, and don’t let me see you by Lin Qingcheng again in the future, otherwise, I will see You hit you once at a time.”

Bai Longfei didn’t take Qin Ruoshui’s words to heart at all.

regret? These two words are not in his dictionary.

“Patriarch Lin, do you mean that too?”

Ye Xiu ignored Bai Longfei, but looked at Lin Jingyun.

He doesn’t care about Bai Longfei’s unreasonable demands, and even his irony is just a performance by a beaming clown, and he doesn’t even bother to pay attention to it.

In addition, this is the place of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce. If Lin Jingyun disagrees with this request, it will be useless if anyone comes.

Don’t forget, he also has the status of a true disciple of the Lingwu family, not much lower than that of Bai Longfei.

As for how to do it, it depends on Lin Jingyun’s attitude.


Xia Shangwu just wanted to say something that made Lin Jingyun reject Bai Longfei’s unreasonable request, because in his opinion, Ye Xiu’s potential is much greater than Bai Longfei’s.

Although rejecting Bai Longfei’s request would cost them some benefits for the Lin family, they were able to make Ye Xiu good for it.

With Ye Xiu’s potential and identity, the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce will surely be preserved.

But before he finished speaking, Lin Jingyun interrupted him by raising his hand.

“I mean the same.”

Lin Jingyun said lightly, he still felt that Bai Longfei’s potential was greater.

“Father, how can you do this.”

Lin Qingcheng said in disbelief that even if he could disregard his daughter’s thoughts, how could Ye Xiu say he was the benefactor of the Lin family. It would be too chilling to do so.

“I have decided, don’t say anything.”

Lin Jingyun’s face turned straight, and he couldn’t deny that he could only do this for the future of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce.

He didn’t want the efforts of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce for several generations to be wasted in his hands.

Although he also knows that this is not very authentic, but as long as he can keep the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce, even if he doesn’t want his old face, he will not hesitate.

“I see.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, his mood did not fluctuate too much because of Lin Jingyun’s performance.

Because Lin Jingyun had nothing to do with him, if it weren’t for Lin Qingcheng’s presence, he wouldn’t even come here.

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