Chapter 418 my last name is Ye

“you wanna die!”

Guan Shi couldn’t stand it anymore, and directly shot Xiang Ye Xiu.

If he were to be killed again, the face of the City Lord’s Mansion would really be lost.


However, Ye Xiu didn’t entangle with him at all, and turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the same place. When he reappeared, he would come behind him again.

His hands raised and fists fell, and a fresh life was harvested by him.

“You, who are you?”

Guan Shi asked sharply, he felt that this guy came this time to destroy the major event of the City Lord’s Mansion, and he didn’t want to participate in the competition at all.

“My last name is Ye.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“Last name Ye?”

Guan Shi was startled, did I ask your last name?

But as soon as his words fell, he immediately seemed to have thought of something. He pointed to Ye Xiu and exclaimed, even his voice trembled: “Ye, Ye Xiu, you are Ye Xiu, right!”

Isn’t it just humiliation?

“You guessed it, but unfortunately there is no reward!”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“Ye Xiu, I didn’t expect you to really dare to come, come, catch him for me.”

After Guan Shi determined Ye Xiu’s identity, his eyes lit up. What he worried most was that Ye Xiu wouldn’t be able to come.

I spent so much time and energy preparing for this matter, if I failed to attract Ye Xiu, Fu Ziyu would never spare own.

After all, what they lack most now is time.

“Wait a moment.”

Ye Xiu suddenly stopped them and said, “Doesn’t your city lord just want the inheritance of the gods and my life? Yes, let him come and get it in person.”

“Shen Xiaomen inheritance…”

Guan Shi was startled, and for a while he didn’t know how to choose.

After all, he also knew about the recurrence of the Great Hall of the Gods Gate, but he didn’t know that the inheritance of the Gods Gate was actually taken away by Ye Xiu, and a greedy light flashed in his eyes.

This god gate is the top power in the ancient times, and its heritage is naturally invaluable.

If he can get it, it is definitely a great opportunity.

“Oh, is it so!”

At this moment, a loud voice came from behind Guanshi Wang, and it was Fu Ziyu who came.

“See, I have seen the city lord.”

Guan Shi was immediately awakened, and he bowed to Fu Ziyu, and the little Jiujiu in his heart disappeared.

He knew his own identity, but he was just a member of Fu Ziyu’s subordinates. With his strength, it was impossible to grab the gods’ gate inheritance from Ye Xiu in this situation.

If it doesn’t work, he will be jealous of Fu Ziyu.

This Fu Ziyu is a ruthless person, if you let him know that he is two-minded, he will never let go of own.

So he immediately put this idea behind him, because he knew that only if he continued to follow Fu Ziyu in his own situation, there would be a ray of life.

And if he performs well, maybe Fu Ziyu will discover with conscience and tell him something useful.

“Aren’t you going to see me? Now that I am here, you can hand over the inheritance of the gods.”

Fu Ziyu said expectantly.

He hates Ye Xiu. This kid not only killed his two sons, but also took away the inheritance of the gods that belonged to Own, so he wanted to break Ye Xiu’s body into pieces to vent his hatred.

But in the same way, he also wanted to get the inheritance of the gods.

Own’s son is dead, no matter what they do, they cannot survive, and they have to continue to live, so they can only look forward.

If he can get the inheritance of the gods, then his life will be easier in the future.

“I can give you the inheritance of the gods, I’m afraid you will lose your life.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.


Fu Ziyu snorted coldly, and the surrounding guards immediately surrounded Ye Xiu.

“You should all know that Fu Ziyu tried every possible means to kill me, and avenging his son is just a cover. His real purpose is to get the inheritance of the gods.”

When Ye Xiu said this, he said in a tone, and after sweeping everyone’s eyes, he continued: “The inheritance of the gods is indeed in my hands. Now I put my words here. As long as you join forces to kill Fu Ziyu, I will take Share the inheritance of Xiaomen with you.”


His words were like a thunder that exploded in the crowd.

This is the inheritance of the gods, and Guanshi Wang has followed Fu Ziyu for more than ten years. When he first heard about the inheritance of the gods, he had the idea of ​​monopolizing in his heart.

Not to mention other people.

Even the four most sincere guardians of Fu Ziyu had a strange feeling in his heart.

For a while, the situation in the square was a bit out of control. Everyone looked at me and you, and their eyes were full of greed.


Fu Ziyu didn’t expect Ye Xiu to have this hand, and immediately shouted at everyone: “Don’t believe him, this kid wants to separate the relationship between us. Don’t worry, the inheritance of the gods door I got is I won’t treat you badly.”

But his words didn’t have much effect at all.

After all, people are selfish, so who can be the king is willing to sell his life to others.

If they can get the inheritance of the gods, their destiny will also be changed.

“Boy, you die for me.”

Fu Ziyu furrowed his brows. He hadn’t expected this situation. It was so insidious.

Just a single sentence has affected his rule. If he can’t solve him as soon as possible, he will not only lose his status, but he may even be attacked by them.

His strength is very strong, but it is also hard to beat four hands with two fists.

Especially the four guardians, once they join forces, they won’t be able to get the slightest benefit.

As soon as the voice fell, he directly killed Xiang Ye Xiu.


At this moment, a loud thunderous noise exploded in Yushan City, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the strong wind swept away like a hurricane.

Fu Ziyu was so scared that he froze in place.

Boom boom boom…

However, as soon as the sound fell, there was a loud noise, and another nine mushroom clouds rose into the sky.

Under the bombardment of ten Shura gold thunders, the entire Yushan City was shaking violently, as if a magnitude ten earthquake had occurred, and countless houses were collapsed.

The force of terror swept from all directions.

These forces from different directions all converge in the central square and collide with each other like waves.

An invisible and terrifying force was born in an instant, turning the entire central square into an extremely chaotic place, and the vitality of the world became extremely restless.

The four guardians who guarded Lin Qingcheng were also dizzy by this sudden force, and his chest became stuffy.

You know, the four of them are all masters of Tong Xuan Ninth Stage, with solid foundations and strong strength, even they all react like this, not to mention the others.

Therefore, many people didn’t react at all, and they were just fainted.

Only this time, half of the people at the scene were stunned, and 30% of the remaining people lost their combat effectiveness directly, and 10% were seriously injured, no longer as strong as before.

As for the remaining 10%, it is trivial.

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