Chapter 404 Good News and Bad News

“Qi Tian, ​​have you heard of the Aura Pendant?”

Ye Xiu learned about Lin Qingcheng from Fu Lianzhan’s memory. After learning that she was protected by the aura released by the Aura Pendant, he felt a little relaxed.

But he didn’t know much about the Aura Pendant.

“Of course I have heard that this is a very powerful guardian treasure, why, this thing is in the hands of that girl?”

Qi Tian said immediately.

In today’s deserted land, the method of making foreign treasures has been lost, so there are not many of them in the world.

Therefore, the appearance of every foreign treasure will attract the attention of all forces.

And when this aura pendant was discovered, he happened to join the Wuliangzong, so he also heard about it.

Later he heard that the Emmanuel Pendant had been bought at a high price, and then there was no trace.

But he didn’t expect to appear in Lin Qingcheng’s hands.

“Yes, after we fell into the thunder pool before, Qingcheng came back to look for me but ran into Fu Lianzhan. Fu Lianzhan used the soul-locking seal to lock the power of the soul, and then the spiritual pendant was activated. Now she has been taken. I have entered Yushan City.”

Ye Xiu told what he had learned from Fu Lianzhan’s memory.

“Are you sure, he used Soul Lock Seal!”

When Qi Tian heard this, his voice changed a little.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

Qi Tian thought for a while and asked.

“Don’t sell it, tell me everything you know.”

Ye Xiu had an unknown premonition in his heart.

“This Aura Pendant is a very powerful guardian treasure. Once the owner falls into a coma and his soul fluctuates, it will automatically be activated to form an aura to protect it.”

Qi Tian continued: “This kind of aura can withstand the full blow of a master of the destiny, and the power of the soul cannot penetrate. Therefore, under the protection of the aura, Lin Qingcheng is now safe. This is also a blessing in misfortune. .”

“What about the bad news?”

Ye Xiu hurriedly asked, he already knew this from Fu Lianzhan’s memory.

After Fu Lianzhan brought Lin Qingcheng back to Yushan City, he still tried everything he could, but he couldn’t even shake the defense of the aura, and finally gave up.

But listening to Qitian, this matter is not so simple.

“The removal of this aura is actually very simple. As long as the girl wakes up from the coma, it will also be removed on its own, but the problem is that she was locked by Fu Lianzhan with the soul-locking seal. That is to say. , She couldn’t wake up sober, so the aura formed a cage instead, and completely imprisoned her.”

Qi Tian said his own speculation, which is exactly the same as Fu Lianzhan’s speculation at the time.

“Can’t you force it open?”

Ye Xiu’s heart chuckles, this is really not good news.

Little Fox now knows his life and death, and his whereabouts are unknown. He can’t accept that there will be another problem with Lin Qingcheng.

“No, this spiritual pendant is connected to the soul. If it is forced open, not only will it not be able to save her, but it will also be destroyed along with that girl’s soul. When that time comes, it will be a corpse.”

Qi Tian shook his head and said.

The reason why this Aura Pendant caused such a big movement back then was because of its extremely amazing defensive power.

Especially for women, with its protection, it is equivalent to an extra layer of insurance.

You know, on the Nine Heavens continent, women are a disadvantaged group. Once they are favored by the strong, they will never be able to protect themselves, and the Aura Pendant gives them such a possibility.

But now this situation just hits the flaw of Aura Pendant.

If you forcibly break through the defense of Aura Pendant, the consequences will be disastrous.

Besides, this aura can withstand the full blow of the strong natal realm, even if Ye Xiu tried his best, I am afraid that it would not be able to break it open.

“Is there no other way?”

Ye Xiu was a little self-blaming. He had known this before, and he shouldn’t have let Lin Qingcheng leave. If this were the case, such a thing would not happen.

But no matter what, he couldn’t let Lin Qingcheng be trapped in the aura.

“There is no way, but it is difficult to achieve. If you are not careful, you may even get in, so I advise you to give up.”

Qi Tian thought for a while.

“What is the solution?”

Ye Xiu asked immediately, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, he couldn’t give up.


Qi Tian hesitated. Although this method might save Lin Qingcheng, it was only possible. Whether it succeeded depends on God’s will.

Once it fails, Ye Xiu has to follow along.

Now, he and Ye Xiu have signed an equality contract. If something happens to Ye Xiu, he will not be able to run away.

But if he stood by and watched, Ye Xiu would definitely hate himself, and his previous efforts would be wasted.

So he didn’t know how to choose for a while.

“In this way, as long as you tell me the way to save Qingcheng, I can terminate the equality contract with you, and at the same time give you the complete Universe Soul Forging Technique.”

Ye Xiu saw Qi Tian’s thoughts and said immediately.


Qi Tian was startled, he didn’t expect Ye Xiu to be willing to pay such a high price for a woman.


Ye Xiu nodded heavily. He owed Lin Qingcheng too much.

As long as he could save her, he wouldn’t hesitate to pay no matter how great the price was.


Qi Tian had no reason to reject Ye Xiu’s proposal.

Once the constraints of the symbiosis contract are gone, he is completely free, and coupled with the powerful Soul Forging Technique, his soul transfer and reincarnation technique will no longer be flawed.

In this way, it is really possible for him to achieve the purpose of eternal life.

“let’s start.”

With a move in Ye Xiu’s heart, he was about to summon the contract hidden deep in his soul.

“Don’t worry about it, you will get the Shenxiao Order first, anyway, that girl is now protected by the aura, no one in the land of no masters can hurt her.”

Qi Tian stopped Ye Xiu.

Although he and Ye Xiu signed a contract at the beginning, it was entirely for self-protection.

But after this period of contact, he was also infected by Ye Xiu’s temperament.

Ye Xiu was completely different from the people he had met in the past.

The people he met before were focused on interests, and even his master did not hesitate to push himself out in the face of interests.

He thought he would never trust other people again, but he didn’t expect to meet Ye Xiu after breaking the seal.

Ye Xiu is not very old, but he is very upright and affectionate. For the sake of his friends, he can even do anything at all costs.

This makes Qi Tian, ​​who is accustomed to seeing intrigues and deceives, feel deeply touched by the fratricide.

Gradually, he also accepted Ye Xiu’s existence from his heart, and had already regarded Ye Xiu as a friend.

What’s more, Lin Qingcheng has not been found yet. Once the contract is cancelled, Ye Xiu will definitely be jealous of himself, and the relationship between them will probably end here.

Although he wants to be free, let alone die, he doesn’t want to lose this friend who can give his back.

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