Chapter 402 You are not stupid

“Third brother, if Zhan’er can get the inheritance of the gods, you can’t forget us.”

Jiang Ruhai said hurriedly.

Although he is indecisive and has no mastermind, he is not a fool, and he can become the lord of a city, arranging a land without an owner for more than ten years.

It is enough to show that he has a certain uniqueness in some aspects.

At this time, he already knew the situation in Borderlands. At most half a year, this oppressive force would disappear and he could no longer provide them with shelter.

And Fu Lianzhan stays in the Great Hall of the Gods Gate, it is extremely possible to get the inheritance of the Gods Gate.

This is the inheritance of the ancient top sect of God Xiaomen, and its value is immeasurable.

Fu Lianzhan got this inheritance, which is equivalent to Fu Ziyu got this inheritance. By then, even if they lose the asylum of Borderlands, Fu Ziyu and the others will be able to live well.

But they are not necessarily.

In order to protect himself, he naturally has to please him in advance so that he can be taken care of by them in the future.

Otherwise, once the oppressive force in Borderlands disappears completely, their situation will be very dangerous.

After all, there are many people outside who want to kill them.

“Don’t worry, brother, we are worshiping brothers, how can I ignore you when I have benefited.”

Fu Ziyu said with a smug face, this time it was finally his turn to exhale.

“Wait until that kid gets the inheritance.”

Nie Yuanshan glanced at Jiang Ruhai and said disdainfully.

For a long time, the three major cities in the Land of Ignorance were headed by Wu You City, and the three major city owners also respected him Nie Yuanshan.

As long as he gave an order, even if Jiang Ruhai and Fu Ziyu were unwilling to 10,000, they had to rush to Wu You City in a short time and follow his instructions.

Because the city of Wu You where he is located is the strongest among the three cities.

But now, Fu Lianzhan has successfully stayed in the Great Hall of the Gods Gate, and it is very possible to get the inheritance of the Gods Gate.

As a result, the relationship between them began to undergo subtle changes, and Fu Ziyu even had the idea of ​​resisting own, which made him very uncomfortable.

But he was not in a hurry.

Although Fu Lianzhan succeeded in staying in the Great Hall of Shenxiao, it is still unknown whether he can inherit it.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if Fu Lianzhan really got the inheritance of the gods, with his fourth stage Cultivation Base, can he keep it?

Don’t forget, the oppressive power in Borderlands has not completely disappeared, and it will take at least half a year for people outside to fully enter it.

During this period of time, he Nie Yuanshan was still the boss of Borderlands.

Even if Fu Ziyu and Jiang Ruhai joined forces to deal with him, he was not afraid at all.

The situation hasn’t settled down yet, and this Jiang Ruhai is starting to fall to his side now, it’s really a wall of grass.

So he immediately decided that after he grabbed the inheritance from Fu Lianzhan, Jiang Ruhai was the first to kick him off. He didn’t want to leave such a wall with grass beside him.

“Dage, you can rest assured that if Zhan’er can really get the inheritance of the gods, I will share it with you as soon as possible. We have said before that we are blessed to share it.”

Fu Ziyu raised her brows sharply, and immediately realized that she was a little forgetful, and said hurriedly.

He knows the Dage of own too well. Regardless of his gentleness on the surface, but in fact he is the master full of bad waters. He takes the lead in doing many things that offend the major forces.

In addition, there are so many masters in Wu You City, even if the masters of Yunlong and Yushan City add up, they can at best tie Wu You City.

So when Nie Yuanshan wants to do bad things, they often accept it passively and have no choice at all.

Of course, he didn’t really want to share the inheritance of the gods with them, but to stabilize them.

After all, it is impossible for them to fight against both of them at the same time with their own strength. If the inheritance is robbed, their losses will be great.

Hold them first, and then think of a way to get rid of them or even get rid of them, so that you can monopolize the inheritance.

“I knew the third brother would never forget us.”

Jiang Ruhai’s eyes also showed a glimmer of light. He was inspired by Nie Yuanshan, so he was not ready to kneel and lick Fu Ziyu.

Because he knows very well that in a place where the power is respected like the wasteland, it is better to rely on himself than on anyone, he can completely grab this inheritance and become an uncle himself.

This is better than looking at people’s faces.

“You are not stupid.”

Nie Yuanshan glanced at Jiang Ruhai, not saying anything, let alone worrying about Jiang Ruhai being able to pass himself.

A large part of the people here are owned by own. If you really start your hands, it will be easy to get them all by yourself.

Jiang Ruhai smiled, did not take these words to heart, but sat on the ground and cultivated himself.

He must adjust his own state so that he can gain a certain advantage in the next battle for inheritance.

As for Fu Ziyu, he also saw the thoughts of Nie Yuanshan and Jiang Ruhai, and at the same time he started to run wildly while he was depressed, thinking about how to monopolize the inheritance.

As for the other people on the scene, they didn’t even dare to interrupt, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

The Great Hall of Gods Gate, at the end of Wanlei Avenue is a quiet quiet room, in which there is nothing but a person lying there.

And this person is Fu Lianzhan who was placed high hopes by Fu Ziyu.


Fu Lianzhan groaned and woke up from his deep sleep.

At the same time, lines of text slowly appeared on the wall facing him, and looking intently, they turned out to be two Cultivation Techniques.

One of them is the Yin & Yang Five Thunders Method he dreamed of.

“This, this…”

Fu Lianzhan was so excited that he couldn’t speak.

You know, the cultivation method of the Thunder God’s body that he obtained by chance and coincidence included a detailed record of Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectification methods.

This is the strongest thunder method of the Shenxiao Gate.

Although the Thunder God’s body has powerful power, it can also increase the cultivation people’s control of the power of thunder, but it is the foundation of Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered here, I could cultivate Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders.

This is really a great thing for him.

“and many more……”

Suddenly, Fu Lianzhan seemed to have thought of something, and immediately looked around, but he didn’t find Ye Xiu’s figure at all, which made a touch of surprise in his eyes.

“Haha, I passed the test first, and the inheritance of the Gods Gate is really prepared for me.”

He was a little worried that Ye Xiu would be a step ahead, but he didn’t expect that he would get here before him.

In this way, the inheritance of this god’s gate is destined to belong to him.

“You said this too early.”

At this moment, a slightly weak voice came from behind him…

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