Chapter 195: Lei Jinlong’s Request

After the six-channel martial arts came to an end, the Fangcun channel monopolized the top three and shined brilliantly, so that everyone’s eyes were cast on the Fangcun domain, including the Xuan Lei Sect and other big forces.

Originally, they thought that the Fangcun Domain was just a small place, and it was not worth their time and energy and a lot of manpower and material resources to set up branches.

But this time the Lingwu Family’s Six Meridian Martial Arts Association broke their cognition.

Three top geniuses appeared in a row, any one of them can be compared with the top geniuses in their Sect.

For a time, Fang Cunzhi’s domain became the sweet pastry of all major forces.

And Ye Xiu, Xiaohu and Mu Tianye, as the top three in this six-vein martial arts, the rewards are naturally not less, not to mention the middle-rank Cultivation Technique or combat skills, but also get the number. The low-grade yuan stone counted in millions.

The fourth and fifth places are only one level short, and the Cultivation Technique and combat skills obtained are only low-rank in the mysterious rank.

Don’t look at the first rank, but the power is very different.

After all, there is no Cultivation Technique of this level in the wind domain, and it will only be honored when it returns to the headquarters.

After a night of rest, several people also recovered, one by one, full of energy, changing hair intensively, completely gone from the previous exhaustion.

However, just after dawn, Lei Jinlong found him.

This made them a little confused about the situation.

“Lei Sect Leader, why did you come here this time?”

Feng Baizhan saluted Lei Jinlong. He was not only the Sect Leader of Xuan Lei Sect, but also a master of his fate, so he naturally did not dare to neglect.

“Feng Elder doesn’t need to be polite. I came here this time because I asked for the little brother Ye Xiu.”

Lei Jinlong said that he was not underestimated because of the turbulent Cultivation Base.

After the end of this martial arts meeting, Feng Baizhan will enter the Elder regiment, and in terms of status, they are also equivalent.

“Find me?”

Ye Xiu was startled, not sure what he could help him.

“Yes, yesterday I listened to the music played by the little brother to soothe the mind, so I want the little brother to help me play another song, maybe? Of course, I won’t let the little brother help me out.”

Lei Jinlong looked forward to being authentic.

His Cultivation Base has reached the peak of his life’s Sixth Stage, Realm, and he can break through to his life’s Seventh Stage in just one step.

But because the thunder method of their Xuan Lei Sect cultivation is too domineering, the higher the Cultivation Base, the more dangerous the breakthrough, which is why he hasn’t made breakthrough.

But yesterday he saw Ye Xiu’s Red Heart Refining Song, but he saw hope.

If he could have Ye Xiu on the side with the help of the Red Dust Refining Heart Song when he made his breakthrough, he would be at least 70% sure that he would succeed in the breakthrough, which was already very high.

So he came.


Ye Xiu glanced at Feng Baizhan, not knowing whether he should help or not. After all, he now represents not a person, but the Lingwu family.

Helping rashly will make the Lingwu family very passive.

“I think it can.”

Feng Baizhan knew that Ye Xiu was asking his own opinion, so he agreed to it for him.

This Xuan Lei Sect is very close to their Ling Wu family, and it is an ally. Lei Jinlong’s Cultivation Base Ascension is also of great benefit to their Ling Wu family.

So if Ye Xiu can help with this, you can help.

Moreover, this is also good for Ye Xiu after entering the headquarters, which is a great favor.

“When does it begin?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“It’s better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today.”

Lei Jinlong couldn’t wait. If it wasn’t for his requirements, he would like to sit down directly at the breakthrough Cultivation Base.


Ye Xiu didn’t comment either. They won’t leave for the headquarters until three days later, and they have nothing to do these days.

“Okay, please come with me.”

Lei Jinlong is a master of the natal realm, so he can’t be sloppy when he breaks through. He has set up everything in the place where he lives last night, and only waits for Ye Xiu and the others to start making breakthroughs.


Ye Xiu nodded, and then took the little fox and left the courtyard with Lei Jinlong.

Lei Jinlong is a guest, so he can only live on the edge of the Lingwu family. There is a place dedicated to entertaining guests, and the environment is also very elegant.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, rockery and water are readily available, just like an outdoor peach orchard.

“My son, it looks like Hou’s Mansion.”

Little Fox couldn’t help saying that the place where Ye Xiu lived in Daliang before, has everything here, and when she comes here, she feels like she has returned to the Hou Mansion, and her mood also becomes happy.

“Do you like a place like this?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“I don’t really like it, but I think there are too many memories of us in the Hou Mansion. When I saw it suddenly, I felt very cordial.”

Little Fox said, her happiest day was when she was playing with Ye Xiu in the Hou Mansion, but it was a pity that she could never go back.

“When we get to the headquarters, I will build you a mansion like this, how about it?”

Ye Xiu also missed the original life a little.


The little fox’s eyes lit up so that they could get back the feelings they once had.


Lei Jinlong said, and then led Ye Xiu and the others to the own residence.

The place was already enveloped by a powerful thunderous breath, and before it got close, I felt a sharp breath.

“Little brother, for the sake of safety, I can only wronged you to play in the courtyard.”

Lei Jinlong said that he is a master of the life realm. Once he breaks through, the power he radiates is definitely not something Ye Xiu and Xiaohu, the cultivators of the Ning Yuan realm, can resist.

So he set up an anti-five thunder forbidden area here, its function is not to imprison but to resist external forces.

Otherwise, when they break through, they will die.

“It’s okay.”

Ye Xiu doesn’t care about being authentic, he doesn’t need a specific place to play, it’s the same everywhere.

As long as their safety can be guaranteed.

“Yes, there is one more thing. When the little brother plays, the second half is not needed, just the first half.”

Lei Jinlong hurriedly said that what is useful to him is the first half that has a soothing mood. As for the second half, although it has a great tempering effect on people, he does not need to make a breakthrough.

Otherwise, he is likely to be affected.

Breakthrough failure is small, and it may be backlashed and killed here.

“I know what to do, don’t worry.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and he wrote the second half. Although the momentum is shocking, it has a miraculous effect on the tempering of the mind.

Mu Tianye and the others have a deep understanding of this.

If it wasn’t for the purpose of saving Mu Tianye, he would not have played it to make others cheap for no reason, so even if Lei Jinlong didn’t say it, he didn’t plan to use it here.

“That’s good, you two.”

Lei Jinlong looked forward to being authentic.

“It’s okay, let’s get started.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and then began to prepare, Lei Jinlong entered the room.

A flash of thunder light flashed, and the entire room was completely sealed by the power of thunder, no longer feeling the slightest breath in it.

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