Chapter 183 Charity

“Zhang Ming, what kind of fire does Xiuer control?”

Feng Baizhan asked incredulously, this Xiao Can’s fire is Nine Nether Fire, ranking third in the Intermediate Fire List, and its value is much higher than that of the Boneless Beast Fire.

Ye Xiu was able to use his own flame to refine it, which was far higher than what the flames of Nine Nether Fire could do.

It can be seen that this is at least a high-level flame.

But he couldn’t believe his own guess, after all, advanced flames are very rare in Eastern Wasteland.

“Dari Jinyan.”

Zhang Ming had heard Ye Xiu say the name of this flame before, but he didn’t know the specific grade.

Firstly, Ye Xiu didn’t know it, and secondly, there was no related record in the fire list.

“Dari Jinyan? What kind of flame is this?”

Feng Baizhan has also seen the fire list, and he has seen all four lists, but there is no flame called Darijinyan on it.

“I don’t know this, but my boneless beast fire directly surrenders in front of Da Ri Jin Yan, so I think it is at least a high-level flame.”

Zhang Mingdao.

“High, advanced flame.”

Although Feng Baizhan had already guessed in his heart, he was still shocked after getting Zhang Ming’s answer.

High-level flames are extremely rare in the Eastern Wasteland, and there are no more than five types in the entire Eastern Wasteland, including the stone-splitting molten inflammation at the headquarters and the blood-devouring purplish inflammation on Wu Santong’s hands.

In comparison, the stone-splitting melting inflammation in the headquarters is not as good as the blood-devouring purple inflammation in Wu Santong’s hand.

After all, the rock cracking lava originated in a 10,000-acre volcano, the temperature was extremely high, but it had no special ability, and it was only ranked 15th on the advanced fire list, not even the top ten.

And blood chrysanthemum is the top three powerful flames.

According to Wu Santong, the blood-devouring purple inflammation was given to him by Ye Xiu. At that time, he guessed that Ye Xiu’s hand must have a flame stronger than the blood-devouring purple inflammation.

Now that the name says so, he knows that his own guess is correct.

It’s a pity that there is no record of Da Ri Jinyan on the high-level fire list and the top fire list, so he doesn’t know what height the flame has reached.

But at least it is more powerful than blood chrysanthemum.

“This kid’s luck is too good.”

Feng Baizhan said enviously, a high-level flame is extremely difficult to touch, especially a flame like Blood Devouring Purple Flame, even if they touch it, they can’t conquer it.

Ye Xiu was lucky, and got two at once. This luck is simply heaven-defying.

“I agree with that.”

Zhang Ming nodded. Ye Xiu’s luck has always been good. It’s almost as if he’s hanging up, and he often encounters good things.

It took only a few months for him to truly follow Ye Xiu, but his Cultivation Technique and Tinder had all been changed. Now, even if he is in the Lingwu Family Headquarters, he is considered a little genius.

So no one has this feeling deeper than him.

“No, you can’t let this kid go on fooling around.”

After Feng Baizhan finished speaking, he immediately shouted at Ye Xiu: “Xiu’er, don’t mess around.”

Although he didn’t look down on Xiao Can, this was after all six meridian martial arts, and the focus was on discussion rather than life and death.

Not only will Zhao Qiankun not let Ye Xiu go easily, but the Xiao family behind Xiao Can will certainly not let go.


Ye Xiu replied, and raised his hand to take Da Ri Jin Yan back.

But the Nine Nether Flames in the field only had 10% of the power left, like a candle in the wind, trembling, and it could be extinguished at any time.

Originally, he didn’t intend to completely refine the Nine Nether Fire, after all, it is not suitable for this occasion to do so, otherwise, his situation will be very passive.

So even if he didn’t say anything about it, he would stop.

“Take the remaining flames back, cultivate them well, or you can make up for them.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, as if she was giving alms to Xiao Can.


Xiao Can’s face was pale, this guy thought of himself as a beggar, it was too Damn it.

“Why, don’t you want it? Then I’m not welcome.”

Ye Xiu directly released a burst of golden flames of the sun, and when he finished speaking, he wanted to refine the remaining flames.


Although Xiao Can was very depressed, Ye Xiu couldn’t let Ye Xiu completely refine the Nine Nether Fire. He strode out and immediately rushed forward to collect the Nine Nether Fire.

Although the power of the Nine Nether Fire at this time is no longer powerful, as long as there is a fire remaining, he can cultivate it.

It’s better than being completely refined by Ye Xiu and disappearing completely.

It’s just that Ye Xiu’s words made him very upset, like a thorn, stuck in his heart, making him angry.

Thinking that his dignified wind genius, the master of Ningyuan Third Stage Heaven, had to rely on Ye Xiu’s charity to get back the Nine Nether Fire that originally belonged to own.

This is simply a huge humiliation to him.

“Do you have any other means? If you don’t, just give up and save everyone’s time.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, what he valued was the Nine Nether Fire in Xiao Can’s hands. Now his goal has been achieved, and it doesn’t make much sense to continue fighting.

Moreover, this Xiao Can probably has nothing to do with it.

“It’s impossible to admit defeat. There is no word for admit defeat in my dictionary.”

Xiao Can immediately said that although he had lost the greatest support, he would never admit defeat. With a flash of his right hand, a bright sword appeared in his hand.

This is a low-grade spiritual soldier.

“Ye Xiu, I admit that I underestimated you before, but you also rely on own fire to be stronger than me, so you can beat me, but I am best at Saber Technique. I don’t know if you dare to compete with me. Something.”

Xiao Can knew that Ye Xiu’s flame was stronger, and it was impossible to resist it with his own strength. If he continued to fight, he would definitely lose.

So he deliberately said this, in order to let Ye Xiu give up his own advantage and test weapons with him.

Only in this way can he have the possibility of winning.

“Okay, as you wish.”

After Ye Xiu saw him take out the broadsword, his whole aura changed, as if he had become another person.

At first glance, he knew that he was still a master of swordsman, so he was also interested.

With a flick of his right hand, the sword of Hades appeared in his hand.


The moment the Pluto sword started, the sword body trembled slightly, and Ye Xiu could even clearly feel the excitement coming from the sword body.

“You are determined to lose.”

Xiao Can only asked tentatively before, and did not expect Ye Xiu to agree.

If it were him, he would definitely not agree to such a request in such an absolute advantage.

After all, agreeing to such a request is totally unnecessary.

But Ye Xiu actually agreed, it really won’t kill me.

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