Chapter 167 Thunder

When I came to the martial arts field, there were already a lot of people gathered here, and the surrounding stands were already full.

Among these people, there are not only disciples of the Lingwu family and people from the headquarters who came to observe, but also people of sects and influences who have good relations with the Lingwu family.

The Lin family is one of them.

This is the last martial arts meeting of the Lingwu family in a thousand years, and it is considered to be a group of people with the best overall quality and quality of martial arts in the past years.

Not only does it have important significance to the Lingwu family, but it is also extremely attractive to the major forces.

Through this martial arts meeting, they can not only understand the strength of the new disciples of the Lingwu family, but also enlighten the disciples under the Ascension vision.

Such opportunities are rare.

“Dage, why are you so slow? If you don’t come again, I will go to you.”

Mu Tianye couldn’t take any time off. After receiving the news, he immediately came over and wanted to join in the fun.

In the past half month, the birds were almost fading out of his mouth, and he had to stay in the small courtyard again, he had to be crazy.

“Where is Zhang Minghe Duoduo?”

Ye Xiu looked around, but didn’t find the two of them.

“Don’t mention it…”

“Dage, here we are.”

Before Mu Tianye had finished speaking, a lot of money came from behind him.

Looking back, I saw Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming holding each other, shaking step by step towards this side.

Seeing their pale faces and trembling legs, Ye Xiu knew what was going on, and felt speechless.

What are you guys doing here?

“Dudu, what’s wrong with you guys?”

Little Fox looked curious, and hadn’t seen him for a few days now, why are they so weak.

Isn’t it sick?

“They asked for this, leave them alone.”

Ye Xiu pulled the little fox over, and then walked aside, he didn’t want to be embarrassed with the two of them.

“Dage, give some blood pills.”

Qian Duoduo’s face blushed. They are really playing around these days. The sister paper of this style is much more beautiful than Fangcunzhi.

Zhang Ming is not much better than him.

“Yeah, Hugh, Young Master, you can’t die without saving.”

Zhang Ming also looked pitiful and authentic, although he could also refine Qi and Blood Pills.

But now his body is very vacant, let alone pill refining, and he can’t stand still.

Moreover, all the Qi and Blood Pills refined by Ye Xiu had pill patterns.

Now, they have reached the level of two patterns. If one Medicine Pill goes down, they can live and live again, much better than what he refined.

“Dage, don’t give it to them, let them fend for themselves.”

Mu Tianye’s face was gloomy and authentic, and the two guys didn’t need to go by themselves, but they still pulled themselves up. Fortunately, they ran fast, otherwise they would have to be eaten by those women.

Up to now, the anger in his heart has not disappeared.

“Second brother, you can’t be so ruthless.”

Qianduo was about to cry, how could he have thought that the second brother Own was so afraid of women, and he ran away before he was doing anything.

As a result, he put in a little more physical strength, otherwise, he wouldn’t even be unable to stand still.

“You deserve it.”

Mu Tianye turned his face and didn’t want to care about them.

“You two will give me restraint in the future. This is the last bottle of Qi and Blood Pill. It will be gone after eating. You can figure it out by yourself.”

Ye Xiu actually didn’t want to care about them. This was the Qi and Blood Pill, which was actually used as an aphrodisiac by them. I really didn’t know what they thought.

But with so many people watching, he couldn’t afford to lose this person, so he directly took out a bottle of Qi and Blood Pill and gave it to them.

This is what he used to practice his hands before, and he will never refine such a low-level Medicine Pill in the future.

“Hey, pay attention later, pay attention later.”

The two immediately took out a Medicine Pill and swallowed it. The Qi and Blood Pill entered the body, and the loss of Qi and blood was replenished. Soon the two of them were alive and well.

“Below is Xuan Lei Zong Lei Ming, two friends, is this Medicine Pill sold?”

At this moment, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy with a pale face and a very thin body also walked over tremblingly.

It looks exactly the same as Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming before.

At this moment, he was looking at the Qi-Xue Dan in Qian Duoduo’s hand with his eyes shining brightly, like a beggar who had been hungry for more than ten days and suddenly saw a delicious meal.

I wish I could just grab it.

“I’ll go, fellow fellow, give it, no money.”

When Qian Duoduo saw this person, his eyes lit up, as if he had found a confidant, he directly took out a Qi and Blood Pill and handed it to him.

Friends are easy to get, but confidants are hard to find.

“Erwen Qi and Blood Pill, a good thing.”

Thunder took Medicine Pill, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he swallowed it in one bite.

Soon, his complexion returned to ruddy, and his previous decadent state was swept away.

“Thank you two, I don’t know who made this Medicine Pill. I want to buy more. I wonder if I can recommend it on my behalf?”

Lei Ming’s eyes were shining. He had taken a lot of similar Medicine Pill before, but he had never seen one that could reach this level. It was indeed the Erwen Qixue Pill, it was a magical medicine.

“This is made by my Dage, and there is only this bottle, but you can rest assured that Master Zhang can also practice this Medicine Pill. Although the effect is not as good as this Medicine Pill, it is completely enough for us to have fun together.”

Qian Duoduo patted him on the shoulder and said.

“This relationship is good, you will be my thunderous brothers from now on, go, I’ll treat you.”

Lei Ming got excited. He didn’t want to come so early, but his strength didn’t allow it.

With this Medicine Pill, he can fight another 3,000 rounds.

“This can be.”

Zhang Ming got excited. He hadn’t had a good time before. How could he waste the opportunity if someone invited guests.

Anyway, this Six Meridian Huiwu has nothing to do with his own, so it is better to find a little Big sis to learn about life.

“Boy, daddy brought you here. Did you embarrass me?”

At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared behind Thunder, with a punch directly on Thunder’s head.

This middle-aged man has a national character face with a moustache at the corner of his mouth.

Just standing there brings a great sense of oppression.

This was pure oppression on Realm, even Ye Xiu couldn’t bear it.

“Father, why are you here.”

Leiming’s face immediately collapsed, and his whole person curled up like a frightened kitten.

“Hmph, don’t let me go back.”

The middle-aged man hates iron but not steel, why did he give birth to such a cheating thing.


How dare Lei Ming refuse, but before leaving, he winked at Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming.

It looks like I’m saying, I’m going to see you in the evening.

Then he reluctantly left.

“My son, this person’s Cultivation Base is so high, in front of him, the true essence in my body is not working smoothly.”

The little fox said in horror.

“It’s very high, at least a master of the Tongxuan Realm.”

Ye Xiu felt the same way. This person was like a big mountain.

Standing in front of him, if he took a shot against him, he might not even be able to take a move, and he would be killed directly.

too strong.

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