Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four

Walking into the Dajin Chamber of Commerce, everyone respectfully saluted Ye Xiu.

They all know that Ye Xiu is not only the rich man who worships Dage, but also the core disciple of the Lingwu family.

The status is extremely lofty, even the owner of the house must be polite.

“Young Master Hugh, what’s the matter with my young master?”

Hearing Ye Xiu’s arrival, Zhao Lianshan also hurried out, looking at Ye Xiu expectantly.

He remembered that Ye Xiu once said that when conditions permit, he would come to him.

Now that Ye Xiu is here, doesn’t it mean that his Young Master is saved.

“Don’t worry, I’ll come to save her when I solve a lot of problems, just the matter of these two days.”

Ye Xiu patted him on the shoulder, and since he agreed to him, he would never break his promise.

“Thank you, Mr. Xiu. In the future, my life, Zhao Lianshan, is yours. If you want, you can come and get it anytime.”

Zhao Lianshan said firmly.

“I dare not be interested in your life. If you are really grateful to me, you will continue to stay in the Great Gold Chamber of Commerce for a lot of protection. There is also this Medicine Pill that you can hold. It should be able to temporarily stabilize your injury and wait for your Young After Master wakes up, come see me again, I see if there is any way to heal you.”

Ye Xiu’s soul power is very strong now, even if he didn’t check Zhao Lianshan’s situation, he could be sure that he was seriously injured.

And he still felt a breath of flame in Zhao Lianshan’s body. Not surprisingly, this injury should be caused by a powerful fire entering the body.

In this case, he has a ten-percent certainty that he can cure it.

In this way, a lot of money will have an extra helper and guarantee.

After all, even if this kid gets through the Meridians, it takes time to cultivate.

“Master Xiu, I understand your kindness, but you can’t treat my injury, but you can rest assured that as long as Zhao Lianshan is alive, no one can touch a hair of Master Qian.”

It was not that Zhao Lianshan didn’t believe in Ye Xiu, but the strength of the person who hurt him was too high, and it was not Ye Xiu who could cure him.

“How can I know if I don’t try it? Don’t worry, I’m sure of your injury.”

Ye Xiu smiled, didn’t say anything to him, walked directly into the inner hall, and came to the quiet room prepared by Qian Duoduo.

At this time Qian Youcai also rushed over.

For Qian Youcai, a son is everything.

If he could re-cultivate his own son, even if he was to abandon all his wealth, he would not hesitate.

“Uncle Qian, long time no see.”

Ye Xiu bowed to Qian Youcai.

“My nephew, Dudoka, please give it to you.”

Qian Youcai bucked Ye Xiu’s cupped hands, expressing his gratitude.

“Uncle Qian is polite. Du Duo is my brother. It is reasonable for me to help him. No thanks.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said that he was also very grateful for Qian Youcai. If it hadn’t been for his great help, he wouldn’t have been able to win the Mingshen grass so easily.

Although Qian Duo Duo played a lot in it, if he didn’t have the money and talent to make a decision, he would not get the slightest amount of funding.

“Father, Dage, don’t waste your time here. Thanks for all the flowers I’m waiting for, Dage, let’s get started.”

Qian Duoduo didn’t know what he was going to face. He was always fantasizing about how he would lose weight, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

“A lot, actually, this thing is not as good as you think, you have to be mentally prepared.”

Seeing Qian Duoduo’s excitement, Zhang Ming couldn’t bear to watch.

Thinking back to the painful experience, he felt his own heart trembling.

“Master Zhang, I understand.”

Qian Duoduo gave Zhang Ming a look that I knew, and then pulled Ye Xiu into the room.

“Everyone, no matter what happens next, don’t come in and disturb me, remember.”

Before closing the door, Ye Xiu solemnly reminded everyone.

Although his soul power has greatly increased, he must be fully absorbed in the face of the fragile and complicated Meridians in the human body.

Once disturbed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Don’t forget that this is the Great Sun Golden Flame, a flame that is even more terrifying than the blood-devouring purple inflammation.

If one is not careful, it is possible to burn a lot of money to ashes.

“Don’t worry, with me watching, who dares to disturb you, I will never be merciless.”

Qian Youcai said loudly, this is related to his son’s future, and he has to be cautious.


Ye Xiu nodded, closed the door, then walked to Qian Duoduo, took a deep breath, and released his own soul power to investigate the situation of Qian Duoduo’s Meridians.

After the inspection, Ye Xiu found that the situation of a lot of money was more serious than what he had said before.

Nearly 70% of Meridians are seriously clogged, and want to clear them all, but it is a big project.

It can’t be done in a day or two.

“Dao Duo, I am about to start, the whole process will be very long, you have to be prepared.”

Ye Xiu reminded.

“Come on Dage, I can’t wait.”

A lot of money hasn’t realized what kind of situation he is about to accept.

A flash of fire flashed, and he immediately felt like a burning iron sword pierced his body.

It hurt so much that he immediately let out a scream.

“what happened?”

Qian Youcai was also taken aback by the sudden scream, and looked at Zhang Ming helplessly.

“Master Qian, don’t worry, this is a normal process. After all, the Meridians are seriously clogged, and it is reasonable to be a little bit painful.”

Zhang Ming said so, but his heart twitched.

Suddenly he regretted coming along.

Originally, he came here to find a balance, but when he heard the screams of a lot of money, it reminded him of his previous experience.

It was as if I had experienced the painful process again.

This simply broke him.

“That’s true.”

Qian Youcai nodded.

But the good times didn’t last long, and the scream of a lot of money came from inside again.

Moreover, the sound was very penetrating, directly penetrating the wall and coming out of the Dajin Chamber of Commerce, making the people outside couldn’t help but startle.

With the passage of time, the screams of Qian Duo Duo appeared more and more frequently, but their voices became weaker and weaker.

But the voice weakened, but there was a feeling that life is not as good as death in the voice. It is really a cold heart and a tingling scalp in the listener.

What terrible things he has experienced to make such a straightforward scream.

Qian Youcai just couldn’t listen to the money outside, and immediately ran True Qi to block his own ears.

He was afraid that if he listened any more, he couldn’t help but rush in.

This is his own son.

“No way, I can’t stay here, I’ll go out first, and you’ll call me when you’re done.”

Zhang Ming couldn’t bear it. Every time Qian Duoduo called, his heart twitched.

Now that he hasn’t found a little balance, he still feels like he has been subjected to some torture, and the cold sweat on his body can’t help but burst out.

The scene he experienced before was so terrible that he couldn’t even think about it now.

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