Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Dragonfly (2)

Zeng Xiangwu quickly thought that I had nowhere to borrow strength, could not prance, how to jump?

But right away, Zeng Xiangwu felt that his waist was wrapped around his waist and his waist was tight.

In the heart of the move, Zeng Xiangwu made a flying jump, the person was pulled up by the students, under the body, the fierce crocodile bite a bite, the dead fish eyes unwilling, fell to the river.

"垛", Zeng Xiangwu's sharp arrow with a flying line into the giant wood cross branches.

However, Luo Peng, who had just landed on the iron line, was a squat, swaying, unable to stand still, his body rushing forward, flying swords between the flurry and the dance, one did not pay attention, and again Zeng Xiangwu’s flying line was cut off.

In the eyes of Zeng Xiangwu, the body flashed and the body that leaped upwards steadily landed on the iron wire. The waist was loose and the invisible waistband disappeared.

Zeng Xiangwu paid attention to it and finally found that under the iron wire, it seems to be a lot thicker, and it seems that a layer of glue is attached to the iron wire.

Look behind you.

After Luo Peng’s flying sword cut through the silk thread, the wrist wraps around and wraps around the silk thread. With the force and force, the body spins again and falls on the iron line. Zeng Xiangwu’s front, but can’t hold the momentum, involuntarily, hand dance Flying sword, hit Zeng Xiangwu.

Sun Hao’s body was empty, and it was too late to adjust his body. He suddenly discovered that Zeng Xiangwu had already faced the crisis of being bitten by a crocodile.

More importantly, Luo Peng is in front of Zeng Xiangwu.

Blocked the road to self-rescue of Zeng Xiangwu Lijian flying line.

The eyes were slightly stunned, and my heart was moved. My heart said: "Xiao Zhang, La Xiangwu is a real person."

As long as Zhu Ling went up to the iron line, Sun Hao had secretly released a small chapter.

Let him turn into a stream of water, like a silky liquid, attached to the iron wire.

Fortunately, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is a water environment, and the water is very rich. Otherwise, the deformation of Xiaozhang can not be done at this point.

of course. The small chapter has been lurking, even if there is a monk in the front, Sun Hao has never been rescued.

But it is different now.

Luo Peng's performance, Sun Hao is in the eye. It seems that Luo Peng’s flying line that cut off the real people of Xiangwu is a last resort.

But Sun Hao feels that the facts may be intentional.

Since Luo Peng wants to frame the Xiangwu real person, Sun Hao will naturally not let it succeed.

Sure enough, Luo Peng once again cut off the flying line of Xiangwu real people.

If it wasn’t for the small chapter to bring the Xiangwu real person up in time, maybe the Xiangwu real person had already been miscalculated. The falling water was eaten by the crocodile.

While Xiao Zhang saved the auspicious real people, Sun Hao’s own state was not very good.

After Sun Hao turned over and escaped from the undercurrent, he did not wait for Sun Hao to land on the iron line, and passed behind him with a strong spirit. The intention was not to blame, and he shot Sun Hao into the water.

Under the reflection of Sun Hao, the last monk, Zhao Yumo, stood on the wire snake with his feet on his feet, and his hands and feet were undulating with the swing of the wire snake. The appearance does not see any hands-on action.

It can be said that apart from Sun Hao, no one knows that Zhao Yumo has secretly shot, and more than once.

This Tiangong master, seemingly rough, but actually a powerful hidden means, and decisive decisive, is about to take the opportunity to sweep away the thorns in the eyes of Sun Hao, the shot is not merciless.

Sun Hao’s heart was at the same time, but he also had to admire his means.

If Sun Hao is not hiding more. Change the monk, at this time I am afraid that it is already unknown.

When Sun Hao knew the move, Shen Xiangjian appeared in his hand and slammed the sword through the sky. Rush up and pass the undercurrent behind it.

The man fell on the iron line.

On the crossbar, all the monks were relieved.

The three distressed monks have temporarily got rid of the predicament, but they are also good luck.

Sun Hao can be sure that Luo Peng has problems.

Zeng Xiangwu also judged that Luo Peng wanted to die, and his heart could not help but anger and anger, and the southern continent ranked the countdown disciples only. Actually dare to do so.

Seeing that Luo Peng had collided, Xiangwu’s real person was slightly stunned, his eyes were clear and transparent, and he immediately entered the battlefield state of the fire. At the same time, his body shook and he was ready to hit Luo Peng.

In the ear, Sun Hao’s voice came again: “Be careful, he has a flaw.”

Zeng Xiangwu’s heart slammed.

Luo Peng looked at Zeng Xiangwu's erect, and his eyes stunned and his eyes shouted: "Auspicious Wuzhen, help me, I am not stable..."

In the shouts, the body slammed against it.

Like a thousand horses, the long guns of the enemy are avoided.

Zeng Xiangwu’s body was slightly on one side, his right foot was lifted, and his body was spinning on the iron line.

Luo Peng’s body collided with a huge impact.

I felt the power like a mountain rushing past me. Zeng Xiangwu’s heart was cold. If it wasn’t for Sun Hao’s reminder, at this time, his life would not be better.

At the same time, Zeng Xiangwu’s heart was grateful and there were very weird thoughts.

The funeral of the Tianzheng, the South China monk is really a hidden dragon.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, hidden secret, absolutely strange, and this attempt to conceal his own Luo Peng, the strength of strength, will not weaken himself.

Moreover, between the vague, the two are still opposite each other.

At the same time as the thought flashed, Zeng Xiangwu was also polite, and said in his mouth: "Luozhen people are careful", the hand stretched out, made a pulling action, secretly, but it was a palm, printed on the back of Luo Peng.

Sun Hao also took a step forward and said: "Luozhen, I will help you."

Zhao Yumo also seems to care about Luo Peng in general, and said in the back: "Everyone is careful, I will help you."

On the cross branches, many monks were moved.

Hey, Jin Dan crosses the river, helping each other, helping each other, enough for the world to pass.

The funeral sky is really a place of blood.

Luo Peng had a pain in his back and his body could not help himself.

In front of Sun Hao reached out to pull, but before that, a hand has come across the sky, straight into the Luo Peng's lower abdomen.

Luo Peng’s heart flashed through the puzzle, why did Sun Hao count himself?

The body has fallen with the palm and fell below.

Another fierce crocodile leaped high and bit it.

Sun Hao’s eyes are flickering, and he is preparing to make persistent efforts. He will come back twice, and this may be the time when Luo Peng, the incarnation of the ancient demon, was completely shot down.

There was a huge pain in the back, and the rushing darkness rushed to the ground. It hit the body, and the heart was a pity. Sun Hao grabbed the air and Luo Peng fell, and he did not seem to be able to take advantage of it. Involuntarily, they fell forward and deviated from the iron line.

Behind it, there are two forces to pursue and attack Sun Hao.

On the wire snake, the situation changed very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Hao and Luo Peng were in distress again.

Many monks shook their heads together, and the strength was a little worse. It was a little worse.

Sun Hao and Luo Peng really are the two monks in the countdown to the South China. They are much weaker. They have already stabilized on the iron line. In the end, they still have a situation. Perhaps this is the so-called oil bottle.

It’s not enough to make a tossing bottle.

The falling Luo Peng screamed: "It's good."

The right foot slammed down, the air, accurate, and went on.

The fierce crocodile bite into it, as if he didn't see the target, bite it, and put a huge head under the tip of Lopeng's toes.

Luo Peng slammed a fierce crocodile giant, and turned over in the air, and fell on the iron line.

Sun Hao grabbed the incense sword with both hands, and it was a sword with a strong impact. He rushed out and got rid of the two dark forces chasing him behind him. He fell lightly on Zeng Xiangwu's side.

Zeng Xiangwu stretched out and helped Sun Hao.

Luo Peng, a bit of a fierce crocodile, also borrowed the force to vacate and landed on the iron line.

Zhao Wei’s eyes flashed a trace of regret, and his hand stretched out and helped Luo Peng.

The four monks stood on the iron line and looked at each other. Then they all smiled, and they used their strength to glides quickly into the first on the crossbar, see the last four people Along with each other, many monks broke out with applause.

The nine songs of the Yellow River, came to the first level.

The tail of the wire snake quickly recovered from the rock, and the sound of "Sasso" was like a wire rope rewinding and flew over.

The easy-to-light streetlights stretched out and the wire snake fell into the hand. The slightly fat face showed a sad expression on his face. The mouth said: "The iron wire needs to rest for twelve hours."

Above the cross branches, everyone took a break.

After coming to the first level, everyone knows about the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. If there is still only a crocodile in the back, with the experience of the first level, the next few levels should not be a problem.

However, Sun Hao looked at the giant trees behind him and his brows wrinkled slightly.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Array is afraid that it will not be so simple.

Moreover, among the ranks, it is not uncomfortable. Later, it may not be too peaceful (to be continued.)

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