Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Rolling meat

The ability of a single corpse is not very strong. w(ww..

But the ability of the corpse is very annoying, resistant to resistance, not so easy to be eliminated.

Moreover, it is especially able to break the defense, and everything can be drilled. Even Sun Hao’s Aegis of Fire and the guardian of the body can bite into it.

Gaia kept waving two feet in the air, spinning out a wind blade, and interweaving into a piece of blade net in front.

Sun Hao’s Agarwood Sword has a mountainous momentum, and the pieces in front are cracked, and a string of ghosts is drawn.

However, neither of them could stop the impact of the corpse army, and while attacking, the two of them continued to fly backwards.

A small fire has already seen the eyes straight.

To be honest, she is afraid of bugs.

The worm is very disgusting, and it is very chilly. It is estimated that it is cold and poisonous, and I think that I can't swallow it much, and I just don't open my mouth.

In a short time, Sun Hao and Gaia did not have a life-threatening situation, but they did not have the need to forbear the nausea.

However, soon after more than half an hour passed, Sun Hao and Gaia had already retired, and they had already killed countless corpses.

However, within the tomb of the ancient tomb, the corpse is still a source of incessant, like a black torrent, a wave of waves, the momentum is not only weak, but there is a growing sense of more and more.

That feeling, that is, the corpse army just woke up, more insects are constantly attacking.

He was on Sun Hao’s shoulder, and a small pair of small eyes dripped and turned, suddenly remembered something, and shouted in Sun Hao’s knowledge: “Xiaozhang, Xiaozhang.”

The small chapter bag has recovered from the freezing, and is resting in the lake in the empty tower. The message immediately replies: "What? Big sister, I am taking a shower."

Small fire: "Which wash? Come out and work."

"There are female ghosts outside," Xiao Zhang quickly replied: "I don't seem to be able to help me out,"

"For the bugs," the little fire quickly said: "Don't say that you are in a mess, you are afraid of bugs, come out, maybe you can help a lot." "."

Sun Hao’s heart is also a move. In the knowledge of the gods said: "Well, bags, come out and try your rebound."

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu said: "Good", rushing out of the condensate tower. Standing on the shoulders of Sun Hao.

Looking forward, the gods have shouted: "A lot of bugs, so disgusting bugs."

It was disgusting, and the worm was killed by Sun Hao and Gaia, splashing with thick juice. The thick juice is very stinky, and it is drenched on the back of the worm. The insects in the back seem to eat delicious food.

It is really disgusting.

Although the dissatisfaction in the knowledge of the gods, but the movement of the small chapter is dissatisfied, quickly stretched out a wrist and feet, and explored to the front.

Four worms surrounded the cockroaches quickly, and many of the worms even screamed cheerfully.

Soon, the wrists were drowned in the tide of insects.

Sun Hao and Gaia Qiqi swept away and swept the wrists surrounded by insects.

It is now. There was a very weird scene on the wrist.

The corpse opened his mouth and bite the wrist, but he couldn’t bite it. He couldn’t bite it. He was lying on the wrist and three layers outside the three layers, but he couldn’t get in. However, there are still many corpses flying along the wrists of Xiaozhang. The ground climbed over to the body of Xiaozhang.

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu refines the blood of Kang Kang, and possesses some blood skills of Dangkang.

Among them, there is a rebound in the signature skills of Kang.

The corpse worm's mouth bite chapter was judged to be able to rebound by Xiao Zhang's blood pulse skills.

Then the bite action of the corpse is inexplicably bitten.

If you can't bite it, you can't tear the leather armor of the small chapter, and the poison is good. If you are chilly or chilly, you will not be able to get a small chapter. ╪┞┠.([.c[o?m(

Now the corpse is not allowed to be himself, and Xiao Zhang’s big twinkling eyes flashed a disgusting expression. But still shaking his cute little head and leaping forward.

With the leap of the small chapter, a huge, a group of soft meat suddenly filled the passage of the ancient tomb.

A pair of soft meat eyes against Sun Hao, Gaia and the fire, bowed, and then closed. In the gods, he shouted: "Boss, big sister, look at my thorns..."

Among the ancient tomb passages, a huge mass of meat, a mass of meat weighing 10 million pounds began to roll forward.

Puff puff……

At the bottom of the tomb, below the rolling meat mass, a corpse was smashed and squeezed out a stinky sap.

In the knowledge of the gods, the voice of the small bag came out: "Nausea, disgusting, really disgusting and dead."

A little chapter is a little bit, one inch inch rolls forward, and when it rolls over, the corpse is crushed by a single pressure.

The tomb passage was completely stopped by the small chapter, and the corpse was completely crushed.

The corpse is resistant to fighting, but it is really not resistant to pure physical stress. Under heavy pressure, a corpse, a thick juice, is squeezed out like a squeezed tube, but it is again Can't do evil.

Of course, rolling out from the corpse of gravy, Xiao Zhang’s nausea is hard to avoid.

Fortunately, the leather armor of Xiaozhang is not weak, the level is strong, and the thorns rebounding ability can make the corpse unable to penetrate into the body. Otherwise, it is impossible to deal with a large number of corpses.

Among the ancient female tombs, I don’t know how many corpses have accumulated, and a wave of corpses rushed over.

The movement of the small chapter rolling forward slowed down, and it took a few feet to get out of the way, which formed a stalemate with the impact of the corpse army.

Then, actually, the life was rolled back by the corpse army.

In the knowledge of God, Xiao Zhang said a little in a hurry and said: "Boss, big sister, don't look at the excitement, help roll."

Sun Hao laughed dumbly and said to Gaia in the air: "Let everyone roll together."

Gaia looked at the big meat dumplings in front and nodded intently. Four hoofs waved and a whirlwind blew past.

Sun Hao made a big step and stepped forward. He came to the bottom of the big meat group and stretched his palms to support the meat.

Above the palms, the spirit is strong.

Shocked by insects, Xiaozhang Bao Ketu, who could not stand the pile, felt that he was leaning against a solid wall. He couldn’t help but say: "Okay, the boss is so powerful."

Then, Gaia's whirlwind blew over.

Sun Hao’s mouth screamed: “嗨”, the golden palm of the two palms flashed, the horse stepped, the body of the real dragon, pushing the meat mass in front, with the help of Gaia’s wind, began to promote the small chapter Go forward.

Under the impetus of Sun Hao and Gaia, the huge meat group rolled forward.

The pressure in front is unprecedentedly large. Within the passage of the ancient tomb, I don’t know how many corpses are hidden.

More importantly, the ancient tombs extend in all directions. This passage will not work. Will the corpses be bypassed from other channels?

Therefore, Sun Hao and Gaia did not stop for a moment, pushing the meat dumplings, rolling forward faster and faster, and quickly rolled over.

And where they rolled, the corpse exploded only on the ground.

The thick juice, on the ground, became a stinking yellow corpse, making people sick and sick.

The true female tombs extend in all directions, and after the corpse is forcibly rolled over, the corpses in the back see the situation is wrong, and have been rushed back and scattered.

Sun Hao and Gaia also promoted the body of Xiao Zhang regardless of the three seven twenty-one, rolling in and out of the ancient tomb, rolling, and advancing forward.

All the way through, no one can survive.

In the burial of the sky, in the depths of the tomb, one person and one tiger roll the ball.

The small fire also turned into a body-like appearance, standing on Sun Hao's shoulder, waving a pair of small claws, as if cheering for the three cheering balls.

The corpses in the ancient tomb are massive.

The ball of meat has been rolling around, and it lasted for a few days and nights. The packet was stunned and turned, and it was already a big sleep, but Sun Hao and Gaia were still pushing his body to keep rolling forward.

Sometimes, even a scene will appear.

Sun Hao and Gaia pushed the small chapter bag forward, and the corpse worms fled in the front, but behind them, the black smashed corpse chased and rolled, and the meat ball passed through different tomb passages. Catch up with the corpse battalion that is chasing them.

So the front of the corpse is chasing Sun Hao and Gaia, but the corpse behind the team is being crushed by Sun Hao and Gaia.

All the way through, the real female tomb, a stinking, thick corpse water enough to drown Sun Hao's ankle, Sun Hao striding forward while pushing the bag forward, the corpse splashed, feeling very disgusting .

The small fire on the shoulder of Sun Hao made vomiting more than once.

But this is the case in the monk world.

On the way forward, everything will be met.

What kind of possibilities will be born.

The corpse is not good to deal with especially the corpse inside the real female tomb is more difficult, if it is not the special skills of the bag, if it is not the special weight of the bag, Sun Hao and Gaia estimate It has already started to have a headache.

Even with a bag.

Sun Hao and Gaia still push the meat mountain in the dark tombs for more than ten days, more than ten days of continuous rolling, this makes the number of corpses control to the extent that they are harmless to the two.

The funeral sky is really worthy of the name.

This is the first stop. The two have already felt very strenuous. They just don’t know how the monks in all other directions are fighting.

There is also the external list of the sky, what will happen to the points?

I don't know if I will break the real female tomb and the corpse, and I will give them some points.

After killing a massive corpse, you won't get a few points. (To be continued.)



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