Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Demon Mountain

The small fire got a small treasure fan.

Qingyun battle boat jumped for a while.

Of course, the small fire is actually very good, and will not hold the fan fan everywhere.

Therefore, a small fire usually chases a small fan.

The small chapter is slippery, and the small fire is not fanned.

Originally, the Qingyun monks who were busy watching the tricks found their sadness.

Good guys, small, not particularly large fans, small, seemingly clever and harmless fire, the combination of the two, actually caused a lot of trouble for the Qingyun battle boat.

From time to time, there was a burst of blue smoke on the deck.

Needless to ask, the little fire-breathing dog, who was an agarwood adult, accidentally fanned the fan to the deck.

There was a pothole on the deck, and everyone needed to quickly repair the array and focus on the real thing.

What makes everyone laugh is that the small octopus is obviously chased by four feet and fluttering, hurriedly fleeing, obviously unable to withstand the anger of Xiaobao fan, but this guy is a character who is not afraid of death, every time he burns to death, he disappears, no After half a day, he will appear on the deck and provoke a small fire rat to start being chased.

The move of Xiao Zhang is no different from finding a cure.

However, Sun Hao, who knows the inside story, gradually became obsessed with the Xiaozhang Bao Ketu and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Although the small chapter can survive the waters, but in any case, it can not cover the fact that he is a aquatic beast.

Therefore, after meeting the Yangbao fan, Xiaozhang suddenly found himself being restrained by the fire.

In other words, Xiao Zhang found that he has a lot of shortcomings, and his ability to resist fire and yang is very inadequate.

Then, Xiao Zhang was thrown into the lake by Sun Hao, and after recovering, Xiao Zhang Bao Ketu was so painful. I decided to take this opportunity to thoroughly practice my own fire resistance.

How to practice? Naturally, let the small fire take the treasure fan and fan yourself, squatting on your own, and I will get used to it later.

It used to be in the ancient islands. Xiao Zhang discovered that after Kang Kangshen’s blood, the kind of persistent self-improvement of his own persistence appeared again.

For your own evolution. For his own progress, Xiao Zhang fights.

As a result, there was a scene in the Qingyun battleship that appeared once and again, not afraid to provoke a small fire.

The small fire understood the intent of Xiao Zhang, and did not say it. Fans to Yangbao fans greeted them with impunity.

However, what Wu Xiaozhang didn't think was that they had such a tacit understanding of the fire resistance of the small chapter, but it was another misunderstanding.

The dark blue kitten was happy to see a chapter of the rat. Also eager to try, actually did not know how to join the game. Although the kitten is small, the movement is very agile.

A small fire fanned out, there was no small bag in the middle, and the dark blue kitten flew in front of the small bag. Good guy, suddenly, the tingling hair on the dark blue is scorched.

The dark blue whimpered, and fell on the deck with a wolverine, a dark blue fur. There was a burnt mark of the size of a copper coin, and the fur rolled up.

Xiaohuo and Xiaozhang were shocked by his actions.

But immediately, the small chapter turned a pair of big eyes beads. Waving eight feet, slap on the palm, looks like a compliment in dark blue.

The original dark blue was burned and a little scared.

However, Xiao Zhang praised, suddenly there was a sense of excitement recognized by the little friends, hit a few rolls on the deck, and then looked at the fire with a good look, seemingly said: "Come on. Come, burn me. Burn me, let's play the game."

The excitement of the dark blue did not find that the waving of the eight-legged chapter on the side seemed to be gloating, and had already laughed and leaned forward.

The small fire turned his eyes, not with the deep blue, and Hula fanned over.

Dark blue is like a small chapter to fly and hide.

With a bang, the small fire fan was in the deck.

Two small claws squinted at each other, seemingly secretly looked at Sun Hao's room, and then squatted around, as if no one was paying attention to himself, the small fire grabbed the fan again, and screamed to Xiaozhang...

When the three little guys ran away, a Qingyunmen monk shook his head and ran over with a look of helplessness, began to repair, and injected the real yuan.

The three spirits of Shen Xiang adults look very harmless, but they have revealed many abnormalities.

The harmless little fire rat, which looks like a small fan, adds up to the horrible destructive power of the two, and can directly break the protective array on the deck of the Qingyun battle boat.

Although Qingyun Battle Boat has no ability to fully open, but such a defense, few Qingyunmen Zhuji monks can do such general damage, showing the power of the little mouse.

But even more ridiculous is that it can break the fan of the Qingyun battle boat deck defense method, but can not make small octopus and small wild cats.

The two guys were chased by the boat, but they survived.

Especially the funny kitten, the cute fur of the whole body, the dark blue, has been rolled up, but he is still happy and happy to play.

Typical masochistic.

After a few months, the battle boat passed through a patch of land and passed through thousands of miles. On this day, the speed of the front-running boat was slightly reduced.

On the other three battleships, Yuan Yingzheng Jun appeared in the boat and stood in front of the boat.

In front, it is a mountain that towers into the sky.

The mountain is like a dragon walking between the clouds.

The blossoming white clouds, entwined on the mountain, turned into a fierce and fierce beast. When it was quiet, there seemed to be a beast in the movement.

With the knowledge of Jindan's real people, sweeping away, the mountains and white clouds seem to be hidden in a fog, making people unable to see their original appearance.

After the battle, the boat fell slightly, slowly leaning against the mountains, the heroes, and the golden light.

A pair of enemies like the enemy.

"This is the demon mountain", Xuanyuan Yaqin's face is condensed, and gently said to the Jin Hao monks such as Sun Hao and others: "It is the area of ​​the demon temple, and it is also a must for our southern continent to go to the funeral market. Hope This time, don’t want to make extra branches.”

The demon temple.

Sun Hao’s gaze could not help but shrink slightly, looking at the mountains and white clouds in front, as well as the running beasts of Baiyun’s illusion.

The demon temple is one of the real hegemonic gates of the mainland. It has the qualification to directly talk to the Heavenly Palace. Moreover, the position is closer to the Pluto, but it is not so good.

The snowy returning boat is close to the demon mountain.

Suddenly, Qinglong Mountain seemed to suddenly wake up from sleep and moved.

"Gang Ang", the sound of thundering sounds from the mountains.

Then, the beasts roared like thunder.

The mountains have been echoing for a long time.

The high clouds are deflated, and the thick ground is accompanied by sound; the beasts are white and the mountains are demon.

Above the mountains, between the white clouds, there is a burst of turbulent weather, and the majestic behemoths are looming, and they are watching the battle.

On the hero, the golden light is great.

The dust-stricken man said with aloud: "You friends, the Southern Continent receives the heroes, and goes to the funeral market, but please raise your hands."

"Returning to the dust", among the white clouds, some people speak loudly, and the voice is like a thunder. The language contains disdain: "I don't want to eat the temple of the demon temple. I don't really think that the Tiangong is the first force in the mainland. Blessing, provoked me, waited, disciplined and swallowed your canoe..."

Returning to the dust and dust on the chest, there is a slight smile on the chest. "You friends, the trip to the Tianzheng is the conclusion of the consultation between the two palaces and the three halls, but it is impossible to make mistakes. I went to the dust, missed today, and I was waiting for a drive."

A quiet moment between the green clouds and the white clouds.

Then, a female voice whispered: "Original, letting you go in the past is not indispensable. We can also give a face to the friends of the Southland, but unfortunately, I recently encountered a thief in the demon mountain, lost some important. Baby, but no matter what the past, the battle boat has to check one or two, or else, huh, huh..."

Going back to the dust brows slightly wrinkled.

Xuanyuan Yaqin also whispered: "Trouble, it seems that we can't go out of blood."

Returning to the dust is also good ~ ~ Xuanyuan Yaqin, will not think that the demon mountain will really be a thief, but the demon **** said so, its intention is no doubt is to rip off.

However, when Sun Hao heard this, he looked at it and jumped back from the deck. He plunged into the spirit bag and found a small head. He stared nervously at the dark blue of the kitten in front, and suddenly he felt very bad.

It won't be, the dark blue kitten saved by the small fire is what a daring thief!

If it is, it is really a problem, big problem.

This demon mountain is afraid of being too bad.

In front, the dusty people slowly floated up and said in a loud voice: "You, friends, if you do, please make a detour, and then go to the dust."

On the mountain of the demon god, there are a lot of demons, it is difficult to resist, but the battle boat represents the face of the Southland, the hero symbol represents the dignity of the Temple of Heaven, but at this time it is not allowed to retreat. (To be continued.)



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