Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Zhiyangbao fan

In the South China's right-wing team battle, Jin Dan's ranking battle was settled.

Sun Hao won the first four, and the Qingyun battle boat stayed in the same field and began to prepare for the burial of the market.

Stayed together, there are Wanjian battle boat, Qitian battle boat.

Together, there are three Zongmen monks above the battle boat.

Zongmen has Jindan's qualification to be buried in the Tianxu Market. It also represents the qualification of the Zongmen monk to travel to the Central Continent to observe the Heavenly Market.

It is more than two years since the funeral was opened.

But it’s only a month away from everyone’s departure.

The so-called preparation for war is just to listen to the dust-off people to explain some of the battlefield precautions, to explain some basic information, and then, is the time to hurry.

The vastness of the mainland, with the ability of the war boat, also takes more than a year to pass through thousands of mountains and waters, to the place where the funeral sky is located.

The ruins of the sky, buried the ruins of the blue sky.

According to legend, the burial of the heavenly market is deeply hidden in the void, but it is a special space.

The space is vast, like a small world that is closely related to the mainland.

The two strongest sects on the mainland, the Zhengdao Temple, and the Temple of the Magic, each have their own entrance to the ruins.

Every time the funeral is opened.

The Tiangong Guangfa heroes gather together the elite of the right way.

The Temple of the Pluto also issued the "Pluto Stick" and called the Magic Road.

The two sides of the Tao will gather at the entrance of the Tianxu and join in.

At that time, it is the real grand event of the mainland. The mainland's heroes, the outstanding figures of the Taoist and the magical, gather together and compete on the same stage to show the heroic attitude.

And to witness such a grand meeting, every monk who can participate in such a grand event will benefit a lot and the eyes will widen.

of course. The funeral sky market is not a casual cat and dog can participate.

At the last funeral event, Qingyunmen regretted that no monk had entered the top five and was absent from the event.

But this time, Shen Xiang’s real rise, Qingyunmen got the opportunity.

When Sun Hao returned to Qingyun, the whole battle boat was bursting with cheers. Under the leadership of Xuanyuan Yaqin, all the monks are Qi Qi to Sun Hao: "Congratulations to Shen Xiangzhen, He Xi Shen Xiang real people."

Sun Hao’s face was smiling, his arms were slightly arched, and he returned with a smile. He said with a smile: “Everyone is free from the same class.

Then, Sun Hao looked at Xuanyuan Yaqin and said slightly: "The grace of Master's teaching, the disciple is used for life, and there is no reason to report, but he hopes that he will not let Master disappoint."

Xuanyuan Yaqin opened his eyes and smiled: "Agarwood is so good, there is Shenxiang so a disciple. Master has light on his face, fast and fast, agarwood, we are advanced to the battle boat. Discuss how to promote a little strength in a short time, and strive to be buried in the sky market. Can have more gains..."

In a month, there was a lot of disturbance and it passed quickly.

In the roar of the ear, the Wan Xiu worship.

One, Qitian, Wanjian, Qingyun.

The four warships slowly lifted off, and the snow-white returning to the first boat was followed by Qi Tian, ​​Wan Jian and Qing Yun. Get out of the air, penetrate the clouds, and go empty.

Return to the field. More than 100,000 monks worshiped the land.

I wish the adults a happy return and a high-pitched voice.

As the battle boat goes further and further, it becomes a small black spot.

With the blessings of the monks. With the envy and expectation of the monks, they will go to the boundless void, challenge, explore, and participate in the grand gathering of mainland monks.

The battle boat is far away.

Within one field, all the monks who watched the battle boat excitedly looked forward to it and almost thought of it at the same time: "I don't know the five real people. There are several people who can come back. There are several people who can break the funeral and retreat. , Enron returns?"

The battleship broke through the clouds, crossed the clouds, crossed the mountains, flew across the plains, and traveled all the way.

Above the Qingyun deck, a monk stood on the head of the boat, blew the flute, and the monk sang and sang.

The song echoed on the battle boat for a long time.

Thousands of mountains and waters, countless nights, waiting for a round of bright moon, the edge of the dream, the wind can not be extinguished, never tired.

Be prepared, this time, never retreat after the start, a thunder on the ground.

Dreams bring tears, salty sweat.

The South is innocent, the first is who, let us pursue perfection.


The four-party heroes gathered at the Tianshui Market.

The event is unprecedented.

However, the ability of the battle boat to vacate, it is necessary to continue to fly for more than a year.

Even if it is perennial cultivation, there is no time concept for the monks, there is a sense of vicissitudes away from homeland, there is a sense of fear facing the unknown, above the war boat, the monk sings and sings, can not help but think of the theory of Aquilaria Fairy.

A faint sorrow rushed into my heart.

Many monks stood on the head of the boat and looked at the direction of Qingyunmen. They could not help but drop their tears.

The courtyard of the small courtyard, the dream to find it is not long; thousands of mountains and waters, Wang Zhi does not know where is the hometown.

How can you not be sad?

Before the snowy return to the battle, the heroes were hanging high and always faintly shining.

With the heroic character, it is possible for the southern battleship to break through special areas before it is qualified to be able to go to the burial of the market.

Otherwise, the war boat could not walk out of the South Chinaland and could only be partial on the South China.

The heroes of the heroes represent the top strength of the mainland, the will of the two palaces and the three halls. Naturally, they will be relieved all the time. Otherwise, within a year, it is impossible for the warship to get buried in the market.

The heroes are guided by the light, and the battle boat passes through the Qingyun Gate, passes through the Wan Jianzong, and passes through the Qi Tianzong... Every time, the fireworks are full of fireworks.

Pray for the heroes of the Southland to win.

The heroes are guided by the light, and the battle boat passes through a thunderstorm.

Among the thunderclouds, even the warships had to be fully opened and slowed down.

The heroes are guided by the light, and the battle boat passes through the sea.

Crossed the South Sea.

Among the sea, there are faint sea animals, and huge islands are looming.

Although it is a past, the dangers contained in it have made the monarchs fearful.

Time flies in the battle boat, and it passes by.

Sun Hao also often stepped on the head of the boat and experienced the thousands of mountains and rivers in the mainland.

Every time he appears, his left and right shoulders will stand with a small fire and a small chapter.

One left and one right, the two elves are also in general with Sun Hao, looking at the mountains below, full of delicious colors.

Behind Sun Hao, he will often follow a dark blue kitten with gem-like eyes.

Sun Hao and Xiao Huo Xiaozhang stood on the deck to see the scenery, and the kittens stood behind them and looked at them. It seems that Sun Hao, who stood with a kitten on his shoulder, is a beautiful scenery.

The kitten is extremely timid. As long as the fire is not around, it is seriously insecure. I always think that it can be inseparable from the small fire.

However, the small fire often likes to stick to Sun Hao.

So the dark blue kitten often changed his way and smashed gifts, trying to touch the fire.

But in a small fire, nothing is as important as following Sun Hao. What kind of gifts can't catch up with Sun Hao's smile.

Therefore, the dark blue kitten is very disappointed and disappointed. Of course, the gifts that are thrown out are more and more precious and more and more high-end.

Sun Hao has been amazed.

Xiaohuo did not know where to save such a wonderful kitten, a local tyrant, and a little stupid, I do not know how its parents dare to let it out.

If you meet Sun Hao, if you meet a little sultry guy, you might have been stewed.

Boat trip for two months.

Once again, Sun Hao stood on the deck and overlooked the mountain river below.

The dark blue kitten followed, watching the little fire on Sun Hao's shoulders screaming.

The fire did not pay attention to it.

It looked at Sun Hao’s eyes and was wrapped up in bad feelings. He felt that Sun Hao’s existence seriously affected his position in the small fire.

If it is not too much difference in strength, I have to be willing to fight with Sun Hao to kill you.

A strange cat that is regarded as a protector and who is also very dissatisfied with the owner of the mouse, Sun Hao laughs in his heart and feels a sense of joy.

Behind him, watching Sun Hao’s smile, the dark blue kitten’s eyes turned like a revealing expression. As soon as he lifted his claws, he grasped a fan with a palm-sized size.

The small fan is small and exquisite. Shaped like a red banana, it looks like a flame burning on it.

The small fan just appeared, and Sun Hao immediately noticed its peculiarities.

The small fan appeared, and the temperature above the entire battleship seemed to have increased a lot. Standing near the fan, Sun Hao actually had a feeling of being burned.

This is a side to Yangbao fan.

Sun Hao can feel the fan's to the yang.

Moreover, the fan itself is natural and there is no sign of refining, it is likely to be born.

Very strange things, the power must not be weak.

I did not expect that the dark blue kittens not only have some strange natural treasures actually there is something that can be used directly as a magic weapon.

Sun Hao felt that he had to look at the dark blue kitten.

Sun Hao shoulders, a small fire and a pair of slick eyes turned a few times.

It is a little bit moving.

She can feel that the small fan matches her own attributes and helps her practice.

Just, take the small head and smash the neck of Sun Hao, the small fire calmed down again, and the magic weapon is no better than the brother.

The dark blue kitten was a little discouraged, his paws moving, and he was ready to put away the small fan.

Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and his heart said to the small fire: “Let him be slow, I have something to say.”

The small fire heard the words waving to the dark blue kitten.

The dark blue kitten looked at Sun Hao with a look of surprise. (To be continued~^~)

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